forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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@Moxie group

Me: Please. Please. Can I please focus? I just need to write two paragraphs. Please. Please let me focus. Just a little bit of work. Please.
My garbage brain: -O-

@HighPockets group

Me: Please. Please. Can I please focus? I just need to write two paragraphs. Please. Please let me focus.
My garbage brain: -O-

I'm supposed to be finishing a short story and I cannot do the focus

@Moxie group

I have three assignments left and then I graduate. One of them is writing two paragraphs and putting them in a presentation. I have two sentences.

Deleted user

well now i have to read it



@Pickles group

Me every time I have to do something

Incoherent babble time
I want section leaders to be announced. I want our show and the music. I want talent at something. I've decided to try to set up all of my bujo for June so I don't procrastinate working on it all month and not have yet another month. I skipped all this month. I'm going to run out of yarn soon which is uh oh because most of it isn't mine. I wanna go to the dollar store. I wish I could do more than decent sketches. I need more art supplies. I want to read the ballad of song whatever the fuck right now because my GR is blowing up with it and I'm upsetti. I wish I was solidly straight and that I didn't have to doubt myself all the time.

@Pickles group

well now i have to read it



Oh you're in for a treat

@Pickles group

My friend jokingly read some trump x pence fanfic to me and I wanted to die

This was much more entertaining. Wildly delightful. I laughed the whole time me or Ella can pm it to you if you want

@Kie group

My friend jokingly read some trump x pence fanfic to me and I wanted to die

This was much more entertaining. Wildly delightful. I laughed the whole time me or Ella can pm it to you if you want

Yes please-

Deleted user

well now i have to read it



Oh you're in for a treat


@Pickles group

My friend jokingly read some trump x pence fanfic to me and I wanted to die

This was much more entertaining. Wildly delightful. I laughed the whole time me or Ella can pm it to you if you want

I gotchu

@Kie group

I'm trying to film my guitar final and like??? I can't just strum away so I line the strums up with syllables and like? ofc it's gonna suck so anyways I keep messing up like 20 seconds in and my last take- I look like every white boy aged 16-17 on tiktok near the end Im SOBBINGH

@Pickles group

Me every time I have to do something

Incoherent babble time
I want section leaders to be announced. I want our show and the music. I want talent at something. I've decided to try to set up all of my bujo for June so I don't procrastinate working on it all month and not have yet another month. I skipped all this month. I'm going to run out of yarn soon which is uh oh because most of it isn't mine. I wanna go to the dollar store. I wish I could do more than decent sketches. I need more art supplies. I want to read the ballad of song whatever the fuck right now because my GR is blowing up with it and I'm upsetti. I wish I was solidly straight and that I didn't have to doubt myself all the time.

Also. I hate my skin and part of my neck is gray

Deleted user

I'm back
alive, I think
not kidnapped unless someone is perfectly pretending to be my mom
probably std free
uh… what were the other ones?
Potato potahto

Deleted user

anyway I was joking
It was a get together with a bunch of family friends and we literally just ate pizza
I only hit on one person because I'm a ho
but I'm not about to go into my unbiological aunt's bedroom and fuck someone
ya nasties

I did have to explain to group of boomers what a camgirl was

It was bomb ass pizza tho