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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And marriage is dumb

Marriage is the best thing humanity has managed to hold on to. It is a stable, committed, relationship that is the cornerstone of society, and therefore, human growth and progress.

I present: fights, divorce, domestic abuse

Those do not negate anything I said. Is there no such thing as morality since evil exists?

So is dating for that matter

More or less based on how it is done. The human race must bond in a mating ritual somehow.


Best clarify what you mean here and back it up.

And humans

Depends. They are also they smartest creatures.

I present to you: abuse, assault, murder, many other assorted crimes, fights, mental breakdowns, existential crises, anxiety attacks, lies, global warming, clear-cutting, drama, a lack of sustainable living, etc

And those are supposed to oppose my point how?

Running into glass doors, pushing when it says pull, pulling when it says push, just to name some more

I never said anything next to mentally perfect. The word smartest is a relative term.

Deleted user

I don't think marriage is dumb, but getting married so young 100% is.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I still agree with the original statement.

Then the question is What would it take to change your mind.

Just because I agree with the statement, does not mean that I do not conceed that Marriage CAN be a good thing, and that dating is a natural normal part of life.
Personally I believe the whole process is dumb, but that's also a Bias since most of my male classmates are also idiots.

Deleted user

Girl who likes me
Got pulled out of class today because a teacher noticed cuts on her arm
And we were talking about it, and she's doing okay {as okay as you can be in her situation, I mean} and then one of my best friends who is also pretty close with the girl goes "you should ask her out, it would cheer her up."

I am a nice person in the sense that, for people I really care about, I will do most anything to cheer them up.
This was not the thing to say to me.
Now I feel like I have to, and that she's cutting because of me, and I just…

Today is also a bit of a self harm relapse for myself so I've been tempted all day–

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I don't think marriage is dumb, but getting married so young 100% is.

I disagree. It used to always be the way it was done. (Though I do think most people these days don’t have what it takes; part of that being the support system.)

@Pickles group

And marriage is dumb

Marriage is the best thing humanity has managed to hold on to. It is a stable, committed, relationship that is the cornerstone of society, and therefore, human growth and progress.

I present: fights, divorce, domestic abuse

Those do not negate anything I said. Is there no such thing as morality since evil exists?

My point is that marriage isn't necessarily stable at all. There are plenty of single people and unmarried people doing just fine thank you. It's hardly the cornerstone of society. Being unmarried doesn't mean you can't grow as a person.

So is dating for that matter

More or less based on how it is done. The human race must bond in a mating ritual somehow.


Best clarify what you mean here and back it up.

Dating is dumb. It leads to drama, confusion, heartbreak, assault, unplanned pregnancy and stuff of the like. It's not used to "practice for marriage" and it really can't be because there's so many nuances and difficulties in being married. Like living together, having kids, paying bills.

And humans

Depends. They are also they smartest creatures.

I present to you: abuse, assault, murder, many other assorted crimes, fights, mental breakdowns, existential crises, anxiety attacks, lies, global warming, clear-cutting, drama, a lack of sustainable living, etc

And those are supposed to oppose my point how?

Running into glass doors, pushing when it says pull, pulling when it says push, just to name some more

I never said anything next to mentally perfect. The word smartest is a relative term.

And clearly doesn't mean much if anything

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I don't think marriage is dumb, but getting married so young 100% is.

I disagree. It used to always be the way it was done.

Getting married young is kinda dumb, since neither partner is going to truly be mature enough to handle that kind of relationship.
Secondly, it used to be done that way because of sexist practices in medieval times.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Girl who likes me
Got pulled out of class today because a teacher noticed cuts on her arm
And we were talking about it, and she's doing okay {as okay as you can be in her situation, I mean} and then one of my best friends who is also pretty close with the girl goes "you should ask her out, it would cheer her up."

I am a nice person in the sense that, for people I really care about, I will do most anything to cheer them up.
This was not the thing to say to me.
Now I feel like I have to, and that she's cutting because of me, and I just…

Today is also a bit of a self harm relapse for myself so I've been tempted all day–

Don’t do it. Both actually You shouldn’t lighthandedly offer such a thing for such a reason.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Girl who likes me
Got pulled out of class today because a teacher noticed cuts on her arm
And we were talking about it, and she's doing okay {as okay as you can be in her situation, I mean} and then one of my best friends who is also pretty close with the girl goes "you should ask her out, it would cheer her up."

I am a nice person in the sense that, for people I really care about, I will do most anything to cheer them up.
This was not the thing to say to me.
Now I feel like I have to, and that she's cutting because of me, and I just…

Today is also a bit of a self harm relapse for myself so I've been tempted all day–

Ouch. That is awful.

Well, first of all, no harming yourself. I do not permit it. Two, you are not obligated to ask her out, no matter the circumstances. If you want to, that's great. But if you don't, don't ask her out. Don't let peer pressure influence you. I advise that you comfort this girl as best as you can. I am sure that your kindness and compassion toward her alone would cheer her up greatly. Sometimes all you need is someone who's there for you.

