forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

Ya'll I really hate this topic but I just have to add-
I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.
I think dating at any age is acceptable as long as it's not toxic because it should be normal for people to explore their feelings and dating might be a part of that. I actually wish I was allowed to date because I honestly just bottle up all of my feelings because wth am I supposed to do.
Also, dating can be really good for people because if you have a healthy relationship then your bf/gf would be someone you can really open up to and they can help you feel good about yourself

Pickles is probably right. But beyond that
You just wrote out why young dating is a bad idea. It consists of wild emotions and hormones with people that are not good at controlling them. The fact that you think “Why resist feelings?” shows that you need to learn to resist them. (Not a personal attack.)
And you’re objectives are all wrong. Relationships are not about someone you can use (even in a way that some might consider alright) to better yourself. That is hella toxic (and immature) even if the people involved disagree.

"Why resist feelings?" is how Romeo and Juliet died

i really would have hated it a lot less if they'd taught it like how it was written
you know
"look how stupid these bitches are"

Schools have never taught Shakespeare (or classics in general, tbh) right and in this essay I will-


Oh well.
I'll just actually vent.
Do you ever just have a really big insecurity that you hate about yourself but people don't seem to get how big it is so they try to make you face it or don't even realize that it is an insecurity at all so they keep trying to make it happen but you just really can't.
Cause that's exactlyvwhat's happening to me with my hair.

I f e e l t h i s s o m u c h

@Pickles group

It's easier to look back and realize how immature everyone was instead of looking around
That makes me sound like I'm high. I'm not

It really is.

For a second I thought you meant me sounding like I was high and I was like 'well that's not the right response at all'

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.

Darling, things look more innocent from the outside, and you're innocent yourself so I don't expect you to have noticed this but
I guarantee 90% of those "stable and healthy relationships" consist of them having sex and getting über jealous at every little thing

8th graders (and I say this as a sophomore with multiple friends in 8th grade) are not ready for a romantic and/or sexual relationship. They're children and not even in high school, and it takes an amount of emotional maturity that they lack to be in a real relationship. I'd say even freshmen and some sophomores lack it. Speaking on my own experiences as an eighth grader, they weren't genuine relationships, just "he's cute, I'll text him and we'll be ~dating~" for a few weeks, tops, and then 'break up' and it's awkward for everyone.

The person I'm currently dating, I have been dating since the start of 8th grade… Just so you know.

Whoa. Impressive. You must have progressed as a person and matured a lot together.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Well, I guess Imma throw a vent up in here.

Both pairs of my glasses are broken, while everyone else had a partner for a project I was stuck alone, people wouldn't stop asking me if I'm okay and I'm pretty sure that that's what caused me to have a total breakdown in the middle of the school day (luckily not right in front of anybody.) All day long, my teachers were yelling at me, a substitute I had had a really bad attitude. She obviously didn't care about being there. There is more than that, but I think I'm going to stop there.

In short, I had a bad day.


Oh well.
I'll just actually vent.
Do you ever just have a really big insecurity that you hate about yourself but people don't seem to get how big it is so they try to make you face it or don't even realize that it is an insecurity at all so they keep trying to make it happen but you just really can't.
Cause that's exactly what's happening to me with my hair.

Mhmmm. I can totally relate. Not just with the feeling, but with the hair too.

Yeah. I really hate my hair down so I wear it up all of the time (even though I still hate it then and it probably makes it look even more stupid) but my friends keep on trying to take my hairties and I just can't stand it.
What makes it worse is 1. my hair is short so it's not like I can just take it down and let it flow 2. I had my hair down one time (it wasn't as bad as usual and I had to go to a nice place but I hated it the whole time) and I fted my friend who normally tries to take my hairtie and I know he's going to try to take it more often and won't give it back when we get back to school

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well, I guess Imma throw a vent up in here.

Both pairs of my glasses are broken, while everyone else had a partner for a project I was stuck alone, people wouldn't stop asking me if I'm okay and I'm pretty sure that that's what caused me to have a total breakdown in the middle of the school day (luckily not right in front of anybody.) All day long, my teachers were yelling at me, a substitute I had had a really bad attitude. She obviously didn't care about being there. There is more than that, but I think I'm going to stop there.

In short, I had a bad day.

My sympathies dude.

@The-Magician group

I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.

