forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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More ~vent~
I keep waking up sadder and more angry than the day before. I also wake up like I'm missing something or forgetting something. I have no idea what it is. I think it's a part of me. I think everyday I lose a little more of myself. Everyday I lose a love for something, a character trait, a hope I once had. I feel like I'm dying. Like I'm slowly fading away, like I'm preparing for it to happen, but it's out of my control. I feel like I'll be nothing soon, and I won't even have the emotion to cry about it. I don't want that, of course. I'm trying my best to get better, I really am. I want to be well and whole. I practice coping mechanisms, I take care of myself the best I can. But everyday I feel like I'm unravelling. It really feels like I'm dying. This just sucks.
End of ~vent~
That felt good to get out at least :)

Deleted user

Ugh I wish I could help you so badly. I just want to reach out to your parents and strangle them.

But dude, I feel the same way. I totally get it. Just hang in there! Keep telling us what you’re feeling and don’t hold it back.


aW you really are a good mom. I'll be ok though, at least I'm understanding just how I feel a little better. It's nice to have a venting chat and an internet fam.
Make sure you get your vents out too <3


And remember. Good days sometimes just spring up. (Like today for me, actually.)

Yay! What made it good?

Deleted user

awww 😊 thanks Owen

My problems are a lot harder to voice considering several things in my life don’t matter and I’m just overreacting about it lmao. Thank you though, you’re very sweet.

Also, try to pick up a new habit! I walk relatively often, and I just started running as of recently. The shakeup in my workout makes me feel a little bit better.


okay I'm just commenting on a bunch of different things that happened while I was gone-

ella! I'm sorta bi-ace too (honestly the ace part is weird cuz s3x is disgusting and I don't wanna think about it at all but I can tell when I see a hot person so yea idk) but! I'm glad you have a little bit of an idea of an identity and I know that it's probably super confusing with weird feelings so if you ever wanna vent about it, we're here for you <3

when I was younger, I used to have this recurring nightmare but it wasn't a nightmare at all. I was tasked with building this huge ass lego building that you actually walk into and stuff and I had to build the building inside my parent's room but it wouLdNT FIT AND THEN FOR SOME REASON WHEN I ALMOST FINISHED IT'D SOMEHOW GET DESTROYED AND IT STRESSED ME OUT SO MUCH AND I WOKE UP CRYING EVERYTIME AND-
like I'd look at the building instructions and I'm crying inside the dream because I can't do it and it's not working and yeah I think that says something about how I am as a person now lmao

my brother's class managed to get their history teacher to quit teaching in his first year of it and that doesn't really have to do with a lot of what y'all were talking about earlier but it is something that happened

Ace, I'm happy for you and your brother and I hope he keeps trying!!

Once upon a time, I was twisting around in a rope swing and my hand got stuck where we twisting it and it broke the skin on my hand and I started bleeding and it hurt and now I get scared when I wanna twist around on any swing

and Owen,, all I can say is that it's bad right now but that doesn't mean it's always gonna be bad. There's always some good to look out for and I guess you just have to try to see it and appreciate it a little. You're loved and that's pretty good if you ask me


awww 😊 thanks Owen

My problems are a lot harder to voice considering several things in my life don’t matter and I’m just overreacting about it lmao. Thank you though, you’re very sweet.

Also, try to pick up a new habit! I walk relatively often, and I just started running as of recently. The shakeup in my workout makes me feel a little bit better.

Bruh everything in your life matters, there's nothing "too small" that shouldn't be talked about. If you wanna talk about it, you should. Everyone's here to listen. But I get not having the words. It's difficult to put such complex problems and feelings into words.

I've been trying to read more often, and it helps to put myself in all the different worlds. It also makes me want to write more, which of course is my passion but it do be hard sometimes lol.


