forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Pickles group

My list is very short. It's Nie, Jay, Ella, and Dom. And occasionally Izzy and Miri
But I'm not going to meet any of you so it's fine

@Pickles group

Oh, okay, Pickles. I just feel like I've been doing a lot wrong lately.

<3 you annoy me less than some of these people. But thankfully I've been seeing less of them lately. Glares angrily into the void

@Pickles group

Oh, also Ellie
I think that's it but anyways
I'm supposed to like these people (irl) and I just don't? And they don't like me either. I only like one of them and she's not here

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

I'm very honored to be on the hug list.

Also any of you can hug me at any time unless I'm mad at you. Which is like never because I'm basically physically incapable of being mad for more than 2 seconds.

I wish I could be like that. I tend to hold grudges.

Deleted user

i think i have a semi-solution to the issue :o
brb gonna make a pm group chat

@Pickles group

oof Pickles your flutey friend is offended.

Jk lol

And Emi definitely not because you scare me
and if you're not on it don't worry. It's not personal and it doesn't mean I don't like you

@Pickles group

I'm very honored to be on the hug list.

Also any of you can hug me at any time unless I'm mad at you. Which is like never because I'm basically physically incapable of being mad for more than 2 seconds.

I wish I could be like that. I tend to hold grudges.

Me too honestly I'm surprised I like some of the people I like


I'm very honored to be on the hug list.

Also any of you can hug me at any time unless I'm mad at you. Which is like never because I'm basically physically incapable of being mad for more than 2 seconds.

I wish I could be like that. I tend to hold grudges.

I think it's just because I always give people the benefit of the doubt or just end up blaming it on myself even if I did nothing wrong.

Deleted user

oof Pickles your flutey friend is offended.

Jk lol

And Emi definitely not because you scare me
and if you're not on it don't worry. It's not personal and it doesn't mean I don't like you

lmao I’m not offended at all, I was just teasing.

i might weigh 180 but i give damn good hugs

Ofc there’s a very slim chance we’ll ever meet but hey, it’s fun to be your friend here.


…nvm, no pm chat
My computer shut down out of nowhere so I couldn’t send it :(
I was going to throw a random bunch of the people I admire together into one chat, just like another user did a while ago to create the CKC, also known as the most wholesome place on all of Notebook…
I thought it might be a good idea to have a wholesome place filled entirely with good beans that I love dearly and no drama so people would have a little mini place to talk without fear of every word they say being turned into a verbal war, turning everyone on the site against them…

It obviously wouldn’t solve the toxicity issue but it would make it a bit less depressing for the beans affected without annoying the heck out of the beans who aren’t/the beans who are most likely causing the problem

@Kamea public

…nvm, no pm chat
My computer shut down out of nowhere so I couldn’t send it :(
I was going to throw a random bunch of the people I admire together into one chat, just like another user did a while ago to create the CKC, also known as the most wholesome place on all of Notebook…
I thought it might be a good idea to have a wholesome place filled entirely with good beans that I love dearly and no drama so people would have a little mini place to talk without fear of every word they say being turned into a verbal war, turning everyone on the site against them…

It obviously wouldn’t solve the toxicity issue but it would make it a bit less depressing for the beans affected without annoying the heck out of the beans who aren’t/the beans who are most likely causing the problem

Okay but why are you like… the most wholesome and kind person that I have ever met?

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Yeah! If you want you can PM me ella with all the names in a short list of posts and I can put them into a PM group chat? My chromebook isn't likely to crash or die on me, so I can probably get it set up?