forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Pickles group

Well, if they're asking and you're actually okay, you probably look tired or angry so I guess get more sleep and yell at a lemon to get your anger out before you leave the house?

@Pickles group

You're only nineteen and marriage is dumb
I know lots of 16-18 year olds that were engaged. They were like let's get mArRiEd and I was in the corner like
That's dumb and probably not gonna work out but okay

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

You are 19


And marriage is dumb

Marriage is the best thing humanity has managed to hold on to. It is a stable, committed, relationship that is the cornerstone of society, and therefore, human growth and progress.

So is dating for that matter

More or less based on how it is done. The human race must bond in a mating ritual somehow.

And humans

Depends. They are also they smartest creatures.

@Pickles group

You are 19


And marriage is dumb

Marriage is the best thing humanity has managed to hold on to. It is a stable, committed, relationship that is the cornerstone of society, and therefore, human growth and progress.

I present: fights, divorce, domestic abuse

So is dating for that matter

More or less based on how it is done. The human race must bond in a mating ritual somehow.


And humans

Depends. They are also they smartest creatures.

I present to you: abuse, assault, murder, many other assorted crimes, fights, mental breakdowns, existential crises, anxiety attacks, lies, global warming, clear-cutting, drama, a lack of sustainable living, etc
Running into glass doors, pushing when it says pull, pulling when it says push, just to name some more