forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@HighPockets group

Fan #1: Oh no, Aspen! Why's your arm in a sling?
Fan #2: Are you okay?!
Aspen: Haha no worries ladies, I just took my training a little too seriously, that's all–
Oberon: He threw his arm out in the fall hatchet throwing competition.

Calla: When I first met Oleander, I was like "How is he still single?!"
Calla: Then I got to know him and I was like "huh. makes sense now."

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

(Alllrighht Fire blanket 7! delivered all the way from heaven 😢)

Zackeri when the others are watching sports: stop screaming, y'all know they can't hear you, right?
Zackeri watching his telenovela: oh my fucking god MarΓ­a Dolores if you take JΓΊlio Ernesto back after what he did to you i swear tO GOD
Eric: Dude this movie sucks. It's totally unrealistic.
Craig: We're watching the news…
Kira: No- Lance! You're supposed to squeeze the stress ball!
Kira: Not to throw at people who stress you out!
Steven: As a serial killer my name would be 'the suspense'.
Steven: so victims would be like "oh no, the suspense is killing me!"
Steven: and then I would get the last laugh right before I kill them.
Shane: … what the fuck?
Kevin: Yeah I ate, stop buggin' me!
Oliver, at full volume: Ass is not on the food pyramid!
Nathan: πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘
Kuroko: πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘
DetLev: [baking a cake]
DetLev: …it's flour
David: shut up
Nathan: You just have to spread positive vibes to be nice! Here, watch:
Nathan: [to Markus] hey, have a nice day!
Markus: thanks Nate!
Nathan: now you try it.
Dennis: [to Markus] enjoy your next 24 hours.
Nathan: oh my god no-
Suka: It smells like upwannacuddle in here
Phoenix: what’s up wanna cuddle?
Phoenix: hang on
Suka: i mean, if you insist
Kira: I think we should put something on the glass doors to make them visible.
Lance: Leave it to me.
Lance: [Sticks a napkin on the doors.]
Asbjorn, entering the room: Hey, a flying napkin!

@ccb group

page: hey, do you think i could fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
august: you're a hazard to society.
jesse: and a coward. do 20.
jesse: i'm holding back tears….. this video is so powerful
darcy: shut your sensitive ass up
darcy: nevermind i just cried
what state do you live in?
august, jesse, and silas: constant anxiety.
darcy: denial.
page: perfection.
callie: florida.
jesse: it's impossible to know when the middle of my life is, so i've decided to have an ongoing crisis.
rex: i'm not going to stand here and listen to you accuse me of things i clearly did.
steven: tanner, i can't believe i have to tell you this, but it's bad to hunt people for sport.
tanner: yeah, bad-ass.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

(Fire blanket 8 oh boy I can't wait!!)

Lance: I've been in volleyball matches but I've never been in a snowball fight before, so I don't know the rules.
Kira: …What?
Lance: Is there a point system, or is it, like, to the death?
Alfie: Ayyye what that mouth do?~
Robin: Complain-
Doctor: Are you sexually active?
Markus: Does kissing count?
Doctor: Of course.
Markus: Then no.
Kevin: Nathan's a dangerous guy. Not only will he steal your heart but will probably accidentally drop it aswell.
Kuroko: And then he'll apologize like a hundred times while trying to put it together with duct tape.
Kouji: Would you sleep with Alfie for $100,000?
Robin: Hm. Would I have to pay him all at once or could I pay by installments?
Zackeri at a family party: ugh why is everyone asking me so many personal questions? mind your business.
Zackeri to his Uber driver: and that my dear Laurence might be where my PTSD and trust issues stem from. So anyway, do you believe in God?
Ren: When Lucy asks me if I notice anything new about her and I have no clue, I tell her
Ren: "I do. Your beauty surprises me every day."
Ren: Then I continue thinking about why cockroaches can fly but penguins can't.
Eliott: come on people, we just need to sharpay diem!
Felix: You mean carpe diem?
Eliott: no.
Eliott: it's latin for bop bop bop, bop to the top.
Memphis: I really wanna go to Australia
Eric: I feel bad for Australians
Memphis: why?
Eric: Because they grew up having to walk to their hands due to their position on the globe
Memphis: oh no thats notβ€”
Jay: Shhhh let him finish
[The Wolves doing some team bonding]
Kira: Ok, for the next game you should each write down some jokes. The funniest joke wins two points.
Kira: [walks around and looks over his teammates notes.]
Kira: Hey, Oliver? Why are you writing down our names?
Sammy: Am I a bad boy?
Sam: Yeah, you're a bad boy.
Sammy, pulling him closer: Oh yeah, so how bad am I?
Sam: [remembering Sammy saying he didn't want dessert and then eating his.]
Sam: You're a fucking nightmare to be honest.

