forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I went outside(for once) and saw one of my neighbors who's a year or 2 older than me and she's so cute and I freaked out and we had a slightly awkward conversation

Get 'er.

nO wAiT sOcIaL dIsTaNcInG!

Paper airplane.

You know what, that could actually work

On the one hand, how nice.
On the other, um, that ruins the point of the distancing bit.

Not really
You don't walk up to someone and hand them the paper airplane

Well you would touch the plane and then so would the other.

@Pickles group

Yee-bubble noises

See the thing is, Merfolk would speak through the clicks and shrill noises of dolphins, as well as the deep hums of whales.

Sigh Dom-


It was a joke

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Please clarify.
Who's doing the pasta-cooking?

no no, the pasta cooking isn't a problem
the problem
is if
while cooking pasta
you're on the floor
humping a table leg
video chatting with a random dude who's jerking off

if that happens I will come beat your ass

Well at least this gives me more insight into what you kids are doing these days.

No?? It doesn't??

Well it seems you don't do that.

@Pickles group

Please clarify.
Who's doing the pasta-cooking?

no no, the pasta cooking isn't a problem
the problem
is if
while cooking pasta
you're on the floor
humping a table leg
video chatting with a random dude who's jerking off

if that happens I will come beat your ass

Well at least this gives me more insight into what you kids are doing these days.

No?? It doesn't??

Well it seems you don't do that.

We don't
That's why everyone said that


I went outside(for once) and saw one of my neighbors who's a year or 2 older than me and she's so cute and I freaked out and we had a slightly awkward conversation

Get 'er.

nO wAiT sOcIaL dIsTaNcInG!

Paper airplane.

You know what, that could actually work

On the one hand, how nice.
On the other, um, that ruins the point of the distancing bit.

Not really
You don't walk up to someone and hand them the paper airplane

Well you would touch the plane and then so would the other.


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Did the books burn???!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luckily, no. I think the most damage was two cars set on fire, all types of trash in the streets, and the police moved the crowd towards a car dealership, so I think a few rocks were thrown at those cars. I did see this on the news though, in another city:

How terribly sad.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I went outside(for once) and saw one of my neighbors who's a year or 2 older than me and she's so cute and I freaked out and we had a slightly awkward conversation

Get 'er.

nO wAiT sOcIaL dIsTaNcInG!

Paper airplane.

You know what, that could actually work

On the one hand, how nice.
On the other, um, that ruins the point of the distancing bit.

Not really
You don't walk up to someone and hand them the paper airplane

Well you would touch the plane and then so would the other.


Propel it along with disinfectant spray

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well, technically he was doing illegal stuff.

he was accused of using a counterfeit 20 dollar bill. That in no way is anywhere near a reason to murder him.

Thank you for the correction. And obviously.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Yee-bubble noises

See the thing is, Merfolk would speak through the clicks and shrill noises of dolphins, as well as the deep hums of whales.

Sigh Dom-


It was a joke

Oh yes. I did realize the first part was a joke. I just wished to speak on merfolk as I have done some research as I am rather fond of the creatures.

@Pickles group

Propel it along with disinfectant spray

Then it would get wet

Some of the best things in life are wet.

(That's a face)


Propel it along with disinfectant spray

Then it would get wet

Some of the best things in life are wet.

(That's a face)

Something about the way that’s phrased doesn’t sit right-


Addressing the protests/riots discussion earlier:
I’ve seen several videos where there are blm protesters begging people to stop the vandalism, violence, and riots, and (no offense, just an observation) white people are actively trying to destroy property. There’s even one video where police officers are instructing a white women to write ‘Floyd’ in spray paint on a window. In many scenarios as well, officers can be seen shooting into a peaceful crowd, thereby encouraging and starting the violence. There are, for sure, blm protesters creating riots because they think it can be justified, but I wanted to put this out there.

@Anemone eco

Propel it along with disinfectant spray

Then it would get wet

Some of the best things in life are wet.

(That's a face)

Why not?


Propel it along with disinfectant spray

Then it would get wet

Some of the best things in life are wet.

hecc yea
potato soup
rain puddles
oil paints
my water gun full of holy water that i spritz aggressively at allos in self-defense
pearlescent ink
fresh bread
the blood of said allos in my bathtub
strawberry lemonade

life's greatest joys~


There's like 5 conversations going on at once and I am here for it

Aren’t there always?


M'kay so I just got a reminder of why I love my dad: (for context: he and my mom are both conservative christians, and I am not out to them in any way shape or form), but he told me "be careful tomorrow about opening texts or emails containing links. Tomorrow is supposed to be some sort of big hacking day. "Hacking for social justice"." and I was like "You mean Operation Pridefall?" and he kinda winced a little and was like "yeah". And I just…maybe this doesn't make sense to y'all but I love him. Even if he has no idea i'm pan and would be upset if I told him…idk