Holly: My furby died in my arms when I was a child.
Dallas: Uhh… I'm so sorry for your loss??
Holly: Wasn't a loss. I've never felt more like a God
Caleb: Guess what.
Crispin: No.
Caleb: …I didn't know that was an option.
Gerard: You read my diary?
Crispin: I didn’t know it was your diary. At first I thought it was a very sad, handwritten book
Eva: How do you feel about kids?
Crispin: Uh, they're okay, I guess. If I saw one, I wouldn't slice it open.
Eva: Why would you slice a child open?
Crispin: I just said I wouldn't.
Holly: Brian is so sleep-deprived that all reason has left their mind.
Holly: Watch this.
Holly: Brian! We left Holly back at the venue!
Brian, preparing to turn the car around: FUCK!
Milo: You know you've made it in life when you see pictures of yourself everywhere.
Keyla: Aren't they-
Milo: Yeah, they're wanted posters, but my point still stands.
Andor: lsn't it weird that people kill mosquitoes just because they're annoying?
Andor: lf people did that to other people l would've died years ago.
Brian: I didn't ask for the attitude.
Holly: I know, it's on the house.
Andor: I kinda want to taste lava.
Holly: Do it. What’s stopping you
Ara: No, I said “Andor, don’t lick the swing set" and you said "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO". and then you licked the swing set
Ara: unpopular opinion, but people who need the crusts cut off their sandwiches don’t deserve rights.
Jackie, in the middle of using a cookie cutter to shape her sandwich like a heart: first of all fuck you
Holly: places cup over a spider
Holly: places two identical cups either side
Jackie : Please don't.
Holly: shuffles all of the cups
Dallas: I don't even have an active role in my life anymore, I just look around like 'Oh we're doing this shit now? Okay.'
Ara: I can't believe you ate that.
Andor: It said free samples!
Andor: What the fuck
Ara: Hey! Language!
Andor: Hva faen!
Ara: No