forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Man, I so sorry that this is happening. I wish I could do something to make you feel better, but I can't so…

awkward internet hugs

Thanks man


Do y'all ever feel weird/fake to yourself, like you're wearing a mask but in your own mind? Cuz sometimes when I look back on my memories they're foggy or distant, like they happened to someone else

Idk I'm probably not explaining it right


Absolutely, @RedTheHopeless . Like, constantly. That's why I don't let myself get lost in my thoughts for too long oof

Deleted user

I have a confirmed date but I’m poor and don’t know where I should go to with my crush I’m confused help-


Absolutely, @RedTheHopeless . Like, constantly. That's why I don't let myself get lost in my thoughts for too long oof

Glad to know I'm not alone in this feeling

I get lost in my thoughts nearly constantly

@Echo_6 group

A guy in my class just tried to blow himself up with a blow heater. Check that he didn't try the heater tried to blow him up. And all of the rest of us are like, dude can you just not.

Deleted user

A guy in my class just tried to blow himself up with a blow heater. Check that he didn't try the heater tried to blow him up. And all of the rest of us are like, dude can you just not.


@Echo_6 group

No joke. He spilled hot chocolate on himself and so the teacher gave him a blow dryer to use. Next thing I hear is the sound of something blowing up I turn around and Riley is holding the blow dryer away from himself and there is smoke and flames around it.

Deleted user

Me over here listening to music VIA my 2DS in class lol. And I keep getting stared at by my EX, it doesn’t bother me at all. I’m actually going on a date with a guy I have a crush on, and had a crush on before. I still am speechless…


I may or may not have just ditched the majority of my discord friends today


So, I was part of a little discord PM known as the Ten Commandments
It was just me, my best friend, two of her friends, and then a bunch of those friends’ friends
All we really did in the chat was talk about stupid things and spam unfunny memes
In fact, every meme I’ve spammed here on Notebook that I didn’t steal from reddit came from those nerds

Recently though, it seems my best friend had an argument with one of her friends in the group, and she started avoiding us all like the plague
Not because of us necessarily
Just the one guy
I don’t know what the argument was about or why
But eventually I guess she just couldn’t take it anymore
And so she left
And then her crush left
And then a couple others left
Then, seeing all my friends disappear, I got upset and left as well
…And now there’s no longer the Ten Commandments
No more awkward video calls at 9:30 PM
No more fighting for who gets to pick the Mood Of The Day
No more 3AM meme spam-

…I’m still trying to take it all in


Fudgeeee I’m nervous I just entered my application for this incredible poetry writing project and I want to get in SO MUCH but they only take 15 people so ahhhhhhhhhAAAAAAAA

@saor_illust school

I'm sorry about that El…
I can sympathize with that a little bit at least…
if you react to it in anyway like how i did, it's going to be shocking for a little while…
and then it's going to hit you all at once (and maybe break down into tears…)

it'll be okay tho ella
we'll be here for you
if you need hugs, just ask for them
we'll be more than happy to provide with what you need at the moment

Deleted user

That’s an oof. Also I have anime club so I’m going to do that, my day isn’t bad, I haven’t felt sad, depressed, or even extremely tired all day. I’m a happy bean.

@saor_illust school

Fudgeeee I’m nervous I just entered my application for this incredible poetry writing project and I want to get in SO MUCH but they only take 15 people so ahhhhhhhhhAAAAAAAA

you'll do great amber! i know that because your writing is hecking amazing!
and if they decide to not accept you, well, that's their problem because your writing is super great and better than mine but that's besides the point and they don't know how to deal with it besides reject it