forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Moxie group

Anyone else ever read through slightly old drama or arguments and really really want to comment on something someone said but you don't?
I'm not gonna do that cause I think it's annoying Dom time does not count but I am a little (sad? mad? generally upset?) that I wasn't active during the conversation

@HighPockets group

I love you too, Pickles. I think I love you all. Which sort of wasn't supposed to happen. But I don't mind so much now.

I love that this sounds like some hella dramatic spy thriller stuff about falling in love with the mark or something, but no. It's just Dom being Dom.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I love you too, Pickles. I think I love you all. Which sort of wasn't supposed to happen. But I don't mind so much now.

I love that this sounds like some hella dramatic spy thriller stuff about falling in love with the mark or something, but no. It's just Dom being Dom.

Jynneth I'm trying to keep a straight face on camera and you're not helping

@HighPockets group

I love you too, Pickles. I think I love you all. Which sort of wasn't supposed to happen. But I don't mind so much now.

I love that this sounds like some hella dramatic spy thriller stuff about falling in love with the mark or something, but no. It's just Dom being Dom.

Jynneth I'm trying to keep a straight face on camera and you're not helping

When am I ever helpful?

Deleted user

I love you too, Pickles. I think I love you all. Which sort of wasn't supposed to happen. But I don't mind so much now.

I love that this sounds like some hella dramatic spy thriller stuff about falling in love with the mark or something, but no. It's just Dom being Dom.

Jynneth I'm trying to keep a straight face on camera and you're not helping

When am I ever helpful?

Bad Science

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

They were doing another award for our grade and they were like
"She always turns in all her work, shows compassion and always gives 110%"
and I'm like
'Yep, it's not me'
It wasn't me, but the girl who got it deserved it

@HighPockets group

I love you too, Pickles. I think I love you all. Which sort of wasn't supposed to happen. But I don't mind so much now.

I love that this sounds like some hella dramatic spy thriller stuff about falling in love with the mark or something, but no. It's just Dom being Dom.

Jynneth I'm trying to keep a straight face on camera and you're not helping

When am I ever helpful?

Bad Science

Uh no that's bad and illegal and I don't do it


update on the computer situation:
We think it might be toast, but according to Nathanael the hard drive itself should be ok
I might not lose very much
Unsure about my krita brushes but the artworks aren’t lost


I don't get awards because I don't do anything
Also, Ella, hope things work out for you because I used to be in the same situation and lost over a year of work

@Anemone eco

That's it. I give up. I'm going to fucking flip my neighbour upside-down and ship their ass to Australia because I can't deal with them anymore.

@Anemone eco

This week alone, and it's only Tuesday, they sent a neighbour into panick by trying to shoot a bug with a gun three times and missing, they threw a fucking frisbee into my window (and this is not even the first time this has happened. It doesn't even feel like an accident anymore.), they shot fireworks into my damn tree which caught it on fire (luckily I was able to notice and put it out quickly), and they just blast music at 3 AM.

I swear I'm going to murder in Minecraft, of course, these nutjobs. They've been this way since I've moved into this neighbourhood. And, from what I've heard, before that too. It's just. So. Annoying.


This week alone, and it's only Tuesday, they sent a neighbour into panick by trying to shoot a bug with a gun three times and missing, they threw a fucking frisbee into my window (and this is not even the first time this has happened. It doesn't even feel like an accident anymore.), they shot fireworks into my damn tree which caught it on fire (luckily I was able to notice and put it out quickly), and they just blast music at 3 AM.

I swear I'm going to murder in Minecraft, of course, these nutjobs. They've been this way since I've moved into this neighbourhood. And, from what I've heard, before that too. It's just. So. Annoying.

They… sound like utter assholes.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

This week alone, and it's only Tuesday, they sent a neighbour into panick by trying to shoot a bug with a gun three times and missing, they threw a fucking frisbee into my window (and this is not even the first time this has happened. It doesn't even feel like an accident anymore.), they shot fireworks into my damn tree which caught it on fire (luckily I was able to notice and put it out quickly), and they just blast music at 3 AM.

I swear I'm going to murder in Minecraft, of course, these nutjobs. They've been this way since I've moved into this neighbourhood. And, from what I've heard, before that too. It's just. So. Annoying.

Has anyone tried issuing destructive behavior and noise complaints?

@Anemone eco

Yes, but by the time that the police come, they've usually stopped to look pretty in front of the police, so the police just let them off with a warning.

And it takes forever for anyone to come, seeing how high crime rates in my area are. They're busier with a shooting that's just a couple of meters away down the street than my bitching about my neighbour. Which, don't get me wrong, is completely understandable.