forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Why the fuck are you drinking so much water?


You’re the only one here who drank seven glasses in two hours

I was really thirsty

That's what she said


(That's a face.)

@Pickles group

Why the fuck are you drinking so much water?


You’re the only one here who drank seven glasses in two hours

I was really thirsty

That's what she said


(That's a face.)

Dang it ash that's what I was gonna say

Deleted user

I know it's a few pages ago but I'm just gonna say this because y'all know I can't keep my damn mouth shut

protest: great
riot: okay

these riots are because we are fed up with innocent people being killed. We've tried peaceful protests and it hasn't worked.
we have to get them to listen.
this is insane, the fact that people of color are still dying for who they are. holding signs and chanting on street corners isn't enough anymore. it isn't getting us anywhere. we are doing what it takes to get the attention this issue really fucking needs.

Respect existence or expect resistance.

most of us know that not all cops are bad. but there is a problem when my african american friend is afraid to call the police because she thinks they'll hurt her instead of the intruder she contacted them about.

nothing is happening in my area. but if there was, you best believe I'd be out there, both in the peaceful protests and in the riots. I'd be safe though. no looting here.

fuck the police.
fuck the system.
fuck america.


Deleted user

I must have just eaten 20 roasted marshmallows (we had a fire) and I am beginning to regret it

Deleted user

Y'all are acting like those super obnoxious teenaged girls that throw a fit because the brand new car they go is the wrong color.

no, we're acting like tired caring people that throw a fit because people are getting murdered for being the wrong color.

Deleted user

I smell mall pretzels downstairs but it's almost certainly not mall pretzels and I don't wanna get in trouble because it's 11 P.M. and I should be sleeping

what if they are mall pretzels

@Pickles group

I must have just eaten 20 roasted marshmallows (we had a fire) and I am beginning to regret it

:O (That's a face.)
I want twenty marshmallows


Respect existence or expect resistance.

I tried so hard to say this out loud

I saw this on the news yesterday and tried the same thing lol


Respect existence or expect resistance.

I tried so hard to say this out loud

I saw this on the news yesterday and tried the same thing lol

I keep trying to go "Expect existence or respect resistance" and i'm like "???"

@Pickles group

It's been around for a while I'm pretty sure
Respect existence or expect resistance, I mean. Not Mir's appendix. Although I suppose the latter's probably been around longer

Deleted user

It's been around for a while I'm pretty sure
Respect existence or expect resistance, I mean. Not Mir's appendix. Although I suppose the latter's probably been around longer

this bitch is ancient
and it h u r t s

Deleted user

how dare y'all not try to make my painful appendix and I feel better smh

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

protest: great
riot: okay

these riots are because we are fed up with innocent people being killed. We've tried peaceful protests and it hasn't worked.
we have to get them to listen.
this is insane, the fact that people of color are still dying for who they are. holding signs and chanting on street corners isn't enough anymore. it isn't getting us anywhere. we are doing what it takes to get the attention this issue really fucking needs.

This is gonna be my only post on this topic….
Protesting I can get behind. It's a damn shame that racism still runs rampant in the world, and definitely a shame that George Floyd had to be yet another victim of racism and police brutality. I do not, however, support rioting.
The media will put the real issue on the back-burner and focus on the rioting. Rioting causes unneeded destruction to public property and businesses that people rely on to make a living. Rioting honestly does nothing to help the situation…. That is all I'm gonna say about this, as it puts me in a depressive mood which we all know isn't fun for anyone.

Deleted user

how dare y'all not try to make my painful appendix and I feel better smh

Pat pat?



Also I had appendicitis and you better go tell someone because it's hell and could kill you theoretically if it ruptures

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Also I had appendicitis and you better go tell someone because it's hell and could kill you theoretically if it ruptures

Which is why I said that you'd better go tell your parents (or whatever) about this Mir!

Deleted user

i'm not too worried about appendicitis, it just hurts right now
like that's my only symptom