forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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It’s caused trouble before, shutting down the moment I try to use screen recorders, and the headphone jack never works
I got it for Christmas last year and have used it every single day since


so we’ve tried clicking every button and it just goes back to the same exact screen
we think something might’ve been severely corrupted
i’m so scared
it’s probably bricked
i could just cry-

@Anemone eco

To my dearest neighbour,

Why the fuck are you so stupid? I get freaking out over a bug being in your house but don't fucking shoot at it 3 times with your revolver. You idiot sandwich. You caused the entire neighbourhood panic, just because of a stupid fucking cockroach. There are much more sufficient methods of killing a bug other than trying to put a bullet into its back. You didn't even hit it, you dumb fuck. If I could get rid of you, I would.

Sincerely, the neighbour whose yard your dogs keep digging into. :)

@HighPockets group

To my dearest neighbour,

Why the fuck are you so stupid? I get freaking out over a bug being in your house but don't fucking shoot at it 3 times with your revolver. You idiot sandwich. You caused the entire neighbourhood panic, just because of a stupid fucking cockroach. There are much more sufficient methods of killing a bug other than trying to put a bullet into its back. You didn't even hit it, you dumb fuck. If I could get rid of you, I would.

Sincerely, the neighbour whose yard your dogs keep digging into. :)

Imagine shooting a bug at close range three times and still fucking missing.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Dear parents,
I'm done.
Done with you treating me like crap and expecting me to do everything for you in return. I'm far from perfect, but you guys make it seem like my existence is merely to make your lives easier.
It's not.
My sister throws things at me? Fine. I make her slam her door? Nope, you're in big trouble.
'Come downstairs,' you say. 'I want to see your face,' you say.
Yet the moment I step downstairs, you act like I'm nothing, unless I mess something up.

'Why do you always stay in your room?' 'Why can't you trust me?'
This is why.

@HighPockets group

I know this is a bad time but I read "lgbeet" as "lgbeet" (like the veggie) and ugly laughed, hope that makes you feel slightly better.

@Pickles group

No one:
Me, knowing exactly how my characters' coming out scenes would go even though it doesn't happen and contains no relevance to the story in any way:

@HighPockets group

No one:
Me, knowing exactly how my characters' coming out scenes would go even though it doesn't happen and contains no relevance to the story in any way:

Except some are pretty relevant ig

@Pickles group

I added a sexuality section to my characters and now I'm questioning some of their sexualities because clearly my own is not enough

@HighPockets group

I added a sexuality section to my characters and now I'm questioning some of their sexualities because clearly my own is not enough

Felt that for some lol
I just add theirs in the Notes section

Deleted user

when I was like 8 I brushed my fingers through my hair and like two strands detached from my head and I thought it means I had cancer

@HighPockets group

when I was like 8 I brushed my fingers through my hair and like two strands detached from my head and I thought it means I had cancer

This is what sicklit writers think cancer is like, don't fucking @ me

@Pickles group

when I was like 8 I brushed my fingers through my hair and like two strands detached from my head and I thought it means I had cancer

This is what sicklit writers think cancer is like, don't fucking @ me

facts though

@HighPockets group

when I was like 8 I brushed my fingers through my hair and like two strands detached from my head and I thought it means I had cancer

This is what sicklit writers think cancer is like, don't fucking @ me

facts though

I'm right.

@Pickles group

Some of my characters just write themselves and I'm just along for the ride like 'Oh, we're doing this now?'


I hadn't really given much thought to my some of my characters' orientations but now I'm just staring like,,, what are you? I don't know but you like a girl


when I was 8 I would stare into the mirror for ten straight minutes every day just to make sure if I was turning into a zombie that I could catch my skin changing color

I would also sleep with my hand over my heart so if it stopped beating in my sleep I would feel it, wake up, and tell mom before I could die

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Some of my characters just write themselves and I'm just along for the ride like 'Oh, we're doing this now?'


I hadn't really given much thought to my some of my characters' orientations but now I'm just staring like,,, what are you? I don't know but you like a girl

Sometimes I'm just like
'Is this platonic affection or do I need to look into writing romance'