forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I'm dead serious
or ask to take a break or something

Deleted user

Yeaah I’d bring it up and try to talk it out civilly.

Deleted user

I literally just twisted my ankle running across my deck barefoot wtf ow

Deleted user

Hello, Zachirus.

Facts though
I somehow forgot there's a full moon tonight (Sagittarius moon too, for my Saggi doods and dudettes)
so I flung my altar cloth and crystals onto my windowsill, got a bottle and sprinted outside to make some moonwater and somehow while running back in as to not be seen in my fantastic pajamas, I full on rolled the thing

Deleted user

Wait a minute, why were you running across your deck barefoot?

fu l l mo o n

@HighPockets group

You know a good song that's underrated? Easy Street from Annie
No I'm not just saying this because it's stuck in my head
Reminds me of some of my characters

@Anemone eco

But, seeing that you mentioned the Sagittarius moon, I thought it's appropriate to mention that I'm a Sagittarius. :D

@Anemone eco

You know a good song that's underrated? Easy Street from Annie
No I'm not just saying this because it's stuck in my head
Reminds me of some of my characters


Yes! I love that song.

Deleted user

But, seeing that you mentioned the Sagittarius moon, I thought it's appropriate to mention that I'm a Sagittarius. :D

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D
I'm writing your name in my book of grimoire ;)

@HighPockets group

You know a good song that's underrated? Easy Street from Annie
No I'm not just saying this because it's stuck in my head
Reminds me of some of my characters


Yes! I love that song.

It unironically slaps and it fits my con artist family pretty well

@Anemone eco

My friend just texted me saying that she misses me and ahhh. I just want to hug her (and I don't typically like hugs). She's so sweet and adorable and I don't want her to be sad.


Random interruption but do y'all know what was really telling yesterday? None of my friends texted me to wish me happy birthday. Not one of them. And, idk, maybe I'm reading too deep into this, but…if they can't take ten seconds to wish me a happy birthday, on the one day a year where I feel just a tiny bit entitled to being paid attention to…idk. Maybe I'm just an attention whore and maybe I'm clingy and maybe I'm reading too deep into this, but I've always texted them on their birthdays. Always. But not one of them could be bothered to pick up their damn phone for ten fucking seconds to text me happy birthday. And…idk. sorry. Just needed to get that out I guess