forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers


I'm sorry, I tend to go about things in a clumsy way when I see someone who's hurt

Eh, wouldn't really call it hurt. More like peeved, but I'll cool off in about an hour. I get heated when I'm pissed, so I can see how you thought I was hurt more than just a straight-up angry person, which is pretty much my default setting.

@saor_illust school

I'm once again skipping past five pages because I don't feel like reading all of them rn
I was gonna say this earlier, but I forgot

I woke up this morning and like
I didn't wanna get out of bed
It's hard to explain the feeling but like,,,
It was like there was a hollow feeling inside of me
Just,,, maybe a more accurate explanation would be "there was nothing left for me to give to the world"
idk, that just popped up
So then I asked myself, "Is this what it's like to be depressed?"
I couldn't come up with an answer, cause I didn't know
In response to the question, I instead said, "If it is, I don't wanna be depressed, I don't wanna feel like this-"

Is that normal?
Am I normal?
Is there something wrong with me?
I just don't know-


it happened.
they found the letter, dad had a talk with me, i’m still crying
but it went well-
…i’m on my path to recovery…
things should finally get better from here

@Anemone eco

That's great, Ella!!!!

I am so very happy for you and very proud. You did a good thing speaking out about this. <3333

Deleted user

¿Por qué?

(Why? In case you don't know what that means.)

hahhahhahahahhahaahahahahahahaha anxiety :))))))))))))))))))))))))
about a stupid fucking thing that probably won't even happen

Deleted user

I'm shaking
and my head hurts because I keep having that stupid eyerolling tic
I just want everything to be okay again


what did you write? what did they say?

i’m not gonna post the entire letter here cause long but i basically explained that i’ve been struggling with suicidal thoughts and need help

and since it was a face-to-face conversation i can’t say their exact response, but my dad came and hugged me, told me about his past struggles with depression, that he’ll always be there for me, how proud he is that i’m reaching out, all pretty generic emotional stuff but it meant so much to me i can’t stop crying-
things might get better after all…

Deleted user

someone please just calm me down
I don't want to have an anxiety attack tonight

Deleted user

Uhh, I don't know how to. Would you just like some words of comfort? Or a distraction?



Hey, Mir.
I'm here.
You're not alone.
People care about you.
Life is rough and right now your brain is doing some pretty crazy things.
But such things will pass
Such things will end.
You're going to come out the other end of this, and you're going to be ok.
Do you want to talk about something?
It can be anything really.

@Anemone eco

Okay, forgive me if I don't help much.

It's going to be alright, Mir. I don't know what exactly is causing you to feel this way, but it will work out. There's no need to panic. If it's the same thing you were talking about earlier, then just reason with yourself. You said it probably won't happen, so look at it like that. It's something that more than likely isn't going to occur. So just take some deep breaths and count to 15. It may not do too much to help, but it's a start. And drink some water too.