forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

Umm… no. OH I see how that can be interpreted as such. When I say, “What used to be done”, I meant to encompass all traditions of the past. My statement was to say that just because something is old doesn’t mean it need be thrown out.

No but my point is that some things are wrong and do need to be thrown out. Some old things can be great
Like religion
Or grandparents
Ancient things

@HighPockets group

I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.

Darling, things look more innocent from the outside, and you're innocent yourself so I don't expect you to have noticed this but
I guarantee 90% of those "stable and healthy relationships" consist of them having sex and getting über jealous at every little thing

8th graders (and I say this as a sophomore with multiple friends in 8th grade) are not ready for a romantic and/or sexual relationship. They're children and not even in high school, and it takes an amount of emotional maturity that they lack to be in a real relationship. I'd say even freshmen and some sophomores lack it. Speaking on my own experiences as an eighth grader, they weren't genuine relationships, just "he's cute, I'll text him and we'll be ~dating~" for a few weeks, tops, and then 'break up' and it's awkward for everyone.

@Moxie group

(I'm so confused rn. Isn't this the venting chat? Why are we debating here?)

(Because dom is here)

(Indeed Lol.)

(Where there is debate, there is Dom)

@HighPockets group

(I'm so confused rn. Isn't this the venting chat? Why are we debating here?)

(Because dom is here)

(Indeed Lol.)

(Where there is debate, there is Dom)

(Newton's Fourth Law)


Oh well.
I'll just actually vent.
Do you ever just have a really big insecurity that you hate about yourself but people don't seem to get how big it is so they try to make you face it or don't even realize that it is an insecurity at all so they keep trying to make it happen but you just really can't.
Cause that's exactlyvwhat's happening to me with my hair.


(It is a discussion born of venting, therefore it belongs in the venting chat since it is relevant to what is being discussed.)

(…not quite how it works. The discussion that shut the other chat down was born of venting, yet arguments like that absolutely do not belong, even if they were relevant.
It really depends.
I personally don’t think this argument belongs here by any means, but I also am grumpy and don’t care enough to stop it.)

@Pickles group

I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.

Darling, things look more innocent from the outside, and you're innocent yourself so I don't expect you to have noticed this but
I guarantee 90% of those "stable and healthy relationships" consist of them having sex and getting über jealous at every little thing

8th graders (and I say this as a sophomore with multiple friends in 8th grade) are not ready for a romantic and/or sexual relationship. They're children and not even in high school, and it takes an amount of emotional maturity that they lack to be in a real relationship. I'd say even freshmen and some sophomores lack it. Speaking on my own experiences as an eighth grader, they weren't genuine relationships, just "he's cute, I'll text him and we'll be ~dating~" for a few weeks, tops, and then 'break up' and it's awkward for everyone.

It's easier to look back and realize how immature everyone was instead of looking around
That makes me sound like I'm high. I'm not
Even looking at myself last year, I was a stupid, self-righteous bitch and I probably still am
I know seniors and people in college that lack it

@Pickles group

Oh well.
I'll just actually vent.
Do you ever just have a really big insecurity that you hate about yourself but people don't seem to get how big it is so they try to make you face it or don't even realize that it is an insecurity at all so they keep trying to make it happen but you just really can't.
Cause that's exactlyvwhat's happening to me with my hair.

All the time
And I don't know how to stop

@Pickles group

(Are you sure it isn't, where there is Dom, there is debate?)

(It's both. But it's definitely "debate?" Because more often than not, the matter at hand isn't a debate but he's desperate)

@The-Magician group

I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.

Darling, things look more innocent from the outside, and you're innocent yourself so I don't expect you to have noticed this but
I guarantee 90% of those "stable and healthy relationships" consist of them having sex and getting über jealous at every little thing

8th graders (and I say this as a sophomore with multiple friends in 8th grade) are not ready for a romantic and/or sexual relationship. They're children and not even in high school, and it takes an amount of emotional maturity that they lack to be in a real relationship. I'd say even freshmen and some sophomores lack it. Speaking on my own experiences as an eighth grader, they weren't genuine relationships, just "he's cute, I'll text him and we'll be ~dating~" for a few weeks, tops, and then 'break up' and it's awkward for everyone.

The person I'm currently dating, I have been dating since the start of 8th grade… Just so you know.

@Nie-Huaisang-is-lost-in-the-stars group

Oh well.
I'll just actually vent.
Do you ever just have a really big insecurity that you hate about yourself but people don't seem to get how big it is so they try to make you face it or don't even realize that it is an insecurity at all so they keep trying to make it happen but you just really can't.
Cause that's exactlyvwhat's happening to me with my hair.

Mhmmm. I can totally relate. Not just with the feeling, but with the hair too.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Ya'll I really hate this topic but I just have to add-
I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.
I think dating at any age is acceptable as long as it's not toxic because it should be normal for people to explore their feelings and dating might be a part of that. I actually wish I was allowed to date because I honestly just bottle up all of my feelings because wth am I supposed to do.
Also, dating can be really good for people because if you have a healthy relationship then your bf/gf would be someone you can really open up to and they can help you feel good about yourself

Pickles is probably right. But beyond that
You just wrote out why young dating is a bad idea. It consists of wild emotions and hormones with people that are not good at controlling them. The fact that you think “Why resist feelings?” shows that you need to learn to resist them. (Not a personal attack.)
And you’re objectives are all wrong. Relationships are not about someone you can use (even in a way that some might consider alright) to better yourself. That is hella toxic (and immature) even if the people involved disagree.

