forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

And I hadn't seen Miri's newest post. That made today even worse.

wow thanks

Deleted user

Aaaaand she proved Moxie 100% right.

this is exactly why you annoy the absolute shit out of me

Deleted user

yummy placing blame on other people

Can you shut up??? For once?? You are honestly one of the most toxic people here and I'm sick of it. Do not respond to any of my posts anymore.



Hi Banana! It's been a while since I've seen you around.

Lol yeah. My honors classes, AP classes, and internship has been robbing me of my time as well as my sims

Deleted user

And I hadn't seen Miri's newest post. That made today even worse.

wow thanks

I didn't mean it like that, Mir. I still care about you a lot, don't you ever forget that. I'm always here to talk if you need it

Can I ask you to call me by my real name

@Pickles group


Hi Banana! It's been a while since I've seen you around.

Lol yeah. My honors classes, AP classes, and internship has been robbing me of my time as well as my sims

Laughs in one honors class and two study halls

@HighPockets group

Miriam. Log off and take a break. You're clearly in a bad spot right now and you're doing nothing but hurting the people around you. Read a book, take a bath, go for a walk, or sleep. Just do something to destress and then come back when you're ready.

@HighPockets group


Hi Banana! It's been a while since I've seen you around.

Lol yeah. My honors classes, AP classes, and internship has been robbing me of my time as well as my sims

Laughs in one honors class and two study halls

Oof, I have finals next week and a ton of late work to do lol


And I hadn't seen Miri's newest post. That made today even worse.

wow thanks

I didn't mean it like that, Mir. I still care about you a lot, don't you ever forget that. I'm always here to talk if you need it

Can I ask you to call me by my real name

If you mean Miriam then I will.

Deleted user

Miriam. Log off and take a break. You're clearly in a bad spot right now and you're doing nothing but hurting the people around you. Read a book, take a bath, go for a walk, or sleep. Just do something to destress and then come back when you're ready.

please stop acting like you understand any of this
and stop attempting to make me 'CaLm DoWn.' This is the most I've felt like myself in a while.



Hi Banana! It's been a while since I've seen you around.

Lol yeah. My honors classes, AP classes, and internship has been robbing me of my time as well as my sims

Laughs in one honors class and two study halls

Oof, I have finals next week and a ton of late work to do lol

Oof, I have finals this week.



Hi Banana! It's been a while since I've seen you around.

Lol yeah. My honors classes, AP classes, and internship has been robbing me of my time as well as my sims

Laughs in one honors class and two study halls

Oof, I have finals next week and a ton of late work to do lol

Already?? Isn't semester 2 just starting??? (or is it different where you're from)

@Moxie group

Miriam. Log off and take a break. You're clearly in a bad spot right now and you're doing nothing but hurting the people around you. Read a book, take a bath, go for a walk, or sleep. Just do something to destress and then come back when you're ready.

please stop acting like you understand any of this
and stop attempting to make me 'CaLm DoWn.' This is the most I've felt like myself in a while.


Miriam. Log off and take a break. You're clearly in a bad spot right now and you're doing nothing but hurting the people around you. Read a book, take a bath, go for a walk, or sleep. Just do something to destress and then come back when you're ready.

please stop acting like you understand any of this
and stop attempting to make me 'CaLm DoWn.' This is the most I've felt like myself in a while.

We're asking you to do these things because not only will it be good for the community, it will be good for you. I don't understand what's going on at all actually. None of us really can until you tell us what's up and what's going to help you get better.

@Pickles group

I feel like it's always my fault also I keep being sad and then getting mad at myself because I know full well I have no right to be this sad-


I feel like it's always my fault also I keep being sad and then getting mad at myself because I know full well I have no right to be this sad-

Pickles, you always have the right to be sad. While it sucks, sometimes we need to be. It's also not your fault at all. These things are always bound to happen with such a large and diverse community like this and you really just can't blame yourself.

@HighPockets group

Miriam. Log off and take a break. You're clearly in a bad spot right now and you're doing nothing but hurting the people around you. Read a book, take a bath, go for a walk, or sleep. Just do something to destress and then come back when you're ready.

please stop acting like you understand any of this
and stop attempting to make me 'CaLm DoWn.' This is the most I've felt like myself in a while.

Let me tell you something.
I've been dealing with mental illness since I was in the eighth grade. I've had as many highs and lows are you, the difference is that I don't announce them. I am trying to help you because I do understand what you're going through, I've been going through it for two and a half years. When you don't take time to destress, it leads to mistakes and things you will regret. Just take my advice on this without loosing it, and try to calm yourself down.
It's hard, but it's worth it. If you don't find ways to help yourself, people will get tired of having to help you. It's emotionally draining to carry other people while trying to carry yourself as well.
I'm telling you this because even though you sometimes annoy me, I do care about you and I want to see you be happy. This isn't happiness, and you're harming yourself and everyone around you by carrying on like this. Take a break, relax, destress, and come back. There was a time in 2019 where I genuinely couldn't see a future where I survived high school, and that's a situation I wouldn't wish on anyone. Just breathe.