forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Except my cat came into my room and nudged my face with her runny nose
So not really same

I love her

Then she sat in my closet and watched me sleep
Didn't realize she was Edward Cullen, but I guess I was wrong

Imagine Edward Cullen watches you while you sleep every night and then one day he just crawls on top of you and snots on your face

Ah, true love

Still a better love-

Wait a minute.

Still a better love story than 50 Shades

"Where is he getting all those thumbs?"

"He says, licking his eyebrow."

"Do you like that, you woman?"

"I want to try your clam sauce."

"It's a Murphy bed. Maybe one day we could leave it up and have sex in the walls."

"The sex feelings flooded my body like a charging heard of itty bitty elephants."

"Yankity spankity."

I got nothing

I win


Hey, there was someone in this chat that said something about a dam warning being issued and them being scared. Well, I know if a dam that broke in Michigan. It was really bad. I think it was @SupernaturalSyGuyWantsACappuccino, but I'm not sure. Has anyone heard from who is was?

Deleted user

Yeah, it was Symon. He evacuated the area and will be back online asap.


My parents got me a small TV as an early birthday gift so now I'm watching TV with my boyfriend over the phone 👌

Deleted user

I have another one of those assignments where you write a letter to your future self

We get this one back on gradation night

@HighPockets group

Throwback to when I was in 8th grade and we had our graduation retreat. The teachers gave us letters to our parents and I almost broke down right there in the church basement, I felt so loved :'(

@Kie group

First of all you don’t eat with your retainer wtf

that's why you take it out when you eat you ho

I have to sleep with my retainer in so I get morning breath but x10 :')

Deleted user

I'm just
That's so scary??
I don't want to graduate
What am I supposed to do after that??
I don't know how to do anything other than elementary, middle and highschool
I should be excited
I mean, I'll finally be able to join the military
And go to college
And maybe I'll finally know for sure what I want in life
But I don't know how to do that
How am I supposed to survive fall without freezing Friday night football games?
How am I supposed to survive spring without sweating through the mile at 9 AM?
How am I supposed to survive winter without running into the hs lobby in the morning to escape the snow?
How am I supposed to survive Monday nights without texting the cute person who sat next to me in science?
How am I supposed to live the rest of my life without my classmates, many of whom I've known since kindergarten?
I can't do anything else
This is what I know
I wonder what they'll do with my letter when I'm not alive to graduate.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So guys. Who has Excel. I need homework help. You need do no actual mental work.

I have Excel.

You willing to sort of copy/paste my google slide onto that and send it back so I can share it with my professor?

Sorry to bug you.

@Moxie group

I'm just
That's so scary??
I don't want to graduate
What am I supposed to do after that??
I don't know how to do anything other than elementary, middle and highschool
I should be excited
I mean, I'll finally be able to join the military
And go to college
And maybe I'll finally know for sure what I want in life
But I don't know how to do that
How am I supposed to survive fall without freezing Friday night football games?
How am I supposed to survive spring without sweating through the mile at 9 AM?
How am I supposed to survive winter without running into the hs lobby in the morning to escape the snow?
How am I supposed to survive Monday nights without texting the cute person who sat next to me in science?
How am I supposed to live the rest of my life without my classmates, many of whom I've known since kindergarten?
I can't do anything else
This is what I know
I wonder what they'll do with my letter when I'm not alive to graduate.

Well that's what the next few years are for. To enjoy the time you still have left in highschool. Nothing is forever and change is a part of life. It's a sucky, scary part of life that I still really struggle with, but at least you know. You still have time. You still have time to enjoy school and all the stupid, fun, crazy, reliable things that come with it.
And even when highschool is over you don't have to know exactly what you're going to do with your life. It sounds like you have a little bit of a plan after highschool, which is great. And of your plan changes a little along the way, that's totally okay too. Plans are just a guideline for the future. Its great to have the, but nothings set in stone. And that may sounds kinda scary but I like to take comfort in the fact that whatever I'm choosing to do in the future isn't what I'm stuck with for the rest of my life.
You have time. You have a plan. And you'll get new routines. I know having things to lean on is fun and something to look forward to each day, but you'll make new routines that will be just as fun.
You've got this.

Deleted user

I'm just
That's so scary??
I don't want to graduate
What am I supposed to do after that??
I don't know how to do anything other than elementary, middle and highschool
I should be excited
I mean, I'll finally be able to join the military
And go to college
And maybe I'll finally know for sure what I want in life
But I don't know how to do that
How am I supposed to survive fall without freezing Friday night football games?
How am I supposed to survive spring without sweating through the mile at 9 AM?
How am I supposed to survive winter without running into the hs lobby in the morning to escape the snow?
How am I supposed to survive Monday nights without texting the cute person who sat next to me in science?
How am I supposed to live the rest of my life without my classmates, many of whom I've known since kindergarten?
I can't do anything else
This is what I know
I wonder what they'll do with my letter when I'm not alive to graduate.

Well that's what the next few years are for. To enjoy the time you still have left in highschool. Nothing is forever and change is a part of life. It's a sucky, scary part of life that I still really struggle with, but at least you know. You still have time. You still have time to enjoy school and all the stupid, fun, crazy, reliable things that come with it.
And even when highschool is over you don't have to know exactly what you're going to do with your life. It sounds like you have a little bit of a plan after highschool, which is great. And of your plan changes a little along the way, that's totally okay too. Plans are just a guideline for the future. Its great to have the, but nothings set in stone. And that may sounds kinda scary but I like to take comfort in the fact that whatever I'm choosing to do in the future isn't what I'm stuck with for the rest of my life.
You have time. You have a plan. And you'll get new routines. I know having things to lean on is fun and something to look forward to each day, but you'll make new routines that will be just as fun.
You've got this.

Thanks Mox. That helped.

Deleted user

… I just realized I'm wearing exactly the same thing I'm wearing in my pfp

Deleted user

I'm too dumb to understand what anarchy even is tbh

Deleted user

Overthrowing the government
a lack of laws
chaos >:3
Or you know, we could bake and gossip