forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

Gods I've never wanted to laugh so hard in my life.

Wow, I'm so insulted by this. What a necessary and relevant comment that does nothing but prove me right. Nice try though. Now since I'm clearly just some stupid teenager who's not worth your time, maybe just leave me alone instead of using me as some punching bag?

@The-Magician group

Gods I've never wanted to laugh so hard in my life.

Wow, I'm so insulted by this. What a necessary and relevant comment that does nothing but prove me right. Nice try though. Now since I'm clearly just some stupid teenager who's not worth your time, maybe just leave me alone instead of using me as some punching bag?

I'm over it shrugs

@HighPockets group

Like, why are we spending more time doing the pacer test than we are discussing our futures?! Why is phys ed a mandatory class but nothing financial is? Why do we take classes that won't benefit us unless we go into that field as mandatory ones, yet Money 101 and Foods are electives?!

@HighPockets group

Gods I've never wanted to laugh so hard in my life.

Wow, I'm so insulted by this. What a necessary and relevant comment that does nothing but prove me right. Nice try though. Now since I'm clearly just some stupid teenager who's not worth your time, maybe just leave me alone instead of using me as some punching bag?

I'm over it shrugs

Then act like it. I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone. I'm willing to put all of this behind me if you treat me like I'm not a damn fruit fly.

@saor_illust school

Alright beans. I am less grumpy now and would appreciate it if we could take the debating somewhere else and let this be a venting space.
Thank you

Just gonna have everyone online and viewing this thread look at this Ella-approved message that I also very much agree with.

@HighPockets group

And don't even get me started on the way they teach core classes, and what the mandatory things are. English 10 is learning things I've known since middle school, but since it's mandatory by the state I can't opt out.


Alright beans. I am less grumpy now and would appreciate it if we could take the debating somewhere else and let this be a venting space.
Thank you

Just gonna have everyone online and viewing this thread look at this Ella-approved message that I also very much agree with.

I also very much agree with this Ella-approved message


And don't even get me started on the way they teach core classes, and what the mandatory things are. English 10 is learning things I've known since middle school, but since it's mandatory by the state I can't opt out.

Can you test out?

@Pickles group

And don't even get me started on the way they teach core classes, and what the mandatory things are. English 10 is learning things I've known since middle school, but since it's mandatory by the state I can't opt out.

Yeah, the only thing I liked about my sophomore English class was we did was that my teacher was obsessed with the ACT and we did ACT prep for a whole quarter but I didn't get to take it last year and now I've forgotten all of it

@HighPockets group

And don't even get me started on the way they teach core classes, and what the mandatory things are. English 10 is learning things I've known since middle school, but since it's mandatory by the state I can't opt out.

Can you test out?

No, they won't let me, even though I have an IEP so I can have some sway in my schooling.

@HighPockets group

And don't even get me started on the way they teach core classes, and what the mandatory things are. English 10 is learning things I've known since middle school, but since it's mandatory by the state I can't opt out.

Yeah, the only thing I liked about my sophomore English class was we did was that my teacher was obsessed with the ACT and we did ACT prep for a whole quarter but I didn't get to take it last year and now I've forgotten all of it

Bruh I thought you were 15
Yeah, all we've done so far is discuss characterization, read Night and talk about that, and do tiny book clubs. One group did The 57 Bus and I've never been as close to throwing a chair at someone as I was listening to a bunch of straight and cis white rich kids misgender and mock the protagonist while the teachers did jack shit. And this is at a public school with 3 teachers in the room.

@HighPockets group

Bruh I thought you were 15

Close. 16. I'll be seventeen in March.

Cool! I'll be 16 in April.

Oof, I'll be 18 in February

I thought you were like 21??
Starts doubting how old I thought everyone was

@Pickles group

I also hate Scantron tests. Blegh.

My English teacher also refused to use Gradecam, which is what the school wants everyone to use, so they stopped buying them for the teachers. She got hers on Amazon and they were a different shade of green and a weird texture and I hated them
i did so bad on every test

@HighPockets group

I also hate Scantron tests. Blegh.

Are those the ones with the bubble sheets?

My Honors English final last year was so long that half the class needed to stay past the 2 hours or whatever that they give you. I'm a super fast test taker and I barely finished in time, mainly bc most of it was Scantron but like…the full 100 questions of Scantron.

@Pickles group

Bruh I thought you were 15

Close. 16. I'll be seventeen in March.

Cool! I'll be 16 in April.

Oof, I'll be 18 in February

I thought you were like 21??
Starts doubting how old I thought everyone was


@The-Magician group

Is that because you know I drink???
Honestly I may as well be 21 at this point.
Raised and cared for 3 children, probably earning more money than my actual mother…