Darling, things look more innocent from the outside, and you're innocent yourself so I don't expect you to have noticed this but
I guarantee 90% of those "stable and healthy relationships" consist of them having sex and getting über jealous at every little thing

8th graders (and I say this as a sophomore with multiple friends in 8th grade) are not ready for a romantic and/or sexual relationship. They're children and not even in high school, and it takes an amount of emotional maturity that they lack to be in a real relationship. I'd say even freshmen and some sophomores lack it. Speaking on my own experiences as an eighth grader, they weren't genuine relationships, just "he's cute, I'll text him and we'll be ~dating~" for a few weeks, tops, and then 'break up' and it's awkward for everyone.

The person I'm currently dating, I have been dating since the start of 8th grade… Just so you know.

And? You're not in eighth grade anymore.

No, but even before I was in the 8th grade, I had some pretty serious relationships.
I dated a guy called Lucas for a year and a half, I still remember the way he was there for me when I felt so sad.
I dated a guy named Liam for a year who would listen to me perform in front of the school at lunch, and who didn't get mad at me for being a really bad cook back then.
I dated a guy named Ashley who took me on my first ever "Valentines Cinema Date", who laughed and joked with me even when I beat him in the school bake off (I mean I do make a pretty mean jam tart).

And then Josh. Oh my wonderful amazing Josh.
We met each other towards the end of 7th grade, I was stood behind a tree just singing to myself, and to be frank I was actually quite sad.
He was dating one of my friends at the time, so I didn't think we would become anything more than friends.
However he soon realised that, even as a friend, I cared for him way more than his girlfriend ever did.
We were in the 7th grade.

You talk about emotional maturity, and that 8th graders lack that. That they wouldn't be in a real relationship because of their "lack".
In my own experience, I have proven otherwise.
Do NOT make such a bold assumption based on your own experiences and what your friends do.
It is not the same for every individual person, do not include everyone in your statement.

@Pickles group

Well, I guess Imma throw a vent up in here.

Both pairs of my glasses are broken, while everyone else had a partner for a project I was stuck alone, people wouldn't stop asking me if I'm okay and I'm pretty sure that that's what caused me to have a total breakdown in the middle of the school day (luckily not right in front of anybody.) All day long, my teachers were yelling at me, a substitute I had had a really bad attitude. She obviously didn't care about being there. There is more than that, but I think I'm going to stop there.

In short, I had a bad day.

Tip for subs: Don't talk to your neighbors, try not to be noticed, and if you have to go somewhere, smile a lot (but not creepily. You have to seem as genuine as you can. In other words, lie through your teeth and pretend to like them) and say please and thank you. Especially if they're awful and the whole class hates them. Even you how I got called a perfect little angel in fifth grade by the awful sub

Anyway, I hope tomorrow is better

@HighPockets group

That's why I keep my most recently outdated prescription glasses tucked away safely. If something happens to mine, I can just wear those and suffer a bit, or wear my prescription sunglasses.
Prescription sunglasses are an 11/10 investment, definitely recommend them if you have the means to get them!


Well, I guess Imma throw a vent up in here.

Both pairs of my glasses are broken, while everyone else had a partner for a project I was stuck alone, people wouldn't stop asking me if I'm okay and I'm pretty sure that that's what caused me to have a total breakdown in the middle of the school day (luckily not right in front of anybody.) All day long, my teachers were yelling at me, a substitute I had had a really bad attitude. She obviously didn't care about being there. There is more than that, but I think I'm going to stop there.

In short, I had a bad day.

If you ever want to go into more detail, I'm here.
Otherwise, I'm really sorry you had a bad day and I feel ya about teachers sucking. And the people asking me if I'm ok thing.

@The-Magician group

I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.

Darling, things look more innocent from the outside, and you're innocent yourself so I don't expect you to have noticed this but
I guarantee 90% of those "stable and healthy relationships" consist of them having sex and getting über jealous at every little thing

8th graders (and I say this as a sophomore with multiple friends in 8th grade) are not ready for a romantic and/or sexual relationship. They're children and not even in high school, and it takes an amount of emotional maturity that they lack to be in a real relationship. I'd say even freshmen and some sophomores lack it. Speaking on my own experiences as an eighth grader, they weren't genuine relationships, just "he's cute, I'll text him and we'll be ~dating~" for a few weeks, tops, and then 'break up' and it's awkward for everyone.

The person I'm currently dating, I have been dating since the start of 8th grade… Just so you know.

