forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

@s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d there's nothing terrible wrong with you. When you are at a chemical high in your brain, it's really easy for your brain to crown like a forest fire and hop to something else. Thus, extreme happiness can turn to despair in a moment.

Deleted user

(I accidentally deleted my reply when I tried to fix my spelling errors god damnit.

@Reblod flag

I have to go back to Australia in a week. Part of me wants to go back but part of me wants to stay. Most of me wants to stay. Alas I have a plant waiting for me back home and I miss it

Deleted user

Let me tell you bout the story, all about how I hate my life and I’m done with it now. I’m spending this class playing Minecraft fuck this.

@saor_illust school

Before I address Dom's message I would like to thank Jay and Nie.

@s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d there's nothing terrible wrong with you. When you are at a chemical high in your brain, it's really easy for your brain to crown like a forest fire and hop to something else. Thus, extreme happiness can turn to despair in a moment.

Ahhhh this makes a lot more sense now.thanks.

I am happy to report that I am feeling loads better now after falling asleep sometime last night

Deleted user

I've needed to vent for a while, so glad I found this.

Honestly I'm sick of people expecting things from me because I make above average grades. I hate being told "I've got to be an example" just because I got birthed first. I hate people telling me to stop doing things that they turn around and do right after scolding me for them. I despise the state of the world I'm in, and I personally get frustrated with myself for not being able to change it, even though I know I can't.

That might make no sense but I feel better-ish now.

Deleted user

@s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d Honestly, right? But you know, always have to remember that you matter, and all that stress will go away sometime. It's just gonna hit hard sometimes, haha.

@saor_illust school

@s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d Honestly, right? But you know, always have to remember that you matter, and all that stress will go away sometime. It's just gonna hit hard sometimes, haha.

Yeah aha

@saor_illust school

Thank me for what?

For last night.
You may not've said much, and even though I didn't see it until this morning, it made me feel a lot better.

How is it I manage to never remember what I say?

And Nie, it's fine. But if you want to go find what you said, (And I don't care if it was literally just two "^"s it helped) it's on page 266. Two pages ago.

Deleted user

I want to jump off a building. I have my group therapy what ever the fuck today after school.

Deleted user

Brought the whole account thing to my school, they say gather more info then we can take it to the police.


Thank me for what?

For last night.
You may not've said much, and even though I didn't see it until this morning, it made me feel a lot better.

How is it I manage to never remember what I say?

And Nie, it's fine. But if you want to go find what you said, (And I don't care if it was literally just two "^"s it helped) it's on page 266. Two pages ago.

I mean, if I helped, then you're welcome! I hope you continue to get better! <3

Deleted user

Hey y'all, this is your reminder to drink some water and eat a snack!

@saor_illust school

Hey y'all, this is your reminder to drink some water and eat a snack!

Aha I probably shouldgo drink something shouldn't i…
eh, it can wait. I'm making some food rn anyways so


Mir has not been active on her instagram all day
i’m starting to get very worried-
i know, i know, it’s only been one day, she’s probably fine
but this is absolutely terrifying me and i am Big Panic
is she okay?
what if she’s hurt and it’s all my fault-
i don’t know what to do???

before you ask, yes, i need a hug


First of all- Big hug
Second of all- I'm worried too, but the best we can do is try to give her some space for now.
Even if she is hurt, it's not your fault Ella, it was a communal argument that got out-of-hand.
I would just keep checking up on her and try to get some messages through. Until then, all we can do is hope and (if you believe in that kind of thing) pray she's alright and she's coming back.