forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Imagine the worst growing pain you've ever felt plus the feeling of being stabbed all in the same knee

Because that's exactly what I feel rn

Deleted user

30 minutes sounds like a long time… Are you sure that's right?

The only facemasks I've done have been for 10 minutes…

@Pickles group

I've done a set of three and they were all fifteen minutes and unpleasantly tingly
Like, the "good" tingly, but I didn't think it felt good

Deleted user

Itching isn't a good sign, I'd try 20 minutes if anything…

@Moxie group

Oh okay then that’s fine. But don’t do more than 30
And face masks don’t make you pretty. That’s already happened. They just make your skin better

@The-Magician group

The package said 20-30 min and I NEED TO BE PRETTYYYYYYYY

I mean you don't.
It's not like you will be shot on sight if you don't meet a specific expectation.
'Beauty' is such a horrible word, and only because it has lost it's meaning.


i don’t know where this came from but i’ve just been hit with a massive wave of sadness cause some of my beans aren’t online anymore and i miss them so much

…they were some of my bestest friends and i want to be able to just give them all the hugs and appreciation but i can’t cause don’t get to speak to them anymore and great now i’m crying a lot

@Moxie group

if I was crying over that would you call me a baby? Or think that secretly in your head? You can be honest, I won’t be offended, I pinky promise

@HighPockets group

and since my face is already so dry the tears are stinging a lot and the pain is so bad i just want to cry more

i am such a baby holy cow

Nooo Ella, you're not a baby, you're baby. There's a big difference.
Go get some blankets and listen to some happy music?


if I was crying over that would you call me a baby? Or think that secretly in your head? You can be honest, I won’t be offended, I pinky promise

no, honestly i don’t think i could see anyone as a baby for crying over anything, i just think “oh gosh i know that feeling so much” and then give them big hugs

@Moxie group

if I was crying over that would you call me a baby? Or think that secretly in your head? You can be honest, I won’t be offended, I pinky promise

no, honestly i don’t think i could see anyone as a baby for crying over anything, i just think “oh gosh i know that feeling so much” and then give them big hugs

why are you doing that to yourself then? You’re not a baby for feeling emotions, especially not for feeling them strongly. Emotions are normal. Sometimes they suck (okay they suck a lot) but they’re normal and don’t mean youre a baby for feeling them. It doesn’t mean you’re anything for feeling them except human. And that’s okay


Ella you have every right to be sad, and it’s more than ok to cry. Everyone gets slapped in the face with random waves of the big sad now and then. I’m so sorry we can’t bring those people back, hell there are users everyone here misses and will probably never see again. If anything, crying over them shows how much you truly cared and valued their existence, and that they’ve impacted you. But we’re here for you, too.