Whoa. Impressive. You must have progressed as a person and matured a lot together.

Yes, we have.
We have had our ups and downs, as every relationship does. We go to different colleges and I live in a strict household, but no matter what has happened throughout the 4, almost 5 years, we have been dating, we have helped each other through it because we believe in each other, and we have done since we were 13.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

That's why I keep my most recently outdated prescription glasses tucked away safely. If something happens to mine, I can just wear those and suffer a bit, or wear my prescription sunglasses.
Prescription sunglasses are an 11/10 investment, definitely recommend them if you have the means to get them!

There's not much I can do to keep my glasses safe so long as I have a sister.

@Pickles group

Oh well.
I'll just actually vent.
Do you ever just have a really big insecurity that you hate about yourself but people don't seem to get how big it is so they try to make you face it or don't even realize that it is an insecurity at all so they keep trying to make it happen but you just really can't.
Cause that's exactly what's happening to me with my hair.

Mhmmm. I can totally relate. Not just with the feeling, but with the hair too.

Yeah. I really hate my hair down so I wear it up all of the time (even though I still hate it then and it probably makes it look even more stupid) but my friends keep on trying to take my hairties and I just can't stand it.
What makes it worse is 1. my hair is short so it's not like I can just take it down and let it flow 2. I had my hair down one time (it wasn't as bad as usual and I had to go to a nice place but I hated it the whole time) and I fted my friend who normally tries to take my hairtie and I know he's going to try to take it more often and won't give it back when we get back to school

You could play around with different simple styles like braids, and see how you like it, and if you have a flat iron or curling iron, you could mess with that and see if you like it better. How short is your hair?

@HighPockets group

I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.

Darling, things look more innocent from the outside, and you're innocent yourself so I don't expect you to have noticed this but
I guarantee 90% of those "stable and healthy relationships" consist of them having sex and getting über jealous at every little thing

8th graders (and I say this as a sophomore with multiple friends in 8th grade) are not ready for a romantic and/or sexual relationship. They're children and not even in high school, and it takes an amount of emotional maturity that they lack to be in a real relationship. I'd say even freshmen and some sophomores lack it. Speaking on my own experiences as an eighth grader, they weren't genuine relationships, just "he's cute, I'll text him and we'll be ~dating~" for a few weeks, tops, and then 'break up' and it's awkward for everyone.

The person I'm currently dating, I have been dating since the start of 8th grade… Just so you know.

And? You're not in eighth grade anymore.

No, but even before I was in the 8th grade, I had some pretty serious relationships.
I dated a guy called Lucas for a year and a half, I still remember the way he was there for me when I felt so sad.
I dated a guy named Liam for a year who would listen to me perform in front of the school at lunch, and who didn't get mad at me for being a really bad cook back then.
I dated a guy named Ashley who took me on my first ever "Valentines Cinema Date", who laughed and joked with me even when I beat him in the school bake off (I mean I do make a pretty mean jam tart).

And then Josh. Oh my wonderful amazing Josh.
We met each other towards the end of 7th grade, I was stood behind a tree just singing to myself, and to be frank I was actually quite sad.
He was dating one of my friends at the time, so I didn't think we would become anything more than friends.
However he soon realised that, even as a friend, I cared for him way more than his girlfriend ever did.
We were in the 7th grade.

You talk about emotional maturity, and that 8th graders lack that. That they wouldn't be in a real relationship because of their "lack".
In my own experience, I have proven otherwise.
Do NOT make such a bold assumption based on your own experiences and what your friends do.
It is not the same for every individual person, do not include everyone in your statement.

Okay, and? You're doing exactly what you accused me of doing: making a bold assumption based on the experiences of you and your friends. I was saying what I saw firsthand at a K-8 school, and past that with my friends that age, and apparently it's bad when I say that but not you?? All I'm saying is that most eighth graders don't have the emotional maturity, but you seem to have. What do you want, a gold star or something??
Plus how can you say that my statement about the maturity of eighth graders is wrong when you simultaneously say that you're thousands of years old or whatever? Seems a bit contradictory to me.


Oh well.
I'll just actually vent.
Do you ever just have a really big insecurity that you hate about yourself but people don't seem to get how big it is so they try to make you face it or don't even realize that it is an insecurity at all so they keep trying to make it happen but you just really can't.
Cause that's exactly what's happening to me with my hair.

Mhmmm. I can totally relate. Not just with the feeling, but with the hair too.

