forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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@HighPockets group

Okay question
What the heck is a "skinny class"?

Well, my school does a block schedule (which is 4 classes) instead of a regular one (usually 6 or more) and a skinny is when you have more than 4 classes so you take one of them every other day (for example, I'm skinnying honors literature and advanced orchestra so I take orchestra every other day)

Oh, that's interesting! I have block scheduling too, but we don't call it that. We just rotate each day what classes we have.

@The-Magician group

I’m not defending Miriam, however none of us are ever really going to understand exactly what she is going through, no matter what she tells us.
No one experiences things the same, so saying you understand what someone is going through isn’t entirely correct, you’ve just experienced something similar.

Deleted user

Okay, I usually sit back and just let these arguments happen, but Miriam, you need to stop.

Stop… responding to posts… directed at me…

We're legitimately trying to help you, saying that we do understand, and you're being so fucking rude.

Because .111111% of you have actually been in the situation I'm in

We all have problems here. There's a reason we're on the venting chat.

Yet I'm the invalidating one

You invalidating everyone else's problems and generally being rude and causing drama while you won't even tell us what's going on so we can fucking help isn't fucking helping, okay?

I'm sorry for not wanting to talk about it??????

People are telling you to chill because while you may be having a bad day, you don't have to take it out on us, because now we're all having a bad day.

I'm not taking it out on you. Have you ever thought that people like you are one of the causes of everything??? Because you are.

Deleted user

sitting here blaming everyone for your shit day and your shit mood isn’t going to get you anywhere.

If we’re causing you your problems, get the fuck off of the site and go do something else.

@HighPockets group

sitting here blaming everyone for your shit day and your shit mood isn’t going to get you anywhere.

If we’re causing you your problems, get the fuck off of the site and go do something else.

Deleted user

sitting here blaming everyone for your shit day and your shit mood isn’t going to get you anywhere.

If we’re causing you your problems, get the fuck off of the site and go do something else.

You're honestly such a bitch it makes me laugh

Deleted user

sitting here blaming everyone for your shit day and your shit mood isn’t going to get you anywhere.

If we’re causing you your problems, get the fuck off of the site and go do something else.

You're honestly such a bitch it makes me laugh

haha funny joke you hypocrite


sitting here blaming everyone for your shit day and your shit mood isn’t going to get you anywhere.

If we’re causing you your problems, get the fuck off of the site and go do something else.

You're honestly such a bitch it makes me laugh

Okay, you're acting really out-of-pocket. That wasn't necessary

Deleted user

Okay, you know what? Y'all are fucking right. Tomorrow I'll delete my account and you won't have to deal with me anymore. Have fun on your toxic site. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) has spent so much time on this site, and look what's happened.


For the most part, the people trying to help aren't the ones making the site 'toxic', which is what the rest of us call 'actually getting consequences for being a jerk', but okay

@HighPockets group

For the most part, the people trying to help aren't the ones making the site 'toxic', which is what the rest of us call 'actually getting consequences for being a jerk', but okay


Deleted user

For the most part, the people trying to help aren't the ones making the site 'toxic', which is what the rest of us call 'actually getting consequences for being a jerk', but okay


I'm so done with you all


I know I don't understand, and I probably never will.
But I want to understand as much as I can
I want to know what's wrong
I want to help you…
You mean so much to me and it really hurts to see you like this…
if you can't tell us, at least just take a moment to breathe…

Deleted user

I know I don't understand, and I probably never will.
But I want to understand as much as I can
I want to know what's wrong
I want to help you…
You mean so much to me and it really hurts to see you like this…
if you can't tell us, at least just take a moment to breathe…

i fucking hate everyone. I can't think of a single time I haven't been invalidated or insulted here. But for the second time, my account will be gone by morning. don't worry about it.

@saor_illust school

I know I don't understand, and I probably never will.
But I want to understand as much as I can
I want to know what's wrong
I want to help you…
You mean so much to me and it really hurts to see you like this…
if you can't tell us, at least just take a moment to breathe…


I don't fully understand exactly what's happened in the hour that I was gone, but what I do know is that I don't want everyone to start fighting because of one small argument.

Deleted user

Miriam, there's got to be someone on here you can still talk to. Please, PM them. I know for a fact no one on here would ming.

there's not