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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Marriage is the best thing humanity has managed to hold on to. It is a stable, committed, relationship that is the cornerstone of society, and therefore, human growth and progress.

Is it though?

Do you know of a better one?

Deleted user

But I personally think casually dating is horrible on many many levels.

Right?!?! Like…. Idek

uh– Disagree big time

@The-Magician group

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It isn’t just about being smart, it’s about being clever.

Do tell why, Lee.

The way I see it, being "smart" is having knowledge, being "clever" is what you do with that knowledge.
Being clever is the ability to not only know something, but explain that to someone much less experienced. If you are a really smart kid and your parents aren't as "clever" as you are, there is no doubt that they are much more wise, and will more often than not be correct.

A lot of people can be smart, but that intelligence doesn't amount to anything if you aren't clever with how you use that knowledge.

Deleted user

But I personally think casually dating is horrible on many many levels.

Right?!?! Like…. Idek

uh– Disagree big time

But why do you disagree? State the case that we are the ones who are wrong.

Dating {assuming the relationship is healthy} can be good for people. Really good for them.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I don't think marriage is dumb, but getting married so young 100% is.

I disagree. It used to always be the way it was done.

Getting married young is kinda dumb, since neither partner is going to truly be mature enough to handle that kind of relationship.
Secondly, it used to be done that way because of sexist practices in medieval times.

It actually depends on the society more than biology to a certain extent. (Especially as people did handle that kind of relationship.)
Really? Give your evidence due to the statement.

True, but by personal IRL observations, many of the people in that age range, (AKA my age range) are not mature enough for ANYstable relationship.
And if you wanna go do the research, it used to be a thing that once a young woman had her period, and started developing, she was considered ready for marriage, and was married off, usually to some older guy. The marriages were also generally used to consolidate alliances and business deals. They were also done without any consideration to the bride's preference/likings/wishes. In short, women were treated like property.
(This is all info from a few unit studies I did in grade 7-8, so if any of this is proven innaccurate by actual research.. then obviously I'm wrong.)

@HighPockets group

Marriage is the best thing humanity has managed to hold on to. It is a stable, committed, relationship that is the cornerstone of society, and therefore, human growth and progress.

Is it though?

Do you know of a better one?

Friendship, maybe? It's a much more important support system and is also stable and committed without the risk of such a deep broken trust as failed marriages, and can be made at any time and any place.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

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It isn’t just about being smart, it’s about being clever.

Do tell why, Lee.

The way I see it, being "smart" is having knowledge, being "clever" is what you do with that knowledge.
Being clever is the ability to not only know something, but explain that to someone much less experienced. If you are a really smart kid and your parents aren't as "clever" as you are, there is no doubt that they are much more wise, and will more often than not be correct.

A lot of people can be smart, but that intelligence doesn't amount to anything if you aren't clever with how you use that knowledge.

I agree with your dichotomy, and your interpretation of it, except I call it smart and knowledgeable. I see clever as mentally having a skill in an area.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But I personally think casually dating is horrible on many many levels.

Right?!?! Like…. Idek

uh– Disagree big time

But why do you disagree? State the case that we are the ones who are wrong.

Dating {assuming the relationship is healthy} can be good for people. Really good for them.

I agree. To a certain extent. But what is it for? And if not for a purpose, how can it result in anything but pain and jadedness?


Ya'll I really hate this topic but I just have to add-
I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.
I think dating at any age is acceptable as long as it's not toxic because it should be normal for people to explore their feelings and dating might be a part of that. I actually wish I was allowed to date because I honestly just bottle up all of my feelings because wth am I supposed to do.
Also, dating can be really good for people because if you have a healthy relationship then your bf/gf would be someone you can really open up to and they can help you feel good about yourself

@HighPockets group

slides in
It isn’t just about being smart, it’s about being clever.

Do tell why, Lee.

The way I see it, being "smart" is having knowledge, being "clever" is what you do with that knowledge.
Being clever is the ability to not only know something, but explain that to someone much less experienced. If you are a really smart kid and your parents aren't as "clever" as you are, there is no doubt that they are much more wise, and will more often than not be correct.

A lot of people can be smart, but that intelligence doesn't amount to anything if you aren't clever with how you use that knowledge.

Agreed, I have several friends who are intelligent but make poor choices, don't know how to use their knowledge, etc. and I think a decent part of it is the whole "oh, they're smart, they can figure it out for themselves!" thing. I'm pretty smart (or at least I used to be lol), I have a fairly high IQ (not a great judge of intelligence though), but I still need help with certain topics, and people just assume that I know everything I'm supposed to do.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I don't think marriage is dumb, but getting married so young 100% is.

I disagree. It used to always be the way it was done.

Getting married young is kinda dumb, since neither partner is going to truly be mature enough to handle that kind of relationship.
Secondly, it used to be done that way because of sexist practices in medieval times.

It actually depends on the society more than biology to a certain extent. (Especially as people did handle that kind of relationship.)
Really? Give your evidence due to the statement.

True, but by personal IRL observations, many of the people in that age range, (AKA my age range) are not mature enough for ANYstable relationship.

Forgive me for being so blunt, but your scope of observational research is exceptionally narrow; bound by time, place, age range and (most especially) culture.

And if you wanna go do the research, it used to be a thing that once a young woman had her period, and started developing, she was considered ready for marriage, and was married off, usually to some older guy. The marriages were also generally used to consolidate alliances and business deals. They were also done without any consideration to the bride's preference/likings/wishes. In short, women were treated like property.
(This is all info from a few unit studies I did in grade 7-8, so if any of this is proven innaccurate by actual research.. then obviously I'm wrong.)

I don’t have research to dispute this, nor will I attempt to being sure it did happen. But I will raise the fact that it I should not a stain on the institution itself, just like divorce.

@Pickles group

I don't think marriage is dumb, but getting married so young 100% is.

I disagree. It used to always be the way it was done. (Though I do think most people these days don’t have what it takes; part of that being the support system.)

Hon, there was a lot of stuff they did back then that's stupid
Thirteen year olds sleeping with old men because they think it will further their status even though they likely weren't taught about it and if anything, would lower their status and the fact that even though it was normal, it's still wildly inappropriate and disgusting
Hygiene, need I explain? Didn't think so
Their technology
Living in actual huts and mud houses and yes I do know there are parts of the world that still live like that so don't even with me and yes I do plan on doing something about it so don't bother trying to play the "but you're not going to do anything about it because all teenagers know how to do is be selfish, lazy, and complain" card.

True. But that hardly means what used to be done is wrong. We have progressed in many ways as time went by. Regressed in others. See the divorce and fatherlessness rates of today.

…… 10-13 year old girls, regardless of marital status, sleeping with old men is right?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Umm… no. OH I see how that can be interpreted as such. When I say, “What used to be done”, I meant to encompass all traditions of the past. My statement was to say that just because something is old doesn’t mean it need be thrown out.

@Pickles group

I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.

Darling, things look more innocent from the outside, and you're innocent yourself so I don't expect you to have noticed this but
I guarantee 90% of those "stable and healthy relationships" consist of them having sex and getting über jealous at every little thing