Yeah. I really hate my hair down so I wear it up all of the time (even though I still hate it then and it probably makes it look even more stupid) but my friends keep on trying to take my hairties and I just can't stand it.
What makes it worse is 1. my hair is short so it's not like I can just take it down and let it flow 2. I had my hair down one time (it wasn't as bad as usual and I had to go to a nice place but I hated it the whole time) and I fted my friend who normally tries to take my hairtie and I know he's going to try to take it more often and won't give it back when we get back to school

You could play around with different simple styles like braids, and see how you like it, and if you have a flat iron or curling iron, you could mess with that and see if you like it better. How short is your hair?

It's past my chin but not quite touching my shoulders. Also I don't tend to mess with it because I've never been good at doing hair and I'm always afraid I'm going to just jack it up more. My current plan is to try and grow it out fairly long and see how I like it then I guess?

@The-Magician group

Plus how can you say that my statement about the maturity of eighth graders is wrong when you simultaneously say that you're thousands of years old or whatever? Seems a bit contradictory to me.

Learn to know who is talking.

@HighPockets group

Plus how can you say that my statement about the maturity of eighth graders is wrong when you simultaneously say that you're thousands of years old or whatever? Seems a bit contradictory to me.

Learn to know who is talking.

Why should I if all you'll do is contradict me? You seem to have decided that you hate me, judging by your incessant need to criticize every damn thing I say, and frankly I couldn't give less of a damn about your opinion. I said what I felt based on my experiences, and you felt the need to jump in and flip your lid at me despite multiple other people saying the same and agreeing. And maybe I don't care who is talking because I have god-awful memory recall and have much more important things to remember.

@Pickles group

Oh well.
I'll just actually vent.
Do you ever just have a really big insecurity that you hate about yourself but people don't seem to get how big it is so they try to make you face it or don't even realize that it is an insecurity at all so they keep trying to make it happen but you just really can't.
Cause that's exactly what's happening to me with my hair.

Mhmmm. I can totally relate. Not just with the feeling, but with the hair too.

Yeah. I really hate my hair down so I wear it up all of the time (even though I still hate it then and it probably makes it look even more stupid) but my friends keep on trying to take my hairties and I just can't stand it.
What makes it worse is 1. my hair is short so it's not like I can just take it down and let it flow 2. I had my hair down one time (it wasn't as bad as usual and I had to go to a nice place but I hated it the whole time) and I fted my friend who normally tries to take my hairtie and I know he's going to try to take it more often and won't give it back when we get back to school

You could play around with different simple styles like braids, and see how you like it, and if you have a flat iron or curling iron, you could mess with that and see if you like it better. How short is your hair?

It's past my chin but not quite touching my shoulders. Also I don't tend to mess with it because I've never been good at doing hair and I'm always afraid I'm going to just jack it up more. My current plan is to try and grow it out fairly long and see how I like it then I guess?

Honestly I'm bad at hair too and if you take a flat iron to a few pieces of braid it at night it makes a big difference

@HighPockets group

You know, I've slowly started to realize that I've bitten off so much more than I can chew in nearly every aspect of my life and that 2020 is either going to be the year I get everything together or it'll be the final plunge.
Like, I was on an upward trend at the end of 2019, so I'm holding out hope that that'll continue into the 2020s as opposed to it being absolutely horrible, but I'm honestly not sure what I can do at this point to not be an absolute wreck of a person and I'd be lying if I said it had nothing to do with the incessant "but what about college!?" thing that schools are so keen on because they expect us to know exactly what we want to do, and where, and with who, and for what and yet they don't tell us how at all! They don't tell us what factors to consider, or what pros and cons we should weigh, or any of that.

@Pickles group

You know, I've slowly started to realize that I've bitten off so much more than I can chew in nearly every aspect of my life and that 2020 is either going to be the year I get everything together or it'll be the final plunge.
Like, I was on an upward trend at the end of 2019, so I'm holding out hope that that'll continue into the 2020s as opposed to it being absolutely horrible, but I'm honestly not sure what I can do at this point to not be an absolute wreck of a person and I'd be lying if I said it had nothing to do with the incessant "but what about college!?" thing that schools are so keen on because they expect us to know exactly what we want to do, and where, and with who, and for what and yet they don't tell us how at all! They don't tell us what factors to consider, or what pros and cons we should weigh, or any of that.
