forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Okay but in all seriousness @no you have absolutely no right to tell people you wish them dead

@Kamea public

Okay but in all seriousness @no you have absolutely no right to tell people you wish them dead, motherfucker

People here get butthurt over a little joke. Nice to know.

Deleted user

Okay but in all seriousness @no you have absolutely no right to tell people you wish them dead, motherfucker

People here get butthurt over a little joke. Nice to know.

because you should know that on this chat, death is not something we take lightly. I was joking about it as well, I'll admit, but that doesn't make it right.

@The-Magician group

There are a lot of people who are sensitive to that kind of thing, @no , so it would be wise to perhaps not talk about it even if you did mean it as a joke. Not everyone takes things like that as a joke, and it doesn't make them weak or a snowflake, or whatever you kids say nowadays, it just means they have been through some shit and they would rather if people weren't so insensitive about it.


it was intended to be a j o k e
so even though it might not have been in the best taste
they didn't mean any harm
so can we please just drop it and go back to vents?

@The-Magician group

it was intended to be a j o k e
so even though it might not have been in the best taste
they didn't mean any harm
so can we please just drop it and go back to vents?

Ella, child, the point is there may be some people stalking the chat, or even part of the chat, that do not take things like death as a joke. It's all well and good saying that it was intended as a joke, but you know as well as I that not everyone sees it that way.

@The-Magician group

I'm about to fucking leave this whole site, I can't stand you guys. Except you, Nie and Ella.

Child, if this is something you're going to run away from then let me be the first to tell you that life is going to be tough on you. I don't mean this in a harsh way, for once, but if you think leaving the site is a good idea just because someone said to you that there are sensitive people here, then you're going to struggle later down the line.


honestly i might have to leave the site soon

i'm just so fucking sick of what this place has become

i love each and every one of you dearly but it's getting too much

@The-Magician group

Please, Lee. Just stop.

Lee doesn't refer to people as "child".
Besides, what have I got to lose by trying to educate someone?
I'm being nice for once.

@Kamea public

I'm about to fucking leave this whole site, I can't stand you guys. Except you, Nie and Ella.

Child, if this is something you're going to run away from then let me be the first to tell you that life is going to be tough on you. I don't mean this in a harsh way, for once, but if you think leaving the site is a good idea just because someone said to you that there are sensitive people here, then you're going to struggle later down the line.

No, it's just that I don't need 2 people attacking me for a j o k e. Like, fine, you can say it was insensitive, but I don't need to hear it 15 different times. And if this is how life is going to be later down the line, then I think I'll cut the line right here.