forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@HighPockets group

Those Scantrons are horrid. I always have to check everything so many times. Bubbles under the question would be much better/easier.

Yeah, or just normal multiple choice. It's like the Iowa test on steroids, but without the free gum.

is intrigued

Wait, you didn't have to do the Iowa test? I did it until 5th grade iirc

is homeschooled

Oh yeah. Nevermind.
Basically it was this super thick booklet you'd get that was all multiple choice test questions, and a packet of just numbers and letters to mark your answer with. And it took so long that we'd get lengthened recesses to make up for it, and gum because it would "help us focus" or whatever.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Just going to interrupt this nice and peaceful conversation because I really need to vent right now.
I just… okay let me start over. I lost a really close friend to me just now and I… I don't know anymore you can probably ignore this now I'll be fine eventually

Honey, what happened? Or would you prefer not to talk about it?

@Pickles group

Then… then… here's the icing on the cake… all the teachers have to do is hold the sheet up to a scanner and it immediately tells you the scores.


@Moxie group

Just going to interrupt this nice and peaceful conversation because I really need to vent right now.
I just… okay let me start over. I lost a really close friend to me just now and I… I don't know anymore you can probably ignore this now I'll be fine eventually

Oh wow dude. I know you're going to hear this a lot but I'm so sorry. If you want to talk more about it, we're all ears. What you have to say and the things you're going through are worth hearing about.

@The-Magician group

Some of my exams consisted of long essays, writing in a foreign language, having to argue with yourself in some of the essays, oh, let’s not forget making a speech in front of your entire class that if you fail you’re not allowed to take the rest of your exams, having to talk to a French French teacher, in French, for half an hour, P H Y S I C S, and not being allowed to put your pen down.
Time limits for all of them, only allowed to use a black biro pen.


Then… then… here's the icing on the cake… all the teachers have to do is hold the sheet up to a scanner and it immediately tells you the scores.


I honestly don't know what it's called but it's great and it's all just multiple choice

@saor_illust school

Just going to interrupt this nice and peaceful conversation because I really need to vent right now.
I just… okay let me start over. I lost a really close friend to me just now and I… I don't know anymore you can probably ignore this now I'll be fine eventually

Honey, what happened? Or would you prefer not to talk about it?

I don't really want to talk about it I just need someone to hold me and tell me it's going to be okay

@Pickles group

I hate essays and extended response on tests. And short answer. Basically anything I have to do real studying for. I'm lazy af
okay I want to vent about something but I also don't want to tell anyone about it because everyone will think I'm just asking for attention which isn't true so I'm just going to pretend that was my vent.

@HighPockets group

Oof, I remember the speaking tests from Spanish 2. One class period to write an essay in only Spanish, with one dictionary per table, do a test where you typed out the answers (if you accidentally typed the wrong accent mark you got no credit), have a conversation in just Spanish with the teacher, and doing grammar, vocab, and culture tests. Bonus! The cultural things we were tested on were barely discussed in class, so if you didn't research on your own time, you were screwed!

@Pickles group

Then… then… here's the icing on the cake… all the teachers have to do is hold the sheet up to a scanner and it immediately tells you the scores.


I honestly don't know what it's called but it's great and it's all just multiple choice

It sounds like it. Do you guys have student ID numbers? That they use for every password and it's on your tests. And possibly as a lunch code. On the top of the sheet with your name. The ones that aren't generic
Im wondering if our number at the top is necessary if you want ones with names already

@saor_illust school

Well, from the other side of my screen, I send you my love. Everything's going to be alright, Izzy. Don't you dare forget that.

thanks nie
i don't even know why this bothers me so much, we never even met irl but we were pretty close
idrk it just hit me all at once just now

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Written essays are much easier imo, you just need an uncramping hand and some well-studied notes, as well as the ability to outline on the fly. I much prefer the essay tests and DBQs to Scantron tests.

laughs in despair at fate in ADHD At least I can BS on the fly with a touch of something that almost looks like intelligence.

@HighPockets group

Written essays are much easier imo, you just need an uncramping hand and some well-studied notes, as well as the ability to outline on the fly. I much prefer the essay tests and DBQs to Scantron tests.

laughs in despair at fate in ADHD At least I can BS on the fly with a touch of something that almost looks like intelligence.

Big mood, my dude. Big. Mood.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I hate essays and extended response on tests. And short answer. Basically anything I have to do real studying for. I'm lazy af
okay I want to vent about something but I also don't want to tell anyone about it because everyone will think I'm just asking for attention which isn't true so I'm just going to pretend that was my vent.

C’mon Pickles, you can talk.


very big hugs @ izzy

I’m so sorry, I wish I could teleport myself to your house and give you a big hug/shoulder to cry on in real life but I can’t and I-
I just want you to know that I’m here for you

@Pickles group

I have a student ID

I’ve had one since I was 11, is that normal?

We've had ours since first grade or kindergarten, so I think so. We use it for grades and to but lunch. Stuff like that. In high school we got actual cards with our names, number, and picture. We have to use them to take the ACT and stuff like that and apparently it gets us discounts at some places, but I don't know anyone that actually uses them

@HighPockets group

I have a student ID

I’ve had one since I was 11, is that normal?

We've had ours since first grade or kindergarten, so I think so. We use it for grades and to but lunch. Stuff like that. In high school we got actual cards with our names, number, and picture. We have to use them to take the ACT and stuff like that and apparently it gets us discounts at some places, but I don't know anyone that actually uses them

Yeah, same.