forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

I just had an idea for the most chaotic fanfic ever and now I just really wanna write it

joe biden x greta thunberg?

@HighPockets group

I just had an idea for the most chaotic fanfic ever and now I just really wanna write it

joe biden x greta thunberg?

I almost hit "report post" when trying to quote this and tbh I sort of wish I had

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I just had an idea for the most chaotic fanfic ever and now I just really wanna write it

joe biden x greta thunberg?


It's the Straw Hats playing Animal Crossing
Chaos ensues, as it always does with my favorite 9 fictional idiots

@darling-velocipede group

the sirens here always go off on the first monday of the month for a test but it always gives me a little anxiety moment when they do

that just went on where i am as well. are you in colorado, perchance?

Deleted user

the sirens here always go off on the first monday of the month for a test but it always gives me a little anxiety moment when they do

that just went on where i am as well. are you in colorado, perchance?


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Vent time!
Warning: this is kinda political

Look I don’t often feel hopeless. But what’s going on in the US right now… it’s really scary and I feel pretty fucking hopeless. Not to be like “not all cops“ because most cops are really shitty but like …. there are a lot of cops that risk their lives and their mental health everyday. And then people are there burning down their police precinct. Like idk man that feels too fucking far. I know the systematic racism in our country is rampant and out of control but like… idk. There were people on twitter saying that every single cop is bad because by becoming a cop you’re supporting a corrupt system. That just does not sit right with me. There are some (very few, but still some) cops that are out there fighting to help people and to make a difference. What are they supposed to do, just not become a cop? Then there really would be only bad cops. Idk. I just feel scared and hopeless and way too emotional.

I would think the majority of cops are decent. The problem is that there are the few that are really bad, and then those that refuse to hold them to a high standard. I think the problem is that many cops are in battle mode and because of that, they are making decisions that make already legitimate issues worse.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Long-ish vent coming, just warning you

So I'm adopted, and my parents never told me about my birth mom before now. I don't know what I thought about her… maybe that she had a normal life, that she was well-off, or at least stable. Then my mom told me she was homeless, and I don't know… I kind of wish I could take this all away from her, just take her place, she doesn't deserve this at all. And I learned I had a sister… I want to find her, I want to see my birth family. I don't know if my birth mom is okay now, or if she's still homeless… this is fucking with my head in more ways than one. She probably won't like me, I'm a fucking screwup anyway.
Why do I always mess up the smallest of things?
Why do I care so much about people I haven't seen in forever?

Hey. I'm sorry, dude. I wish you luck in life plus a prayer.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I just remember a story dealing with baking soda. Short story. My sister wanted to make scones for my family. She looked up a recipe online. When she was making it, she misread 'baking powder' as 'baking soda'. The end result was not very favourable.

I did the same thing. I have yet to live it down. This was years ago.

@Pickles group

Okay. I love Saint Etienne Le Vieux.


I want to haunt it when I die.

You're not allowed to die

We all die eventually

Ice and I are bringing you back to life, you buffoon