forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Pickles group

I hate essays and extended response on tests. And short answer. Basically anything I have to do real studying for. I'm lazy af
okay I want to vent about something but I also don't want to tell anyone about it because everyone will think I'm just asking for attention which isn't true so I'm just going to pretend that was my vent.

C’mon Pickles, you can talk.

my lips shall never be loosened
Kind of related, not particularly, but how about this:
Why am I so un-funny that whenever I say something and people actually laugh, I cling to it for way too long in an attempt to continue to be amusing
And why do people repeat your jokes but louder and why are those people popular??


I hate essays and extended response on tests. And short answer. Basically anything I have to do real studying for. I'm lazy af
okay I want to vent about something but I also don't want to tell anyone about it because everyone will think I'm just asking for attention which isn't true so I'm just going to pretend that was my vent.

C’mon Pickles, you can talk.

my lips shall never be loosened
Kind of related, not particularly, but how about this:
Why am I so un-funny that whenever I say something and people actually laugh, I cling to it for way too long in an attempt to continue to be amusing
And why do people repeat your jokes but louder and why are those people popular??

Um, you are funny? Literally, everyone on here makes me laugh and smile so much.
but you should talk about it to someone or even write about it


This is prob off topic but our 7th grade Science exam was Scantron. 105 questions. Do you know what they did! They made it small and didn’t leave spaces between columns so it was a sheet of pure bubble horror.

@Pickles group

This is prob off topic but our 7th grade Science exam was Scantron. 105 questions. Do you know what they did! They made it small and didn’t leave spaces between columns so it was a sheet of pure bubble horror.

The horrors you have seen, my child. I commend you


But the SAT ones were bigger so it was satisfying to fill it out. Except when you accidentally skip one and have to go back to find your mistake. Or when you haven’t done A in a while and it looks like you messed up real bad.

Deleted user

PTSD Treatment Makes Me Scream


Bruh Imma be a bitch and say let me vent here mmkay

Deleted user


Deleted user

PTSD Treatment Makes Me Scream


Bruh Imma be a bitch and say let me vent here mmkay

i was just agreeing with you but okay

Deleted user

And, in my case, one of the main traumatic things that happened to me is my father pulling a gun on me and threatening me with it and it is h e l l to treat


Apparently one of my "friends" had a social gathering of some kind and didn't invite my boyfriend or me, so I guess we aren't friends anymore?? (I'm not being dramatic or at least not trying to. There was already space there and I don't really care since she's started being a bitch anyways, I'm just asking if this confirms the broken friendship??)

@saor_illust school

I recommend asking her about it first, but if she shrugs it off or is a bitch about it when you ask her or anything similar, it's probably a broken friendship, yeah. (But then again, not everything I say on social relationships and stuff like that is accurate, since I'm not the best at that)

Deleted user

Quick weird question

I have a shirt

It's kind of boob-tastic

Should I wear it lmao