forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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does this mean sandal or am I just a fucking idiot

I DidnT put enought asteriks, it's supposed to be sewer-slide but I'm still on a school computer and I don't want it to be flagged-

oh my god I'm sorry–

fjkad it's chill lmaoo~

@Pickles group

What if I put pasta in the tub and then cook it via dropping Christmas lights in it?

You should do it the other way around and let the water boil first

@HighPockets group

What if I put pasta in the tub and then cook it via dropping Christmas lights in it?

You should do it the other way around and let the water boil first

Ooh, good point! See, this is why you're my lab partner, you double check my ideas and improve them!


i've lost my appetite for most foods lately but the one thing that hasn't gone away is my intense love for pasta and oh boy i love pasta

@Pickles group

What if I put pasta in the tub and then cook it via dropping Christmas lights in it?

You should do it the other way around and let the water boil first

Ooh, good point! See, this is why you're my lab partner, you double check my ideas and improve them!

And vice versa
I'm also there as the salt because I am Very Salty

@HighPockets group

What if I put pasta in the tub and then cook it via dropping Christmas lights in it?

You should do it the other way around and let the water boil first

Ooh, good point! See, this is why you're my lab partner, you double check my ideas and improve them!

Amd vice versa
I'm also there as the salt because I am Very Salty

Our combined levels of salt constitute as a public health risk.

Deleted user

honestly i'd rather y'all electrocute yourselves in a bathtub with christmas lights than hump a table leg while video chatting with a random guy who's jerking off

Deleted user

Miriam please tell me when I would find myself in that situation

@The-Magician group

Humping a table sounds like a great way to get splinters in your hoo-hah, and not a great way to get off

I mean.. not if the table has a marble finish, then it's rather smooth. It's also cold, which is perfect for…that.

@Pickles group

Humping a table sounds like a great way to get splinters in your hoo-hah, and not a great way to get off

I mean.. not if the table has a marble finish, then it's rather smooth. It's also cold, which is perfect for…that.

Please don't

Deleted user

well, the woman was wearing jeans

and a blue t-shirt and a white apron

@Pickles group

well, the woman was wearing jeans

and a blue t-shirt and a white apron

I'm gonna need more than that to figure out what you're talking about

Deleted user

well, the woman was wearing jeans

and a blue t-shirt and a white apron

I'm gonna need more than that to figure out what you're talking about

the table humper

Deleted user

well, the woman was wearing jeans

and a blue t-shirt and a white apron

That’s either Porn or an instagram/Facebook video

it is not

@HighPockets group

well, the woman was wearing jeans

and a blue t-shirt and a white apron

That’s either Porn or an instagram/Facebook video

Could be both.

@Pickles group

well, the woman was wearing jeans

and a blue t-shirt and a white apron

I'm gonna need more than that to figure out what you're talking about

the table humper

Am I meant to be able to figure out where you found this?