forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Okay, small vent, ignore if you please.

Someone I know feels like he's being attacked and targeted by multiple people and I feel bad. He tries to defend his actions, but people just dismiss it as him being rude. I really want to stand up for him and say something, but I'm afraid that they'll think I'm "taking sides" and I'll be viewed as the bad guy. I want to help but I don't know how to do it without hurting someone's feelings. I just feel trapped and I can't push past this sinking feeling in this stomach. I feel like something is going to terribly wrong and that there's nothing I can do to stop it.


If you honestly believe this person is being unfairly attacked, then you should stand up for him. It doesn’t matter what other people think (unless someone’s going to get physically hurt), because you’re standing up for what you believe in, and even if you’re standing alone, at least you’re standing up. Of course, you should probably first try to see how other people might perceive this person and why they’re jumping on his actions.

@saor_illust school

hhhhhhhh don't you just hate it when you were going to do something and it was semi-important but then you get distracted for three seconds and then turn back to do it and suddenly you can't remember the slightest hint of whatever you were going to do?

@Echo_6 group

I don't like spiders. If their smaller than my hand then I don't care for them. They don't bother me I don't bother them. But for some reason, my sisters can not handle a spider that is the size of a gnat. I'm just minding my own business working on my book. I'm trying to get it fully written out. When out of complete nowhere not one or two but all four of my sisters come busting into my room screaming all because a tiny spider is crawling across the floor trying to get back to it's web on the wall. They are all too scared to even get near it so they made me get up and go put the poor thing outside. And they effectively ruined my writing mood and I now can't even remember where I was going with the scene I was on. UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
WHY ARE ALL MY SISTERS COWARDS??? My dad is even here tonight and sitting in the living room. Why was I their go to person?!
I just….. ugh.
Sorry but that frustrated me just a little bit.

@Echo_6 group

At least the other two don't do that. Only because one of them is four months old, and the other is my brother and he moved out three years ago.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I feel that so much!! Like, everyone in my family hates spiders, but I'm the one who takes care of them because if I don't I get threatened to have my book/computer/whatever I'm working with taken away for awhile and Growls

@The-Magician group

I remember being like that at your age, it’s not nice. Whenever something like that would happen I always switched on the same song in my head——kind of like a safety song. Do you have anything like that?


I have one that almost always does that but it’s not working…

Not even hearing Reol scream “giVe mE a bREaK sToP nOw” over and over again can drown out this feeling that I murdered a child, even if it wasn’t real

@The-Magician group

I have one that almost always does that but it’s not working…

Not even hearing Reol scream “giVe mE a bREaK sToP nOw” over and over again can drown out this feeling that I murdered a child, even if it wasn’t real

Ah, I’ve done that plenty of times. Both in dreams and irl…
At first the horror consumes you and make you question who you are as a person, I know full well what that feels like.
I’m going to tell you something, and I don’t want to explain why I’m saying this, so you’re just going to have to take my word for it: After the shock has blown over, its like nothing happened

@The-Magician group

When people can smile and it doesn’t look unnatural and ugly. And clearer skin and uncapped lips and freckles. I love freckles. I want that.

It is the person’s personality who makes the smile beautiful, not their physical appearance.
As for clear skin, that’s all nice and everything, but it is the small scars and imperfections that make someone beautiful.
Have you been using lip scrubs and lib balm, that will help with the dryness of lips. As for freckles, they’re a genetic thing with a little help from the sun.


When people can smile and it doesn’t look unnatural and ugly. And clearer skin and uncapped lips and freckles. I love freckles. I want that.

It is the person’s personality who makes the smile beautiful, not their physical appearance.
As for clear skin, that’s all nice and everything, but it is the small scars and imperfections that make someone beautiful.
Have you been using lip scrubs and lib balm, that will help with the dryness of lips. As for freckles, they’re a genetic thing with a little help from the sun.

  1. Lip scrubs are amazing for the lips if you ever want to try one, along with using lip balm daily.
  2. I've always found facemasks to be a temporary thing. Do one before a nice occasion or something if you really want to, or a clay mask every now and again.
  3. Honestly, my skin is so not clear but it doesn't matter. For someone to have perfectly clear skin is super unnatural. Also, like Lee said, freckles are genetic, but if you really want them (though I would think long and hard about it) you can get henna freckles. Also, never feel like you have to cover up any other marks on your face. I have a small brownish purplish mark underneath my right eye that once was a bruise that just never fully went away, but I actually kind of like it, and it adds to my personality. That is true beauty. Accepting little things that make you into you and loving them.