forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Also, that exact thing is happening in my state, Owen
Are we in the same state??


A riot has started in my state's capital. It's not super far away from my town. The hype might spread through the city next to mine (which is likely, knowing that city) which would make it too close for comfort. They just demolished a police car and now there's a huge fire by the city library. There's a severe thunderstorm warning for north of here, but it looks like it's spreading. The winds are intense, and kicking up the sand, which is bad.
So things are whack. They just issued an 8PM curfew.

Wow what the fuck. Where?? Cause there's riots where I live (Omaha) but not so bad as that

Salt Lake City, Utah
The national guard is here, now.

@Pickles group

Also, that exact thing is happening in my state, Owen
Are we in the same state??


A riot has started in my state's capital. It's not super far away from my town. The hype might spread through the city next to mine (which is likely, knowing that city) which would make it too close for comfort. They just demolished a police car and now there's a huge fire by the city library. There's a severe thunderstorm warning for north of here, but it looks like it's spreading. The winds are intense, and kicking up the sand, which is bad.
So things are whack. They just issued an 8PM curfew.

Wow what the fuck. Where?? Cause there's riots where I live (Omaha) but not so bad as that

Salt Lake City, Utah
The national guard is here, now.



That is not where I am lol
I am Kentucky

Whack man. It's starting everywhere, Denver's is getting big too, idk if it's died down yet.


Apparently the curfew is all weekend long, not just nights. Everyone inside until Monday. The news has been talking to the demonstrators about the curfew, and everyone of them said they're here to stay. If they don't go home, it'll probably get more violent.


I'm hormonal from shark week and my cat is cuddling with my mom and not with me and I am legitimately way too upset about it
Like, almost close to tears
I wanna be my cat's favorite, dammit


So I have a funny story to share: We built a fence around the garden out of chicken wire to keep the rabbit out (there's a rabbit living under our deck), and we hadn't seen the rabbit in about a week. Well. I was looking out the window that looks down into our garden, and lo and behold: the rabbit was sitting in the garden, calmly eating the plants. We knocked on the window and it ran out, going straight through the tiny holes in the fence. So now we have to redo the fence


Dear Dickwad,

You're lucky I'm not being petty or confrontational directly toward you. You're lucky there's a third party. You're lucky I'm better than you at being a decent fucking person.
After I explained I had a life outside of this small corner of the internet, you still kept complaining about my unannounced absence. Like a dick.
And now today, after the third party dealt with also having an outside life, you admit that you forgot the corner was even a thing.
You had the audacity to try to pick a fight with me, when you yourself became guilty of an even worse fault–straight up forgetting to show up.
I want to stay to spite you, but honestly, leaving is way better for my health. I do not have the willpower to waste any time on your inadequacy.

In conclusion: fuck you. The third party deserved better, you insignificant, annoying ant.


Dear Dickwad,

You're lucky I'm not being petty or confrontational directly toward you. You're lucky there's a third party. You're lucky I'm better than you at being a decent fucking person.
After I explained I had a life outside of this small corner of the internet, you still kept complaining about my unannounced absence. Like a dick.
And now today, after the third party dealt with also having an outside life, you admit that you forgot the corner was even a thing.
You had the audacity to try to pick a fight with me, when you yourself became guilty of an even worse fault–straight up forgetting to show up.
I want to stay to spite you, but honestly, leaving is way better for my health. I do not have the willpower to waste any time on your inadequacy.

In conclusion: fuck you. The third party deserved better, you insignificant, annoying ant.

Who hurt you?


Dear Dickwad,

You're lucky I'm not being petty or confrontational directly toward you. You're lucky there's a third party. You're lucky I'm better than you at being a decent fucking person.
After I explained I had a life outside of this small corner of the internet, you still kept complaining about my unannounced absence. Like a dick.
And now today, after the third party dealt with also having an outside life, you admit that you forgot the corner was even a thing.
You had the audacity to try to pick a fight with me, when you yourself became guilty of an even worse fault–straight up forgetting to show up.
I want to stay to spite you, but honestly, leaving is way better for my health. I do not have the willpower to waste any time on your inadequacy.

In conclusion: fuck you. The third party deserved better, you insignificant, annoying ant.

Who hurt you?

A dickwad, obviously.

Besides, what the fuck is that question supposed to mean, other than to provoke me when I'm already in some amount of emotional distress? Unless you were being genuine, in which case I mentioned no names or @ s for a reason.


…shit just got real…
i am in so much panic-
why did i do this?
why couldn't i just suck it up and deal for a few more years???
i keep hearing noises and thinking she's about to walk into my room
i'm so terrified…
i'm already starting to tear up and she hasn't even seen it yet-
this is going to go terribly
i can feel it


Dear Dickwad,

You're lucky I'm not being petty or confrontational directly toward you. You're lucky there's a third party. You're lucky I'm better than you at being a decent fucking person.
After I explained I had a life outside of this small corner of the internet, you still kept complaining about my unannounced absence. Like a dick.
And now today, after the third party dealt with also having an outside life, you admit that you forgot the corner was even a thing.
You had the audacity to try to pick a fight with me, when you yourself became guilty of an even worse fault–straight up forgetting to show up.
I want to stay to spite you, but honestly, leaving is way better for my health. I do not have the willpower to waste any time on your inadequacy.

In conclusion: fuck you. The third party deserved better, you insignificant, annoying ant.

Who hurt you?

A dickwad, obviously.

Besides, what the fuck is that question supposed to mean, other than to provoke me when I'm already in some amount of emotional distress? Unless you were being genuine, in which case I mentioned no names or @ s for a reason.

I'm sorry, I tend to go about things in a clumsy way when I see someone who's hurt

@HighPockets group

…shit just got real…
i am in so much panic-
why did i do this?
why couldn't i just suck it up and deal for a few more years???
i keep hearing noises and thinking she's about to walk into my room
i'm so terrified…
i'm already starting to tear up and she hasn't even seen it yet-
this is going to go terribly
i can feel it

Hey, it'll be okay. It might seen scary at first, but it'll be good in the long run.


…she just walked into my room, calmly told me not to stay up late, and left
something tells me she hasn't found it but that didn't stop me from having a heart attack the moment i heard the door-