@kingnocedas group

(Fire blanket 8 oh boy I can't wait!!)

Lance: I've been in volleyball matches but I've never been in a snowball fight before, so I don't know the rules.
Kira: …What?
Lance: Is there a point system, or is it, like, to the death?
Alfie: Ayyye what that mouth do?~
Robin: Complain-
Doctor: Are you sexually active?
Markus: Does kissing count?
Doctor: Of course.
Markus: Then no.
Kevin: Nathan's a dangerous guy. Not only will he steal your heart but will probably accidentally drop it as well.
Kuroko: And then he'll apologize like a hundred times while trying to put it together with duct tape.
Kouji: Would you sleep with Alfie for $100,000?
Robin: Hm. Would I have to pay him all at once or could I pay by installments?
Zackeri at a family party: ugh why is everyone asking me so many personal questions? mind your business.
Zackeri to his Uber driver: and that my dear Laurence might be where my PTSD and trust issues stem from. So anyway, do you believe in God?
Ren: When Lucy asks me if I notice anything new about her and I have no clue, I tell her
Ren: "I do. Your beauty surprises me every day."
Ren: Then I continue thinking about why cockroaches can fly but penguins can't.
Eliott: come on people, we just need to sharpay diem!
Felix: You mean carpe diem?
Eliott: no.
Eliott: it's latin for bop bop bop, bop to the top.
Memphis: I really wanna go to Australia
Eric: I feel bad for Australians
Memphis: why?
Eric: Because they grew up having to walk to their hands due to their position on the globe
Memphis: oh no thats notβ€”
Jay: Shhhh let him finish
[The Wolves doing some team bonding]
Kira: Ok, for the next game you should each write down some jokes. The funniest joke wins two points.
Kira: [walks around and looks over his teammates notes.]
Kira: Hey, Oliver? Why are you writing down our names?
Sammy: Am I a bad boy?
Sam: Yeah, you're a bad boy.
Sammy, pulling him closer: Oh yeah, so how bad am I?
Sam: [remembering Sammy saying he didn't want dessert and then eating his.]
Sam: You're a fucking nightmare to be honest.

these are hilarious i'm peeing skdhsdjshjsfh

@alecscharm group

Rachel: I'm pretty good at improvising weapons. One time, I stabbed someone with a brick.
Cavendish: How can you stab someone with a brick?!
Rachel: I just do it.


The crew playing Mario Kart:

Sharla: Here lies Yama. He drove fast and died a virgin.
Yama: Yeah, nice insult Deutschbag.
Gawain: They'll have to bury what's left of you in a soup can! AH, RED SHELL!
Guinevere: I just tore you a new chimney, Smokey Joe!


Phoenix: 'How high was i last night?"
Tanis: "You forgot what milk was and called it cereal water"

Phoenix: "How much time did you spend on this hmm?"
Hiryur: "Irrelevant. I would spend any amount of time to properly shame you."

Virion: "Sometimes i feel like dying."
Hiryur, slightly panicked: "Wh-"
Virion: "But then i remembered that i wouldnt see you again if i die."
Hiryur: blushing

Alphonse: "Sometimes i feel like dying"
Phoenix: "Good for you."

Hikari, having consumed enough caffeine to kill three horses, crawling around the room rapidly:


Shiranui, holding a cross and backing herself into a corner: whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuckWHATTHEFUCKWHATTHEFUCK"

@Starfast group

Ara: You're fine. You didn't get hurt.
Andor: Well, I'm not going to just wait around until I do.
Andor: *Turns around and slams into a wall*

Crispin: I'm pretty good at improvising weapons. One time, I stabbed someone with a brick.
Kit: How can you stab someone with a brick?!
Crispin: I just do it.

Ara: I really wanna go to Australia
Andor: I feel bad for Australians
Ara: why?
Andor Because they grew up having to walk to their hands due to their position on the globe
Ara: oh no thats notβ€”
Dallas: Shhhh let him finish

Milo: i'm not going to stand here and listen to you accuse me of things i clearly did.

