forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

if I disappear don't worry about it
I'm probably not okay, but I'm better this way
there's so much shit I just can't do anymore
on this planet
I tried.
let that be known. I always tried.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

M'kay so I just got a reminder of why I love my dad: (for context: he and my mom are both conservative christians, and I am not out to them in any way shape or form), but he told me "be careful tomorrow about opening texts or emails containing links. Tomorrow is supposed to be some sort of big hacking day. "Hacking for social justice"." and I was like "You mean Operation Pridefall?" and he kinda winced a little and was like "yeah". And I just…maybe this doesn't make sense to y'all but I love him. Even if he has no idea i'm pan and would be upset if I told him…idk

What is this thing?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

if I disappear don't worry about it

I will.

I'm probably not okay, but I'm better this way

Is it?

there's so much shit I just can't do anymore

You feel like that, but I doubt it's true.

on this planet
I tried.
let that be known. I always tried.

@Pickles group

M'kay so I just got a reminder of why I love my dad: (for context: he and my mom are both conservative christians, and I am not out to them in any way shape or form), but he told me "be careful tomorrow about opening texts or emails containing links. Tomorrow is supposed to be some sort of big hacking day. "Hacking for social justice"." and I was like "You mean Operation Pridefall?" and he kinda winced a little and was like "yeah". And I just…maybe this doesn't make sense to y'all but I love him. Even if he has no idea i'm pan and would be upset if I told him…idk

What is this thing?

A bunch of sissies on the internet threatening to send hate and child porn to LGBTQ+ users, as well as gather personal information, dox them, and kill them
Except for the hate, it's most likely a bunch of made up stuff by little homophobic white boys. Has the younglings' panties in a twist.

@saor_illust school

if I disappear don't worry about it
I'm probably not okay, but I'm better this way
there's so much shit I just can't do anymore
on this planet
I tried.
let that be known. I always tried.

oh mir-
please don't
you told me that i'm not allowed to die
don't die either
i am willing to do so much to help you, i just never know how-
big hugs @ fren

Deleted user

Here's the pic for those who care.

I am an hour late but wow! That looks nice!


so I’m scared-
my computer shut itself down while I was drawing, when I turned it back on it said it had updates and not to shut down the computer, but then it overheated and shut down again during updates
now it’s telling me to select a type of BIOS recovery (whatever the feck that means) to continue
but I’ve tried both options three times now and it always shows a loading screen, says “BIOS recovery failed” or something along those lines, and goes back to the select a type screen, doing absolutely nothing
there’s a scary looking cancel button in the corner and I’m starting to think that’s the only option

what do I do???
I have months upon months of hard work on this computer that I could never fully recover…
this is all I ever do???
everything i’ve spent my time on since Christmas could just vanish in front of my eyes in an instant
please someone help-

Deleted user

Is it saved on iCloud? If not you can fix it. Something similar happened to my PC and when I fixed it everything was still there.