forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Okay does anyone know exactly how much water you have to drink in an evening to die of overhydration, because I feel I am too close for comfort and I haven't even had that much I don't think

A lot, you are no where near, It's very very difficult to die of over hydration, you will throw up the liquids before your body let's you die of it. Especially in hot climates.

@Pickles group

Okay does anyone know exactly how much water you have to drink in an evening to die of overhydration, because I feel I am too close for comfort and I haven't even had that much I don't think

Ummmmm. Oops? Apparently you aren't supposed to have more than 27-33 ounces an hour and uh. Definitely had more than that
But like. This has happened before so I should be fine. It wasn't a whole lot more and besides a little nausea, I don't have any symptoms

Deleted user

Okay does anyone know exactly how much water you have to drink in an evening to die of overhydration, because I feel I am too close for comfort and I haven't even had that much I don't think

Probably several gallons

@Pickles group

Okay does anyone know exactly how much water you have to drink in an evening to die of overhydration, because I feel I am too close for comfort and I haven't even had that much I don't think

A lot, you are no where near, It's very very difficult to die of over hydration, you will throw up the liquids before your body let's you die of it. Especially in hot climates.

Surprisingly, not as much as I thought
I do not plan on dying or throwing up, but I also don't plan on drinking the glass and a half of water I have upstairs with me


Okay does anyone know exactly how much water you have to drink in an evening to die of overhydration, because I feel I am too close for comfort and I haven't even had that much I don't think

Ummmmm. Oops? Apparently you aren't supposed to have more than 27-33 ounces an hour and uh. Definitely had more than that
But like. This has happened before so I should be fine. It wasn't a whole lot more and besides a little nausea, I don't have any symptoms

Well, that only accounts for your kidney's. Once you add in other factors such as sweating and Saliva and mucus and such the number probably goes up.

@Pickles group

I'm also very small and am very rarely properly hydrated (don't start, I know I know, it's bad or whatever, but I know how to keep myself fully functional), and I'm not sure my kidneys can take as much as an average person

Deleted user

I think you’re just feeling nauseous bc you’re not used to how much water you’re drinking.

So maybe drink more fucking water lmao

@Pickles group

Ma'am I had seven glasses of water in the last hour and a half
No shit I'm not used to it. Cause you aren't supposed to drink that much

Let me be dramatically ill


Most problems with the human body these day's can be solved by drinking more water.
Want better skin? Drink water.
Bad Back? Drink water
Headaches/Migraines? Drink water.
Muscle problems? Drink water
Sick? Drink water
(I'm only half sarcastic )

Deleted user

You’re supposed to drink seven glasses a day regularly.

I know people (including myself) who drink more than that.

I drink several bottles of water a day and I have great freaking skin and I exercise pretty regularly, so I need that waterweight.

Stop being dramatic and shut your damn mouth lmfao


@Pickles group

A day
Not every two hours
Your water consumption should be spread throughout the day, not concentrated into the span of an evening


That's also for the Average person, if you're an athlete or live some where hot, you need more water.


I…I can't judge how much water you drank because my siblings and I would have contests to see how much water we could drink before throwing up… to be fair we were like 10

Deleted user

Why the fuck are you drinking so much water?


You’re the only one here who drank seven glasses in two hours

@Pickles group

Why the fuck are you drinking so much water?


You’re the only one here who drank seven glasses in two hours

I was really thirsty


When I was a student intern at a local hospital, one of my mentors told me this saying about prime water consumption: "32 before noon, 32 before you sleep in the bedroom."
Helped me stay hydrated while working that summer.

Deleted user

Why the fuck are you drinking so much water?


You’re the only one here who drank seven glasses in two hours

I was really thirsty

That's what she said