I don't really know how I feel right now. I feel kind of numb, kind of sad, and kind of happy. But mostly numb

I'm sorry Pickles. I think I can understand that. That numb feeling makes me feel out of place, and it bothers me when I can't put a name to how I'm feeling. What are you happy about? And if you wanna talk about it, what are you sad about?

@Pickles group

I don't really know how I feel right now. I feel kind of numb, kind of sad, and kind of happy. But mostly numb

I'm sorry Pickles. I think I can understand that. That numb feeling makes me feel out of place, and it bothers me when I can't put a name to how I'm feeling. What are you happy about? And if you wanna talk about it, what are you sad about?

Well I'm happy cause I love y'all so much and I got to talk to Eva extra lots today. I don't really know why I'm sad. I just. Am. Y'know?

@HighPockets group

I don't really know how I feel right now. I feel kind of numb, kind of sad, and kind of happy. But mostly numb

I'm sorry Pickles. I think I can understand that. That numb feeling makes me feel out of place, and it bothers me when I can't put a name to how I'm feeling. What are you happy about? And if you wanna talk about it, what are you sad about?

Well I'm happy cause I love y'all so much and I got to talk to Eva extra lots today. I don't really know why I'm sad. I just. Am. Y'know?

:D (to the talking to me parts, not the sadness)
Idk, man, sometimes you just get the Big Sad outta nowhere
If it helps at all, Shelby ate an entire mini croissant at dinner tonight because she kept bothering my sister until she got one, and liked it so much she was licking her lips.


I don't really know how I feel right now. I feel kind of numb, kind of sad, and kind of happy. But mostly numb

I'm sorry Pickles. I think I can understand that. That numb feeling makes me feel out of place, and it bothers me when I can't put a name to how I'm feeling. What are you happy about? And if you wanna talk about it, what are you sad about?

Well I'm happy cause I love y'all so much and I got to talk to Eva extra lots today. I don't really know why I'm sad. I just. Am. Y'know?

Yeah, I get that. Like the sadness is just there and there's not much you can do about it. It sucks. But I'm happy you had some good parts in your day. We love you too Pickles <3

@Pickles group

I don't really know how I feel right now. I feel kind of numb, kind of sad, and kind of happy. But mostly numb

I'm sorry Pickles. I think I can understand that. That numb feeling makes me feel out of place, and it bothers me when I can't put a name to how I'm feeling. What are you happy about? And if you wanna talk about it, what are you sad about?

Well I'm happy cause I love y'all so much and I got to talk to Eva extra lots today. I don't really know why I'm sad. I just. Am. Y'know?

:D (to the talking to me parts, not the sadness)
Idk, man, sometimes you just get the Big Sad outta nowhere
If it helps at all, Shelby ate an entire mini croissant at dinner tonight because she kept bothering my sister until she got one, and liked it so much she was licking her lips.

Yes. Yes it does

@HighPockets group

I don't really know how I feel right now. I feel kind of numb, kind of sad, and kind of happy. But mostly numb

I'm sorry Pickles. I think I can understand that. That numb feeling makes me feel out of place, and it bothers me when I can't put a name to how I'm feeling. What are you happy about? And if you wanna talk about it, what are you sad about?

Well I'm happy cause I love y'all so much and I got to talk to Eva extra lots today. I don't really know why I'm sad. I just. Am. Y'know?

:D (to the talking to me parts, not the sadness)
Idk, man, sometimes you just get the Big Sad outta nowhere
If it helps at all, Shelby ate an entire mini croissant at dinner tonight because she kept bothering my sister until she got one, and liked it so much she was licking her lips.

Yes. Yes it does


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

And remember. Good days sometimes just spring up. (Like today for me, actually.)

Yay! What made it good?

No real reason exactly. But my mental health hasn't been this good in a week or two.


@HighPockets group

Deleted user

I would say it burned a little because of the sugar?

Matcha doesn't burn when you snort it, but the energy boot is whack

@Pickles group

I would say it burned a little because of the sugar?

Matcha doesn't burn when you snort it, but the energy boot is whack
