forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers


The real secret is turning up the correction in your art program
If you're doing traditional, uh
Sucks, I guess
Usually your hands get less shaky after drawing for a while, so my advice would just be practice
I always recommend practice though


The rioting died down I think, the worst injury was a (police officer's) broken arm from what I heard. A lot of beat up people though (protestor on protestor, a lot of drunks). Now the mountain island even closer to me is on fire. It looks like it's being managed, though.

Deleted user

I fell asleep while y'all were calming me down lmao
it's just this damn quarantine
i feel like it'll go on forever
and i'll have to do online school for the rest of highschool and i won't be able to really graduate and i won't get the same military experience and college will be online
and i'm terrified


I feel that. I'm worried we'll miss out on a year's worth real life experiences. Plus, we're teens, we should be out doing fun stuff anyway. It'll be ok though. I think by August public schools will be semi-normal, just a little more cautious. Hopefully, at least.

Deleted user

if I hear
that any of y'all girls
are online
humping a table leg while video chatting with a guy who's jerking of


that any of y'all guys
are trying to electrocute yourself
by wrapping yourself in christmas lights and taking a bath

I'm gonna come BEAT YOUR ASS

Deleted user

Not gonna lie the second one sounds very festive

I will

Deleted user

mir what are you watching cause whatever it is you need to stop

don't worry
it's just preparing me for certain situations y'all crazy kids might find yourselves in

Deleted user

and if y'all are humping a table leg while video chatting with a guy who's jerking off
while cooking pasta
I'm going to stab you


Why the hell would I find myself in a situation where I'm bathing with Christmas lights to electrocute myself
I only take showers

Deleted user

Please clarify.
Who's doing the pasta-cooking?

no no, the pasta cooking isn't a problem
the problem
is if
while cooking pasta
you're on the floor
humping a table leg
video chatting with a random dude who's jerking off

if that happens I will come beat your ass


mir what are you watching cause whatever it is you need to stop

don't worry
it's just preparing me for certain situations y'all crazy kids might find yourselves in

well stop