forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

I feel like it's always my fault also I keep being sad and then getting mad at myself because I know full well I have no right to be this sad-

Pickles, you always have the right to be sad. While it sucks, sometimes we need to be. It's also not your fault at all. These things are always bound to happen with such a large and diverse community like this and you really just can't blame yourself.

no the second part is about something else entirely and I feel like I'm just using it as an excuse to be sad. But I appreciate it <3

@HighPockets group


Hi Banana! It's been a while since I've seen you around.

Lol yeah. My honors classes, AP classes, and internship has been robbing me of my time as well as my sims

Laughs in one honors class and two study halls

Oof, I have finals next week and a ton of late work to do lol

Already?? Isn't semester 2 just starting??? (or is it different where you're from)

We have our Semester 1 finals in January

@Pickles group


Hi Banana! It's been a while since I've seen you around.

Lol yeah. My honors classes, AP classes, and internship has been robbing me of my time as well as my sims

Laughs in one honors class and two study halls

Oof, I have finals next week and a ton of late work to do lol

Already?? Isn't semester 2 just starting??? (or is it different where you're from)

We have our Semester 1 finals in January

Wisco schools are weird

@HighPockets group


Hi Banana! It's been a while since I've seen you around.

Lol yeah. My honors classes, AP classes, and internship has been robbing me of my time as well as my sims

Laughs in one honors class and two study halls

Oof, I have finals next week and a ton of late work to do lol

Already?? Isn't semester 2 just starting??? (or is it different where you're from)

We have our Semester 1 finals in January

Wisco schools are weird

Yep. Semester 2 starts in 2 weeks. Finals week is 3 days with 3 tests each day, except for the third day which has 2.
Last year it snowed so much that the final day of finals was postponed for a week.
We had an honest-to-God week of snow days and cold days.

Deleted user

Miriam. Log off and take a break. You're clearly in a bad spot right now and you're doing nothing but hurting the people around you. Read a book, take a bath, go for a walk, or sleep. Just do something to destress and then come back when you're ready.

please stop acting like you understand any of this
and stop attempting to make me 'CaLm DoWn.' This is the most I've felt like myself in a while.

We're asking you to do these things because not only will it be good for the community, it will be good for you. I don't understand what's going on at all actually. None of us really can until you tell us what's up and what's going to help you get better.

Of course you don't understand lmao

Deleted user

Miriam. Log off and take a break. You're clearly in a bad spot right now and you're doing nothing but hurting the people around you. Read a book, take a bath, go for a walk, or sleep. Just do something to destress and then come back when you're ready.

please stop acting like you understand any of this
and stop attempting to make me 'CaLm DoWn.' This is the most I've felt like myself in a while.

Let me tell you something.
I've been dealing with mental illness since I was in the eighth grade. I've had as many highs and lows are you, the difference is that I don't announce them. I am trying to help you because I do understand what you're going through, I've been going through it for two and a half years. When you don't take time to destress, it leads to mistakes and things you will regret. Just take my advice on this without loosing it, and try to calm yourself down.
It's hard, but it's worth it. If you don't find ways to help yourself, people will get tired of having to help you. It's emotionally draining to carry other people while trying to carry yourself as well.
I'm telling you this because even though you sometimes annoy me, I do care about you and I want to see you be happy. This isn't happiness, and you're harming yourself and everyone around you by carrying on like this. Take a break, relax, destress, and come back. There was a time in 2019 where I genuinely couldn't see a future where I survived high school, and that's a situation I wouldn't wish on anyone. Just breathe.

You are further confirming you understand none of this

@Pickles group


Hi Banana! It's been a while since I've seen you around.

Lol yeah. My honors classes, AP classes, and internship has been robbing me of my time as well as my sims

Laughs in one honors class and two study halls

Oof, I have finals next week and a ton of late work to do lol

Already?? Isn't semester 2 just starting??? (or is it different where you're from)

We have our Semester 1 finals in January

Wisco schools are weird

Yep. Semester 2 starts in 2 weeks. Finals week is 3 days with 3 tests each day, except for the third day which has 2.
Last year it snowed so much that the final day of finals was postponed for a week.
We had an honest-to-God week of snow days and cold days.

Cue Dumbledore cancelling exams for the 1037942th time

@HighPockets group

Miriam, I did my best to help you, but you clearly are refusing to see beyond your blinders.
I suggest you log off before you say something that you regret.
I pity you, I truly do.

@The-Magician group

I’m not defending Miriam, however none of us are ever really going to understand exactly what she is going through, no matter what she tells us.
No one experiences things the same, so saying you understand what someone is going through isn’t entirely correct, you’ve just experienced something similar.

Deleted user

how the fresh hell does that make sense?

(I’m not able to quote what i am talking about so do just ignore me, for i am just a spectator)


Miriam. Log off and take a break. You're clearly in a bad spot right now and you're doing nothing but hurting the people around you. Read a book, take a bath, go for a walk, or sleep. Just do something to destress and then come back when you're ready.

please stop acting like you understand any of this
and stop attempting to make me 'CaLm DoWn.' This is the most I've felt like myself in a while.

