forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

I drew one of my characters as a squid mermaid thing and I haven't erased the pencil yet but I don't think it looks that bad
I'm v happy

@Pickles group

Go for a bike ride, I said. It'll be fun, I said. Next thing I know…. Squeak. Squeak. Squeak. Squeak. (That is the sound of my bike's brake pads rubbing on the tire.)

Biking is fun

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Go for a bike ride, I said. It'll be fun, I said. Next thing I know…. Squeak. Squeak. Squeak. Squeak. (That is the sound of my bike's brake pads rubbing on the tire.)

Biking is fun

I never said that it wasn't. I was meaning to say that the squeaking is annoying.

@Anemone eco

I drew one of my characters as a squid mermaid thing and I haven't erased the pencil yet but I don't think it looks that bad
I'm v happy

Nice job, Lizzie.

@Pickles group

I wanna go to a ball and get my hair and makeup done and wear a big poofy dress and dance
Wtf I don't even know how to dance, nor do I particularly like it, but a balllllll

Deleted user

the gayest thing I've ever done was let a girl in one of my classes pretend I was her boyfriend

this is when I had my natural brown hair and the style reminded her of him ig

so she'd let me make me hug her and hold her hand and awkwardly waltz with her lmao

then she came out as pan


@Pickles group

We learned how to salsa last year at band camp. I did it with my best friend and it was super fun. But then everyone forgot

@HighPockets group

Lizzie you better send me that picture!

I don't have any :(
(It's a face)

(That's a face)
Also not a band camp pic, one of the squid mermaid thing

@Pickles group

Lizzie you better send me that picture!

I don't have any :(
(It's a face)

(That's a face)
Also not a band camp pic, one of the squid mermaid thing

ohhh. sure

@Echo_6 group

Really angry rant incoming.
Warning, the following content has use of bad language, is supportive of our law enforcement, concerns the riots, and is something that I am very passionate about.

I don't care who you are, but murder is not okay, on any level, intentional or not. I'm getting that out of the way right now. This is concerning what happened to George Floyd. What those officers did was unprofessional, unnecessary, and not okay in any way shape or form. However, the riots that have happened, in Minneapolis and here in my home state of Oregon, protesting what happened. I have no sympathy for them. I don't care if you're angry about the fact this happened, burning down over 200 businesses because of what happened is idiotic. This doesn't help anything. What the fuck does destroying things prove?
To those officers, you idiots. You fucking morons. There are not words to express how stupid you were. Police have it hard enough without you fucking things up even more. I am terrified. I don't want my dad to go to work anymore because guess what? He's a fucking deputy Sheriff. A riot happened just last night in Salem. My brother lives in Salem and said that it sounded like a war was happening. He was several miles from where the riot was. I don't want my dad to go to work because people are selfish and don't think about the fact that police have families to. When police shoot someone in self defence people freak out and get angry with them, but when someone shoots police no one says a word. What the fucking hell is wrong with everyone? You know how many people have died to police this year? 15. Fifteen people were have been killed by police this year. You know how many police have been killed this year? Thirty-four. Fifteen of those deaths were accidental. Nineteen were people killing police because they didn't like them. Yet no one talks about that at all ever. So you police officers pulling a stunt like this is just going to make things worse.
And to you people protesting and rioting. You're also fucking morons. The hell are you thinking?!!??!?!?! I don't know what you think you're protesting now. What happened happened and everything was done right after the fact. Those officers all lost their jobs and are serving time. So why???? Why why why are you out there destroying things? What the hell are you trying to prove? What is this helping? What did those business owners do wrong? Why did you decide that you had to burn down 200+ businesses? What was the goal there? Guess what, now you can't go to your local store and get the things you need now because you fucking burned the place down. I have no sympathy for you people, you're idiots and are only proving that you don't know how to handle anything like an adult.
I'm worried about my older sister as well. because she works at a business store, and she's at work right now. I don't know what I'm going to do if something happens to her or my dad. I'm really close with my dad. I'm lucky for that. I'm more like my dad than I am my mom. My other six siblings are like my mom. It would absolutely crush me if something happened to my dad. That's why I'm so scared of him going back to work, which he has to do tomorrow. He works at the jail in Salem.

People, we need to learn to let things go. Yes it happened. Yes, it's bad. No, we don't want it to happen again. But for Christ's sake, the reactions are way over dramatic. Y'all are acting like those super obnoxious teenaged girls that throw a fit because the brand new car they go is the wrong color. That's what I'm hearing right now. It happened, it's done. Move on.

