forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

Biscuits and tea are great, imo.

And before Lizzie anyone says anything about how "tea sucks", you can shove it.

Tea does suck and I'm gonna say it
It smells good and then it's just a let down when you taste it
You can take your leaf blood water and shove it


Right, so I'm a bit conflicted. I don't know what I should be feeling, but I am entirely angry with a bit of guilt sprinkled on top.

Apparently my old 8th grade English teacher fancies my father (it's not that weird, they work at the same high school). I do not like her. My brother does not like her. She would not mesh well with this family, like at all. To have her show interest so soon though… that's what's bothering me.

I get why my father was happy though. He's not very young anymore, so to just have someone show interest in him makes him a bit happy. Like a compliment. I just don't want it to go right to his head… Cuz it's not just him anymore; it's his kids–his family–too. Whatever woman signs up for him also has to sign up for his family, and she just doesn't fit the bill.

Not to mention the idea of another woman with my father–it just makes my stomach curdle. She would never be able to replace my mother. She would never be able to live up to my mother's legacy. She would never be my mother.

@Anemone eco

Biscuits and tea are great, imo.

And before Lizzie anyone says anything about how "tea sucks", you can shove it.

Tea does suck and I'm gonna say it
It smells good and then it's just a let down when you taste it
You can take your leaf blood water and shove it

Um, no. It is not a letdown. I think it is perfect and you can go choke down your hate for it with seven glasses of water.

@Pickles group

Biscuits and tea are great, imo.

And before Lizzie anyone says anything about how "tea sucks", you can shove it.

Tea does suck and I'm gonna say it
It smells good and then it's just a let down when you taste it
You can take your leaf blood water and shove it

Um, no. It is not a letdown. I think it is perfect and you can go choke down your hate for it with seven glasses of water.

Yes it is a letdown, but whatever, loverbitch

@Anemone eco

Right, so I'm a bit conflicted. I don't know what I should be feeling, but I am entirely angry with a bit of guilt sprinkled on top.

Apparently my old 8th grade English teacher fancies my father (it's not that weird, they work at the same high school). I do not like her. My brother does not like her. She would not mesh well with this family, like at all. To have her show interest so soon though… that's what's bothering me.

I get why my father was happy though. He's not very young anymore, so to just have someone show interest in him makes him a bit happy. Like a compliment. I just don't want it to go right to his head… Cuz it's not just him anymore; it's his kids–his family–too. Whatever woman signs up for him also has to sign up for his family, and she just doesn't fit the bill.

Not to mention the idea of another woman with my father–it just makes my stomach curdle. She would never be able to replace my mother. She would never be able to live up to my mother's legacy. She would never be my mother.

Ah, I totally understand the feeling, Ace. I've been in a situation sorta similar. I really hope everything works out for you, dude. I think you should not bite back how you feel about the situation too much though. It didn't really get me anywhere good, but idk. Things may just work out differently for you.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm bad at writing romance, so the only scene I have so far is two of them walking outside a McDonald's and him telling her his parents are getting divorced. And a lot of "omg he's so cute"

That's good stuff though.

But I have a new ship and I kind of want to write me some nice fluff with them before they get together but holy shit Sophie is hard to write

I want to know more.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I was scared that there was something in my closet, so I'd make my parents shut the doors to it every night.
Little did I know that it was me in the closet the whole time :P

I appreciate this.

@Pickles group

I'm bad at writing romance, so the only scene I have so far is two of them walking outside a McDonald's and him telling her his parents are getting divorced. And a lot of "omg he's so cute"

That's good stuff though.

It's written very poorly

But I have a new ship and I kind of want to write me some nice fluff with them before they get together but holy shit Sophie is hard to write

I want to know more.

About which part?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

since i don’t plan on writing any relationships i was thinking maybe i shouldn’t give my characters canon sexualities, as it might feel forced
is that a terrible idea

I think it's a good idea.


since i don’t plan on writing any relationships i was thinking maybe i shouldn’t give my characters canon sexualities, as it might feel forced
is that a terrible idea

I think it's a good idea.

ok good now I don’t have to overthink

@Anemone eco

what the fuck is a biscuit

A cookie or cracker.

No, we live in America


Yes to the fact that we live in America?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I'm bad at writing romance, so the only scene I have so far is two of them walking outside a McDonald's and him telling her his parents are getting divorced. And a lot of "omg he's so cute"

That's good stuff though.

It's written very poorly

Oh well. Rewrite Ig.

But I have a new ship and I kind of want to write me some nice fluff with them before they get together but holy shit Sophie is hard to write

I want to know more.

About which part?

Sophie. Tell me about your girl.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Biscuits and tea are great, imo.

And before Lizzie anyone says anything about how "tea sucks", you can shove it.

Tea does suck and I'm gonna say it
It smells good and then it's just a let down when you taste it
You can take your leaf blood water and shove it

Um, no. It is not a letdown. I think it is perfect and you can go choke down your hate for it with seven glasses of water.

Yes it is a letdown, but whatever, loverbitch

Green tea with ginseng and honey!
Arnold Palmers!


Ah, I totally understand the feeling, Ace. I've been in a situation sorta similar. I really hope everything works out for you, dude. I think you should not bite back how you feel about the situation too much though. It didn't really get me anywhere good, but idk. Things may just work out differently for you.

I told him and he listened. He understood what I was saying, and was receptive to how my brother and I felt about it. The conversation essentially boiled down to: "I'm not going to go for it, you guys are important to me, and it felt good to still be seen as 'interesting' in my old age."

I just hate that this situation happened in the first place. I hate that others can't possibly fully comprehend what we've been through, and when they try they, more often than not, just end up getting in the way. I hate that other people don't know how to fuck off.