We're asking you to do these things because not only will it be good for the community, it will be good for you. I don't understand what's going on at all actually. None of us really can until you tell us what's up and what's going to help you get better.

Of course you don't understand lmao

Actually, I probably understand more than you think. I have problems too. I just chose not to share because of personal reasons.

Deleted user

Miriam, I did my best to help you, but you clearly are refusing to see beyond your blinders.
I suggest you log off before you say something that you regret.
I pity you, I truly do.

what the hell is wrong with you



Hi Banana! It's been a while since I've seen you around.

Lol yeah. My honors classes, AP classes, and internship has been robbing me of my time as well as my sims

Laughs in one honors class and two study halls

Oof, I have finals next week and a ton of late work to do lol

Already?? Isn't semester 2 just starting??? (or is it different where you're from)

We have our Semester 1 finals in January

Wisco schools are weird

Yep. Semester 2 starts in 2 weeks. Finals week is 3 days with 3 tests each day, except for the third day which has 2.
Last year it snowed so much that the final day of finals was postponed for a week.
We had an honest-to-God week of snow days and cold days.

My school does finals according to which class is providing it (except for skinny classes which hold finals in semester 2)

Deleted user

Miriam. Log off and take a break. You're clearly in a bad spot right now and you're doing nothing but hurting the people around you. Read a book, take a bath, go for a walk, or sleep. Just do something to destress and then come back when you're ready.

please stop acting like you understand any of this
and stop attempting to make me 'CaLm DoWn.' This is the most I've felt like myself in a while.

We're asking you to do these things because not only will it be good for the community, it will be good for you. I don't understand what's going on at all actually. None of us really can until you tell us what's up and what's going to help you get better.

Of course you don't understand lmao

Actually, I probably understand more than you think. I have problems too. I just chose not to share because of personal reasons.

yeah, not these problems

@HighPockets group

Miriam, I did my best to help you, but you clearly are refusing to see beyond your blinders.
I suggest you log off before you say something that you regret.
I pity you, I truly do.

what the hell is wrong with you

I literally just explained it. You're stuck in a loop and need to get out of it.
Don't do what I've done; get a better life than I'll have; just try the advice I gave you so you have a chance.
I didn't.
I'll pay for not listening, I'm paying for it right with my grades and my future.
It's not too late for you.


Miriam. Log off and take a break. You're clearly in a bad spot right now and you're doing nothing but hurting the people around you. Read a book, take a bath, go for a walk, or sleep. Just do something to destress and then come back when you're ready.

please stop acting like you understand any of this
and stop attempting to make me 'CaLm DoWn.' This is the most I've felt like myself in a while.

We're asking you to do these things because not only will it be good for the community, it will be good for you. I don't understand what's going on at all actually. None of us really can until you tell us what's up and what's going to help you get better.

Of course you don't understand lmao

Actually, I probably understand more than you think. I have problems too. I just chose not to share because of personal reasons.

yeah, not these problems

Would you like sharing these problems? I can't say if I relate or not if I don't know what I'm trying to relate to.

Deleted user

Okay question
What the heck is a "skinny class"?

pretty sure it’s a class stuck between either after or before lunch? if you have lunch shifts it runs during

my school used to have one and it was after lunch to make the day last to 3:30


Okay question
What the heck is a "skinny class"?

Well, my school does a block schedule (which is 4 classes) instead of a regular one (usually 6 or more) and a skinny is when you have more than 4 classes so you take one of them every other day (for example, I'm skinnying honors literature and advanced orchestra so I take orchestra every other day)

@HighPockets group

Okay question
What the heck is a "skinny class"?

pretty sure it’s a class stuck between either after or before lunch? if you have lunch shifts it runs during

my school used to have one and it was after lunch to make the day last to 3:30

Or that. One of my classes is half before lunch and half after.


Okay, I usually sit back and just let these arguments happen, but Miriam, you need to stop. We're legitimately trying to help you, saying that we do understand, and you're being so fucking rude. We all have problems here. There's a reason we're on the venting chat. You invalidating everyone else's problems and generally being rude and causing drama while you won't even tell us what's going on so we can fucking help isn't fucking helping, okay? People are telling you to chill because while you may be having a bad day, you don't have to take it out on us, because now we're all having a bad day.

Deleted user

Miriam, I did my best to help you, but you clearly are refusing to see beyond your blinders.
I suggest you log off before you say something that you regret.
I pity you, I truly do.

what the hell is wrong with you

I literally just explained it. You're stuck in a loop and need to get out of it.
Don't do what I've done; get a better life than I'll have; just try the advice I gave you so you have a chance.
I didn't.
I'll pay for not listening, I'm paying for it right with my grades and my future.
It's not too late for you.