And one more message to the people rioting and the police officers that caused all of this. FUCK ALL OF YOU.

Okay angry rant over, children you can unplug your ears now.

@darling-velocipede group

"super obnoxious teenage girls"?? bloody hell an innocent man was murdered can you not acknowledge that? a guy who was doing nothing wrong was killed. however you feel about the rioters is separate, but can you not show basic respect for a person who was murdered??

@Pickles group

"super obnoxious teenage girls"?? bloody hell an innocent man was murdered can you not acknowledge that? a guy who was doing nothing wrong was killed. however you feel about the rioters is separate, but can you not show basic respect for a person who was murdered??

She did. And she's saying that burning down a shit ton of buildings is an overreaction.


Wild Warrior, I do agree with some of the things you said, but not this:

acting like those super obnoxious teenaged girls that throw a fit because the brand new car they go is the wrong color. That's what I'm hearing right now. It happened, it's done. Move on.

  1. Why teen girls? What's with the hate against teen girls?
  2. It's not the same thing, because that sort of fit is harmless. This is not harmless!
  3. It's not done, because it happens time and time again. A black man or woman is shot, attacked, or hurt, because they are black and in the wrong place. Yes, these rioters should not be behaving this way, but this is not over until racism is.

@Anemone eco

I do agree that the rioters are acting terribly, but I totally support all of the peaceful protesters. Also, not all of the officers involved were arrested. At least, from what I've seen they weren't. I could be wrong though. So, I'm not going to argue much there.

@Echo_6 group

Wild Warrior, I do agree with some of the things you said, but not this:

acting like those super obnoxious teenaged girls that throw a fit because the brand new car they go is the wrong color. That's what I'm hearing right now. It happened, it's done. Move on.

  1. Why teen girls? What's with the hate against teen girls?
  2. It's not the same thing, because that sort of fit is harmless. This is not harmless!
  3. It's not done, because it happens time and time again. A black man or woman is shot, attacked, or hurt, because they are black and in the wrong place. Yes, these rioters should not be behaving this way, but this is not over until racism is.

To answer #1. I say teenaged girls because I am a teenaged girl. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just the first thing that came to mind and I decided to use it.
And for #2. That is true, what I mean is that the reaction is way over the top.
#3. More white people have been killed by police than black people. Please do your own research though. Don't just take my word for it.

@Pickles group

Okay does anyone know exactly how much water you have to drink in an evening to die of overhydration, because I feel I am too close for comfort and I haven't even had that much I don't think


Just going to throw in a small tidbit
Protests = ok
Riot's = not ok
Protesting is standing up for what you believe in, Rioting is violently acting out to disturb peace. Both can in theory get the job done, the difference is the message you are sending to the rest of us.
Do you want to be Feared or Respected?
Fear fades, Fear is overcome. Respect is earned and once earned is much harder to vanquish.


Wild Warrior, I do agree with some of the things you said, but not this:

acting like those super obnoxious teenaged girls that throw a fit because the brand new car they go is the wrong color. That's what I'm hearing right now. It happened, it's done. Move on.

  1. Why teen girls? What's with the hate against teen girls?
  2. It's not the same thing, because that sort of fit is harmless. This is not harmless!
  3. It's not done, because it happens time and time again. A black man or woman is shot, attacked, or hurt, because they are black and in the wrong place. Yes, these rioters should not be behaving this way, but this is not over until racism is.

To answer #1. I say teenaged girls because I am a teenaged girl. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just the first thing that came to mind and I decided to use it.
And for #2. That is true, what I mean is that the reaction is way over the top.
#3. More white people have been killed by police than black people. Please do your own research though. Don't just take my word for it.

  1. Alright. I wasn't sure your gender and I was a little bit upset over that lmao
  2. Yeah, that's true
  3. I will do my own research on that, although I do recognize that it isn't just black people that have been killed

@Echo_6 group

I do agree that the rioters are acting terribly, but I totally support all of the peaceful protesters. Also, not all of the officers involved were arrested. At least, from what I've seen they weren't. I could be wrong though. So, I'm not going to argue much there.

All of the officers are serving time. The officer that was responsible for it is going to prison. No if ands or buts. The other officers are going to serve less time because they didn't stop it.