@Pickles group

I don't think marriage is dumb, but getting married so young 100% is.

I disagree. It used to always be the way it was done. (Though I do think most people these days don’t have what it takes; part of that being the support system.)

Hon, there was a lot of stuff they did back then that's stupid
Thirteen year olds sleeping with old men because they think it will further their status even though they likely weren't taught about it and if anything, would lower their status and the fact that even though it was normal, it's still wildly inappropriate and disgusting
Hygiene, need I explain? Didn't think so
Their technology
Living in actual huts and mud houses and yes I do know there are parts of the world that still live like that so don't even with me and yes I do plan on doing something about it so don't bother trying to play the "but you're not going to do anything about it because all teenagers know how to do is be selfish, lazy, and complain" card.

@Pickles group

Also Mir, I did read your comment and I'm not trying to ignore. I feel even less qualified than usual to comment
although asking someone out to cheer them up seems kind of dumb to me but clearly what do I know 🙄
but if you like her, you should go for it. Eventually, anyways

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And marriage is dumb

Marriage is the best thing humanity has managed to hold on to. It is a stable, committed, relationship that is the cornerstone of society, and therefore, human growth and progress.

I present: fights, divorce, domestic abuse

Those do not negate anything I said. Is there no such thing as morality since evil exists?

My point is that marriage isn't necessarily stable at all. There are plenty of single people and unmarried people doing just fine thank you. It's hardly the cornerstone of society. Being unmarried doesn't mean you can't grow as a person.

True. But it is created to be. People just fail in it. For multiple reasons.
Indeed there are. But humanity could not grow well (both literally and figuratively) without marriage; which is why I call it cornerstone.
Never said anything like.

So is dating for that matter

More or less based on how it is done. The human race must bond in a mating ritual somehow.


Best clarify what you mean here and back it up.

Dating is dumb. It leads to drama, confusion, heartbreak, assault, unplanned pregnancy and stuff of the like. It's not used to "practice for marriage" and it really can't be because there's so many nuances and difficulties in being married. Like living together, having kids, paying bills.

Hmm. You have decent points. Though I will point out that all those things can happen without dating. It you are correct that such a thing as dating can never come close to fully encompassing such a complicated relationship as marriage. But it can (or at least some sort of ritual/tradition related to mate finding can) help a little bit. But I personally think casually dating is horrible on many many levels.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I don't think marriage is dumb, but getting married so young 100% is.

I disagree. It used to always be the way it was done.

Getting married young is kinda dumb, since neither partner is going to truly be mature enough to handle that kind of relationship.
Secondly, it used to be done that way because of sexist practices in medieval times.

It actually depends on the society more than biology to a certain extent. (Especially as people did handle that kind of relationship.)
Really? Give your evidence due to the statement.

@HighPockets group

Marriage is the best thing humanity has managed to hold on to. It is a stable, committed, relationship that is the cornerstone of society, and therefore, human growth and progress.

Is it though?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I don't think marriage is dumb, but getting married so young 100% is.

I disagree. It used to always be the way it was done. (Though I do think most people these days don’t have what it takes; part of that being the support system.)

Hon, there was a lot of stuff they did back then that's stupid
Thirteen year olds sleeping with old men because they think it will further their status even though they likely weren't taught about it and if anything, would lower their status and the fact that even though it was normal, it's still wildly inappropriate and disgusting
Hygiene, need I explain? Didn't think so
Their technology
Living in actual huts and mud houses and yes I do know there are parts of the world that still live like that so don't even with me and yes I do plan on doing something about it so don't bother trying to play the "but you're not going to do anything about it because all teenagers know how to do is be selfish, lazy, and complain" card.

True. But that hardly means what used to be done is wrong. We have progressed in many ways as time went by. Regressed in others. See the divorce and fatherlessness rates of today.


Girl who likes me
Got pulled out of class today because a teacher noticed cuts on her arm
And we were talking about it, and she's doing okay {as okay as you can be in her situation, I mean} and then one of my best friends who is also pretty close with the girl goes "you should ask her out, it would cheer her up."

I am a nice person in the sense that, for people I really care about, I will do most anything to cheer them up.
This was not the thing to say to me.
Now I feel like I have to, and that she's cutting because of me, and I just…

Today is also a bit of a self harm relapse for myself so I've been tempted all day–

Ouch. That is awful.

Well, first of all, no harming yourself. I do not permit it. Two, you are not obligated to ask her out, no matter the circumstances. If you want to, that's great. But if you don't, don't ask her out. Don't let peer pressure influence you. I advise that you comfort this girl as best as you can. I am sure that your kindness and compassion toward her alone would cheer her up greatly. Sometimes all you need is someone who's there for you.
