forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

I'm bad at writing romance, so the only scene I have so far is two of them walking outside a McDonald's and him telling her his parents are getting divorced. And a lot of "omg he's so cute"

That's good stuff though.

It's written very poorly

Oh well. Rewrite Ig.

But I have a new ship and I kind of want to write me some nice fluff with them before they get together but holy shit Sophie is hard to write

I want to know more.

About which part?

Sophie. Tell me about your girl.

I love her so much. She's the second oldest in her family, but oldest for most intents and purposes, she's super motherly, shy, she's anxious, has one friend (the other half of the afformentioned ship), and a job that she adores. But the store closes down part way through so that doesn't turn out well. She hates cars. Has PTSD (which I've done research on, but am still very iffy on writing it). Likes order, schedules, cooking, and being on time. If you're late for dinner, you're on your own. Will go with you anywhere just to spend time with you.

Deleted user

Has PTSD (which I've done research on, but am still very iffy on writing it)

dude I'm totally down to answer any questions for the record

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Also I'm sorry, Red.

What's there to be sorry for? As far as my knowledge goes, you've done nothing so far to wrong or harm me.

Indeed. Perhaps, "I lend you sympathy" is a better way to phrase it.

@Pickles group

Has PTSD (which I've done research on, but am still very iffy on writing it)

dude I'm totally down to answer any questions for the record

And I would totally have questions if I didn't procrastinate it every time I go to write

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I love her so much. She's the second oldest in her family, but oldest for most intents and purposes, she's super motherly, shy, she's anxious, has one friend (the other half of the afformentioned ship), and a job that she adores. But the store closes down part way through so that doesn't turn out well. She hates cars. Has PTSD (which I've done research on, but am still very iffy on writing it). Likes order, schedules, cooking, and being on time. If you're late for dinner, you're on your own. Will go with you anywhere just to spend time with you.

What's up with the actual oldest?


Also I'm sorry, Red.

What's there to be sorry for? As far as my knowledge goes, you've done nothing so far to wrong or harm me.

Indeed. Perhaps, "I lend you sympathy" is a better way to phrase it.

Indeed it is. Thank you, Dom.

@HighPockets group

I broke my nail and I am way more pissed than I already was.

oh i hate when that happens

Henry V flashback
My condolences.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Has PTSD (which I've done research on, but am still very iffy on writing it)

dude I'm totally down to answer any questions for the record

And I would totally have questions if I didn't procrastinate it every time I go to write



Ah, I totally understand the feeling, Ace. I've been in a situation sorta similar. I really hope everything works out for you, dude. I think you should not bite back how you feel about the situation too much though. It didn't really get me anywhere good, but idk. Things may just work out differently for you.

I told him and he listened. He understood what I was saying, and was receptive to how my brother and I felt about it. The conversation essentially boiled down to: "I'm not going to go for it, you guys are important to me, and it felt good to still be seen as 'interesting' in my old age."

I just hate that this situation happened in the first place. I hate that others can't possibly fully comprehend what we've been through, and when they try they, more often than not, just end up getting in the way. I hate that other people don't know how to fuck off.

Note: That last statement is directed to people irl. None of you here have incurred my wrath, because yall actually understand and respect me, unlike some certain nosy outsiders.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group


Entry #1:
Today I have laid my eyes upon quite a beauty. Her hair was long and brown with a tinge of red. I sadly was not able to see the entirety of what she looks like. I have been told that she is not of noble blood, but she still made my heart quake with something that I have not felt for any other outside of my family. I must find a way to meet her.

@Pickles group

I love her so much. She's the second oldest in her family, but oldest for most intents and purposes, she's super motherly, shy, she's anxious, has one friend (the other half of the afformentioned ship), and a job that she adores. But the store closes down part way through so that doesn't turn out well. She hates cars. Has PTSD (which I've done research on, but am still very iffy on writing it). Likes order, schedules, cooking, and being on time. If you're late for dinner, you're on your own. Will go with you anywhere just to spend time with you.

What's up with the actual oldest?

They were in a car crash (maybe a simple "accident" is a better word, because there's some funky stuff that happened there. MuRdEr) when they were little and sent to an orphanage. He ended up running away and getting kidnapped by the antagonists (okay I know I should have figured out the whole antagonist situation by now, but I haven't), so when the rest of them got adopted, he didn't

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I love her so much. She's the second oldest in her family, but oldest for most intents and purposes, she's super motherly, shy, she's anxious, has one friend (the other half of the afformentioned ship), and a job that she adores. But the store closes down part way through so that doesn't turn out well. She hates cars. Has PTSD (which I've done research on, but am still very iffy on writing it). Likes order, schedules, cooking, and being on time. If you're late for dinner, you're on your own. Will go with you anywhere just to spend time with you.

What's up with the actual oldest?

They were in a car crash (maybe a simple "accident" is a better word, because there's some funky stuff that happened there. MuRdEr) when they were little and sent to an orphanage. He ended up running away and getting kidnapped by the antagonists (okay I know I should have figured out the whole antagonist situation by now, but I haven't), so when the rest of them got adopted, he didn't

Okay so what sort of world is this?

@Anemone eco

Ah, I totally understand the feeling, Ace. I've been in a situation sorta similar. I really hope everything works out for you, dude. I think you should not bite back how you feel about the situation too much though. It didn't really get me anywhere good, but idk. Things may just work out differently for you.

I told him and he listened. He understood what I was saying, and was receptive to how my brother and I felt about it. The conversation essentially boiled down to: "I'm not going to go for it, you guys are important to me, and it felt good to still be seen as 'interesting' in my old age."

I just hate that this situation happened in the first place. I hate that others can't possibly fully comprehend what we've been through, and when they try they, more often than not, just end up getting in the way. I hate that other people don't know how to fuck off.

Note: That last statement is directed to people irl. None of you here have incurred my wrath, because yall actually understand and respect me, unlike some certain nosy outsiders.

Ah! I'm very glad that he listened to you. I'm glad that it went well. And I totally feel your pain there.

@Pickles group

I love her so much. She's the second oldest in her family, but oldest for most intents and purposes, she's super motherly, shy, she's anxious, has one friend (the other half of the afformentioned ship), and a job that she adores. But the store closes down part way through so that doesn't turn out well. She hates cars. Has PTSD (which I've done research on, but am still very iffy on writing it). Likes order, schedules, cooking, and being on time. If you're late for dinner, you're on your own. Will go with you anywhere just to spend time with you.

What's up with the actual oldest?

They were in a car crash (maybe a simple "accident" is a better word, because there's some funky stuff that happened there. MuRdEr) when they were little and sent to an orphanage. He ended up running away and getting kidnapped by the antagonists (okay I know I should have figured out the whole antagonist situation by now, but I haven't), so when the rest of them got adopted, he didn't

Okay so what sort of world is this?

Low fantasy with a little sci-fi. Underdeveloped even though worldbuilding is fun. Highly unrealistic. Plot hole riddled. but I don't exactly care, since I know I'm not ever getting published and it's hella fun to write about

@Pickles group

Oh hey
I shouldn't be feeling like this. But I have the sudden urge to cry and an overwhelming sadness for no discernable reason


Oh hey
I shouldn't be feeling like this. But I have the sudden urge to cry and an overwhelming sadness for no discernable reason

i get that…
it’s ok to cry it out
even if you have no hecking clue why you’re crying
you’ll feel oddly better and it’s a lot healthier than trying to ignore or bottle it

@Anemone eco

I love you too, Pickles. I think I love you all. Which sort of wasn't supposed to happen. But I don't mind so much now.

He thinks.