forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


Thanks 🙏

ok so yesterday I got grounded.

Grounded, you say? At sixteen? You might ask yourself.

Yeah, I did and for reasons valid, so I’m not really upset with my parents for it. It’s more like a personal vendetta I’m having with myself. So since yesterday, I’ve basically been very disappointed with myself for what I did. It was a problem with communication, and I got in trouble for it, which was honestly the stupidest part of what I did.

Essentially, I went upstairs for the night and got stuck in drawing a wonderful picture Nate sent me, until I had realized I didn’t have dinner. I don’t eat breakfast and I had only had lunch. I was hungry when I went to bed (which was later than what I usually go to bed at).

This morning I woke up feeling like actual crap. Even my voice was still tired. I made myself breakfast but didn’t eat it, and I went to school to discover that Nate was absent. Which sucks. And I didn’t get a lot of hugs (I know that’s like, really, Emi, ehat the fuck are you talking about? But I live off of hugs).

so essentially all of these tell-tale signs of depression are sinking back in, lack of hunger, with spikes of intense eating, I barely worked at all or focused today, and I just felt awful. And still do.

thanks for listening

tomorrow, hopefully, I’ll be able to see my beacon of light and I’ll feel better, but right now I’m just

I’m focusing on the small things right now. Like I have to go get my laundry in about forty minutes.

Baby-steps are important when big steps seem impossible. In fact, as long as you're moving, even if it's a crawl, you're doing great. Don't be mad at yourself for whatever happened that got you grounded. Things don't always go according to plan, and the fact that you feel bad is a good sign that you understand your mistake and will learn from it, which is the most important thing. Take a step back and think to yourself "will this thing affect me a year, or even a month from now?" If not, then there's no reason to linger on it. Otherwise, I hope you feel better overall soon, and keep working on it. <3

@HighPockets group

My sense of humor has honestly been destroyed at this point, I spent 5 minutes this morning cackling because I thought "It's my party, I'll get murdered in the pool if I want to" at 4 am and thought it was the funniest thing ever.
It's a Gatsby reference btw

Deleted user

I cackled at—lol–stuff


My vent for today:

Adult Issues and Stuffs


Small vent:

First day of spring semester started out alright then got progressively worse

How worse? Well, I had to drive home in the dark, raining hard, with only one headlight and a buggy electrical system.

Yay to me not crashing, not yay to those poor saps stuck behind me only going 40 mph the whole time

@Althalosian-is-the-father book


Hi Banana! It's been a while since I've seen you around.

Lol yeah. My honors classes, AP classes, and internship has been robbing me of my time as well as my sims

Laughs in one honors class and two study halls

Oof, I have finals next week and a ton of late work to do lol

Oof, I have finals this week.

Oh that suuucks dude.

@HighPockets group

Also I love how different everyone's responses to the Body Builder were.
Ella: Yeah, I've seen better.
Eris: Finally, I can make the ideal man.
Emi: E L D R I C H A B O M I N A T I O N

Deleted user

me just trying to create me adonis even though hes sitting right next to me.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Mostly suffering, but ya know
It's the week before finals and I've got 3 tests, one unmovable F I'd rather not get into, a crap ton of missing work, and I need to learn CPR by Friday.
Don't be like me, my dudes. Go to school and don't let your brain win.

Oh yikes. I missed a test worth 130 points. No way in hell I can tell my parents. It was the highest scoring alignment.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Thanks 🙏

ok so yesterday I got grounded.

Grounded, you say? At sixteen? You might ask yourself.

Yeah, I did and for reasons valid, so I’m not really upset with my parents for it. It’s more like a personal vendetta I’m having with myself. So since yesterday, I’ve basically been very disappointed with myself for what I did. It was a problem with communication, and I got in trouble for it, which was honestly the stupidest part of what I did.

Essentially, I went upstairs for the night and got stuck in drawing a wonderful picture Nate sent me, until I had realized I didn’t have dinner. I don’t eat breakfast and I had only had lunch. I was hungry when I went to bed (which was later than what I usually go to bed at).

This morning I woke up feeling like actual crap. Even my voice was still tired. I made myself breakfast but didn’t eat it, and I went to school to discover that Nate was absent. Which sucks. And I didn’t get a lot of hugs (I know that’s like, really, Emi, ehat the fuck are you talking about? But I live off of hugs).

so essentially all of these tell-tale signs of depression are sinking back in, lack of hunger, with spikes of intense eating, I barely worked at all or focused today, and I just felt awful. And still do.

thanks for listening

tomorrow, hopefully, I’ll be able to see my beacon of light and I’ll feel better, but right now I’m just

I’m focusing on the small things right now. Like I have to go get my laundry in about forty minutes.

Good luck to you, Emi. I especially get the hugs business.