forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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So I'm happy. My parents said that there is currently a waiting list for OwlCrate, but once the waiting list is gone, I'm gonna be getting a subscription!! I'm super happy!!

Awesome!!! I just got the May box yesterday, it's amazing! I hope you get on for the June one, I'm so excited for it~

What's the June box gonna be??

All The World's A Stage (which is a title I love since I'll hopefully be in As You Like It soon!) and it'll center on stories about carnivals, circuses, and performances!

!!! That sounds awesome!! Idk if I'll get it or not but I hope so!

Deleted user

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I just wrote an entire thing out and it disappeared :)))))

well so first off basically there's a peaceful blm protest in my town tomorrow, and I love protests, have always wanted to go to one, and really really support blm so I obviously really want to go. my mom was going to let me, then decided I can't go because her friend invited her to go drinking :)))) My best friend lives super super super super super (tic sorry) close to the protest area and so I asked if I could just go with her. my mom said, and I quote: "No, I can't let you do that." Um? Yes you mcfucking can????? just say yes???????????? but nope, why would I get to do something really important that shows my respect for human lives when my 50 year old mom can go and drink wine with her even older work friend? I'm so fucking done.

and now
I found my old mp3 player and was talking about putting some new music on it so I could use it again. My brother showed me a site and as I'm literally looking at some goddamn fucking piano music so I can have something calming to listen to when I feel… Like this, the site gives my computer a damn virus. Now there's this annoying ass hella annoying distracting and distracting distractable lmao lol XD distracting search bar type thing that's always and forever at the top of my screen pretending to be google. I can't write without it there. I can't watch Netflix without it there. I can't do anything without l this stupid l ass search bar type thing at the top of my screen distracting me. And it's literally legit messing with my keyboard and stuff and shit and apparently I can't get rid of it (this stupid ass virus thing). I got this laptop in November. For a lot of money. :)))))))))))

sorry for all the repeating and stuff you guys. I'm really really like super tic-y and my fingers keep typing things I'm not in the mood to delete. It's hard to explain

@HighPockets group

Oh shit, that sucks on both accounts!
Is there any way you can get rid of the virus? Try a full shutdown and see if it works after that
You don't need to apologize for the tics, it's fine!

Deleted user

I've restarted it twice, it's not working lmao lol.
fucking christ I would reAAAALLY like to stopp ticcing now haa :DD
I'm just in my pitch black room making hella fucking weird noises


Depending on your computer, you might be able to restore to a previous version. You would lose everything that had been downloaded/changed/made since then, but it should get rid of the virus. You can also install anti-virus tech that can sometimes help, though be very careful with those since sometimes malware gets disguised as anti-virus stuff. If those don't work, your only option is to take it to a computer place and see if they can fix it. But you might end up just having to wipe the entire device, depending on the virus


Do you ever just, watch Pride and Prejudice, then cry because you are not a Witty and stunning young lady and as such will never find your self a fine young gentlemen, and because of this will never have the wonderful relationship that Mr. Darcy and Lizzy have?
… Nope I'm the only one got it.


I found a new way to respond to "I love you more." while talking to my crush friend. Everyone always said "Love you most." and the nI say it to her and she says "bet."

Deleted user

Update: think I got rid of the virus.
Slightly less ticcy but still ticcy as hell.

Can someone please just tell me I'm not the only one who thinks whatever this whole thing my mom is doing is dumb????


Talking to my crush is lowkey painful, cuz im like "I love you more than life itself" and shes like "I love you too" but we're not dating??? Like I dont think we are

@Moxie group

Talking to my crush is lowkey painful, cuz im like "I love you more than life itself" and shes like "I love you too" but we're not dating??? Like I dont think we are

Ask! DTR!


And im worried to ask her out cuz shes one of my only reliable friends and i dont want to ruin that

…. I felt that on a personal level.

@HighPockets group

And im worried to ask her out cuz shes one of my only reliable friends and i dont want to ruin that

…. I felt that on a personal level.

Dude, as someone who has had a crush on a reliable friend, just tell them. It isn't that bad.

Deleted user

Oh no it's hella dumb dude. I think most things your mom does that you mention are hella dumb

ngl kinda facts