forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

My stubbornness gave me some raw hands and some dirty hands and clothes. Almost got wet. And my earbuds are half broken now. But it was fun

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I love you too, Pickles. I think I love you all. Which sort of wasn't supposed to happen. But I don't mind so much now.

This has good vibes. It has the vibes of a really good book quote. Good word-putting-together Dom

Thank you. Tired Dom gets a tad more emotional.

@Anemone eco

My stubbornness gave me some raw hands and some dirty hands and clothes. Almost got wet. And my earbuds are half broken now. But it was fun

So long as you had fun.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I love you too, Pickles. I think I love you all. Which sort of wasn't supposed to happen. But I don't mind so much now.

I love that this sounds like some hella dramatic spy thriller stuff about falling in love with the mark or something, but no. It's just Dom being Dom.

Now I must write it somewhere.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Oh! I have to write this down. I had a lot of dreams last night. But I only remember two bits.
So there was one that was connected to something else, but I don't remember. But anyways, Moxie came over, and I was like "You should stay the night!" and then I was like "I know! We could share my bed!" (Bc it's 1+1/2 the size of a twin.) And then it was just awkward.
The other one is better. So we were out bc quarantine was over, and there was this concert thing. So the buiding was like the movie type lecture halls. (Benches and desks in a half circle going down in levels like a theater.) And my philosophy professor was the conductor. Everyone had on a mic and the entire place was filled with young people. I and my mom were sitting to the side on a flat space (which shouldn't have worked in that room). And then my mom started singing and I was like "What are you doing?" but then everyone else started singing and it turned out it was a couple hundred college kids doing an acapella version of The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Which was odd. And then I slid on the table and broke it and my mom started lecturing me on why I was a failure.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

update on the computer situation:
We think it might be toast, but according to Nathanael the hard drive itself should be ok
I might not lose very much
Unsure about my krita brushes but the artworks aren’t lost

I am glad to hear this.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

but then everyone else started singing and it turned out it was a couple hundred college kids doing an acapella version of The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Which was odd.

Odd is an understatement

@Anemone eco

I've put way too many freckles on my drawing, please help I can't stop

Me but it's just my face and it does it on its own

Same. But my shoulders too.

@Moxie group

Oh! I have to write this down. I had a lot of dreams last night. But I only remember two bits.
So there was one that was connected to something else, but I don't remember. But anyways, Moxie came over, and I was like "You should stay the night!" and then I was like "I know! We could share my bed!" (Bc it's 1+1/2 the size of a twin.) And then it was just awkward.

I'll have a sleepover with you but I'm good with the floor


Longish vent incoming

I lied to him. I lied to my own fucking father. He was just trying to ask if I had a problem with him. I said no.
He asked if I had a problem with anyone else. I said no.
I do have a problem with his closest friend in the entire fucking world.
He wouldn't even care, would he? He'd just back his friend up.
He doesn't even know how much this hurts me. I am tired of life, tired of the world, tired of myself.
I'm almost ready to just die.
Or disappear forever.