forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Pickles group

I had a dream that a bunch of Disney princesses were in groups of three, and one from each group was trying to kill the rest. It kept switching perspectives so I got to be most of them. Don't remember who most of them were, but I remember Elsa and Rapunzel. Somehow the ones to trying to kill us turned "good" in the end and we just didn't question it. Most involved dream I've had in a while

@Pickles group

However, the background music does have to be amazingly creepy, until the very end, where everything's super upbeat with the faintest throwback to the rest of the music. That one will have singing


I have my first zoom meeting today for Driver's Ed hours, and I'm very nervous because I have no idea how zoom works.


I have my first zoom meeting today for Driver's Ed hours, and I'm very nervous because I have no idea how zoom works.

It's like Facetime but with more people I guess

Deleted user

don't you love when you're starving but you can't fucking eat anything because food aversion

Deleted user

Morning everyone. Sorry about last night.
Also i'm down for the Disney movie idea.
((I Liked Black Couldron ))

@Pickles group

That's good
Okay clearly I need to remember that force stopping an app is a thing and I should try that first instead of the things you're supposed to do after that doesn't work. I'm dumb