forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

Leave Ella tf alone. Just because you're on one today doesn't mean that you can take it out on us. I frankly don't care if you're mad at me because I do not value your opinion of me, but it's crossing a line when it comes to Ella. All she did was say to calm down, and I agree.

Deleted user

Alrighty, I'm going to peace out.
Please don't mess up any of your friendships, love y'all.



It’s okay, I’m not mad, everything’s chill.
I’d just really appreciate it if we could stop the arguing and get this chat back to vents.
Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh, I’m just really tired

@Moxie group

I am not dealing with this and you today

Dude did you actually just tell Ella to shut up?
I don't care if you didn't know it was her. I get that you have a hard life. I get that you have heard days. But I have had it with you taking it out on other people. You are rude to the few people who are actually nice to you. Just because you have a hard time does not give you the right to take it out on other people and make their days worse because of your stupid drama. It's such an unbelievably awful thing to do. And I know you probably either won't even read this, or try to pick it apart and then say you don't care or tell me to go fuck myself or that the conversation is over or whatever. But I hope you read this and I hope you realize its not okay to take your problems out on others.

Deleted user

This time it is for everyone: Shut the fuck up. You will not invalidate me. I explained to Ella that I didn't realize it was her, and yes, Moxie, the conversation is over. I'm glad you've had it with me, because maybe now I won't have to deal with you. Do not call me rude.


ANd I tHoUgHt ToDaY wAs GeTtInG bEtTeR
The only good part of today I can think of is playing volleyball in gym because it was five of us volleyball girls who have been playing for a while, organized, and been on a team together. I mean, I guess it was also bad because it also made my friend upset because he was on the team I was facing. It was fun while it lasted.


Miriam, has everything been ok recently?
You seem more irritable and unhappy more often than not of recent, and I'm not saying that has anything to with you, I'm saying that maybe somethings going on that you're not telling us about.
It's ok to not tell us things that are personal or a lot for you to handle, but it's not ok to take it out on us. Then again, I could be completely wrong and I'm just noticing more outbursts from you.

Deleted user

Awww the glitch is here and it looks like everyone said ._. and it's really cute


i wish that was how it actually was

Deleted user

Miriam, has everything been ok recently?


and y'all are making it 1000000000% times worse