@HighPockets group

I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.

Darling, things look more innocent from the outside, and you're innocent yourself so I don't expect you to have noticed this but
I guarantee 90% of those "stable and healthy relationships" consist of them having sex and getting über jealous at every little thing

8th graders (and I say this as a sophomore with multiple friends in 8th grade) are not ready for a romantic and/or sexual relationship. They're children and not even in high school, and it takes an amount of emotional maturity that they lack to be in a real relationship. I'd say even freshmen and some sophomores lack it. Speaking on my own experiences as an eighth grader, they weren't genuine relationships, just "he's cute, I'll text him and we'll be ~dating~" for a few weeks, tops, and then 'break up' and it's awkward for everyone.

The person I'm currently dating, I have been dating since the start of 8th grade… Just so you know.

And? You're not in eighth grade anymore.

@HighPockets group

Ya'll I really hate this topic but I just have to add-
I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.
I think dating at any age is acceptable as long as it's not toxic because it should be normal for people to explore their feelings and dating might be a part of that. I actually wish I was allowed to date because I honestly just bottle up all of my feelings because wth am I supposed to do.
Also, dating can be really good for people because if you have a healthy relationship then your bf/gf would be someone you can really open up to and they can help you feel good about yourself

Pickles is probably right. But beyond that
You just wrote out why young dating is a bad idea. It consists of wild emotions and hormones with people that are not good at controlling them. The fact that you think “Why resist feelings?” shows that you need to learn to resist them. (Not a personal attack.)
And you’re objectives are all wrong. Relationships are not about someone you can use (even in a way that some might consider alright) to better yourself. That is hella toxic (and immature) even if the people involved disagree.

"Why resist feelings?" is how Romeo and Juliet died

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Umm… no. OH I see how that can be interpreted as such. When I say, “What used to be done”, I meant to encompass all traditions of the past. My statement was to say that just because something is old doesn’t mean it need be thrown out.

No but my point is that some things are wrong and do need to be thrown out. Some old things can be great
Like religion
Or grandparents
Ancient things

Yup. A lot of ancient things are meh or nah. But quite a few are quite good.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.

Darling, things look more innocent from the outside, and you're innocent yourself so I don't expect you to have noticed this but
I guarantee 90% of those "stable and healthy relationships" consist of them having sex and getting über jealous at every little thing

8th graders (and I say this as a sophomore with multiple friends in 8th grade) are not ready for a romantic and/or sexual relationship. They're children and not even in high school, and it takes an amount of emotional maturity that they lack to be in a real relationship. I'd say even freshmen and some sophomores lack it. Speaking on my own experiences as an eighth grader, they weren't genuine relationships, just "he's cute, I'll text him and we'll be ~dating~" for a few weeks, tops, and then 'break up' and it's awkward for everyone.


@Pickles group

Ya'll I really hate this topic but I just have to add-
I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.
I think dating at any age is acceptable as long as it's not toxic because it should be normal for people to explore their feelings and dating might be a part of that. I actually wish I was allowed to date because I honestly just bottle up all of my feelings because wth am I supposed to do.
Also, dating can be really good for people because if you have a healthy relationship then your bf/gf would be someone you can really open up to and they can help you feel good about yourself

Pickles is probably right. But beyond that
You just wrote out why young dating is a bad idea. It consists of wild emotions and hormones with people that are not good at controlling them. The fact that you think “Why resist feelings?” shows that you need to learn to resist them. (Not a personal attack.)
And you’re objectives are all wrong. Relationships are not about someone you can use (even in a way that some might consider alright) to better yourself. That is hella toxic (and immature) even if the people involved disagree.

"Why resist feelings?" is how Romeo and Juliet died

i really would have hated it a lot less if they'd taught it like how it was written
you know
"look how stupid these bitches are"

@HighPockets group

I know many people in my grade (8th) that are in stable and healthy relationships.

Darling, things look more innocent from the outside, and you're innocent yourself so I don't expect you to have noticed this but
I guarantee 90% of those "stable and healthy relationships" consist of them having sex and getting über jealous at every little thing

8th graders (and I say this as a sophomore with multiple friends in 8th grade) are not ready for a romantic and/or sexual relationship. They're children and not even in high school, and it takes an amount of emotional maturity that they lack to be in a real relationship. I'd say even freshmen and some sophomores lack it. Speaking on my own experiences as an eighth grader, they weren't genuine relationships, just "he's cute, I'll text him and we'll be ~dating~" for a few weeks, tops, and then 'break up' and it's awkward for everyone.

It's easier to look back and realize how immature everyone was instead of looking around
That makes me sound like I'm high. I'm not
Even looking at myself last year, I was a stupid, self-righteous bitch and I probably still am
I know seniors and people in college that lack it

Yeah, I'm very different from the person I was in 8th (and especially 7th) grade. I've changed, I've matured, I've grown up, and I've just all-around learned more. Hell, I'm different in 10th grade than I was in 9th, though not as drastically. Just look at my presence on this site when I first joined in 8th grade, how I spoke/how I wrote/the words I used and my style to how I do now, it's a world of difference.