forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Mmhmm. Therapy for you is for you. You can decide who you want to be in the room. You can decide who you want to work with. You can decide what you want to talk about.

@HighPockets group

Mmhmm. Therapy for you is for you. You can decide who you want to be in the room. You can decide who you want to work with. You can decide what you want to talk about.

And everything is confidential too.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Do you ever just, watch Pride and Prejudice, then cry because you are not a Witty and stunning young lady and as such will never find your self a fine young gentlemen, and because of this will never have the wonderful relationship that Mr. Darcy and Lizzy have?
… Nope I'm the only one got it.

No, no. You have a very valid point.


Every appointment goes differently. My diagnosis was surprisingly swift, but a friend of mine had to go in and fill out a bunch of questionnaires. For me it wasn't scary at all, but for others it is. Everyone has a different experience, but you can expect to get these questions:

  1. How are you feeling?
  2. How long have you been feeling that way?
  3. Has anything caused you to feel that way (big life events, for example)?
  4. Have you had any thoughts of harming or killing yourself?

They may ask you to go into more detail, but those questions are the basic starting point. And remember, you don't have to be embarrassed or feel like you can't trust the doctor. They've seen this before, and they'll see it again. They know how to handle these types of things, so it's ok to let them. Be honest. Also, ask questions! It can be a fun oppurtunity to learn about your possible condition and treatment options. Involve yourself as much as you can, you won't regret that. Best of luck!

Deleted user

d00d yaknow those paper screening things you have to do at therapy?
hate those

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I don't have that with my therapist. We were doing questionnaires but I broke down and w we haven't tried to do them again, with no diagnosis. Just letting me spill my guess every time I go. I also have no say in the therapist (I think because of my parents) and the therapy place I go just never prescribes drugs. It was my dad's choice to go there because "he loves me just the way I am and he doesn't want me to be changed by drugs." For the love of God I hate myself and I need someone who's gonna actually diagnose my for fucks sake.

So… Sorry for that turning into a bit of a rant.


ok i don’t think I actually got any official exact diagnosis but there’s definitely something off, i’m prescribed drugs now, and it actually went pretty well
i didn’t even cry-

Deleted user

y e s
d r u g s
what kind? what's your dpsage?


(hey, sorry to interrupt, but could someone maybe tag me when the therapy convo is done? i like following this chat but it's all a bit close to home atm)

(np fren)

Deleted user

I don’t remember, i’d have to check
I think half a pill of something for a week and then move on to full dosage

they can start you on half a pill???
when I first got on mine they immediately gave me a big ass dosage lmao
is it f l u o x e t i n e
because that's what I'm on
and it slaps

Deleted user

and el, when you start taking them, if it makes your thoughts worse you HAVE TO TELL SOMEONE.

because that means this type of medicine isn't right for you and you need to try something else.