Brian: No- Holly! You're supposed to squeeze the stress ball!
Brian: Not to throw at people who stress you out!

Deleted user

Kelpora, tearing up: You're not coming with me?
Aid: I'm not your mom.
Aid, kissing Kelpora on the forehead: Here's your sandwich.
Aid: I'll pick you up at 5!
Aid: Love you!

Monah: Bruiser, why is our fridge full of girl scout cookies and vodka?
Bruiser: You told me to go shopping.

Aid: What are you writing?
Viere: Well, the palace wants to know what kind of weaponry we keep in the house. I'm just letting them know that's private information.
Aid: …
Aid: This just says "fuck around and find out."
Viere: Mmmhmm.

Bruiser: You're blocking the view.
Monah: I am the view.

Viere: I have feelings for you.
Monah: You do?
Viere: Yes. I feel you're a little annoying.

Aid: How dumb does Viere think you are?
Kelpora: She sometimes leaves me pictures of food instead of a grocery list.

Viere, about Kelpora: I'm sorry, can you make her stop doing that weird thing with her face?
Aid: Crying?

Monah: Kelli said a curse word today.
Bruiser: Where in the goddamn fucking hell did she learn that?!

Aid: What is this?
Monah: It's my to-do list.
Aid: Oh? That's great I'm so glad you're starting to be more orga-
Aid: This just says "Kelpora."

Bruiser: When I say I'm "feral" it doesn't always mean I'm angry, it usually means I'm just stupid and if you give me food you'll earn my trust and I'll follow you around.

Aid: How many popsicles have you had today?
Bruiser, lying in a bed of popsicle wrappers: Now is not the time to talk about my personal flaws as a Kenku.

Kelli, to Monah: Are you a writer? You have such an interesting vocabulary.
Viere, from across the room: No, she's just pretentious.

Kelpora: So, what are we doing?
Kelli: Just existing, I guess.
Kelpora: No, Iβ€”I mean for work tomorrow.
Kelli: Oh. Be in at eight.

Deleted user

Ramona: I'm pretty good at improvising weapons. One time, I stabbed someone with a brick.
Mysteise: How can you stab someone with a brick?!
Ramona: I just do it.

@HighPockets group

Gabriel: I'm pretty good at improvising weapons. One time, I stabbed someone with a brick.
Cordelia: How can you stab someone with a brick?!
Gabriel: I just do it.

Jackson: No- Geneva! You're supposed to squeeze the stress ball!
Jackson: Not to throw at people who stress you out!

@threesacult group

Cyrus: And would you like a Hot Wheels or a Barbie toy with that, ma'am?
Customer: Uh, it's for a boy.
Cyrus: Congratulations. do you want the Hot Wheels or the Barbie?
Customer: I want a boy toy, please.
Cyrus: Haha don't we all?
Cyrus: Seriously lady do you want the Hot Wheels or the Barbie you gotta choose

Cyrus: So I have made the decision to trust you.
Jack: A horrible decision, really.

Quill: No- Anthony, you’re supposed to squeeze the stress ball!
Quill: Not throw it at people who stress you out!

@ElderGod-kirky group

Rae: I have feelings for you.
Tamaki: You do?
Rae: Yes. I feel you're a little annoying

Carden: The participants of this year's war games are all so pretty.
Archer: Quit talking about yourself.
Archer: Shit.

Milo: So, what's Luca's type?
Drew: Brown eyes, smart, oblivious, chaotic, either tall or short.
Milo: Sounds kind of like me and Cole. Too bad we're just friends.
Drew: Did I mention oblivious?
Milo: Yeah, why?
Drew: Okay, just making sure.

Ryker: I may not be fluent in any language
Ryker: but I am extremely fluent in gay

Tess, upon dating Emyr: What do people do with boyfriends??? do you have to take them for walks?? or water them?? what if they die
Emyr in the background: I am dead!

Koralia: I like my coffee how I like myself.
Koralia: Dark, bitter, and too hot for you.

*in an art gallery*
Fenris: Y'know, I'm surrounded by masterpieces, but the irreplaceable one is you.
Kiriti: blushes
Koralia: The artwork is great, but–
Magnus: blushes
Koralia: Everyone knows I'm the real masterpiece.

Wesix: Is that a hickey on your neck?
Vhessea: Oh no, it's a mosquito bite.
Jynney: Hey, whores.
Wesix: Hi, mosquito.


Richard: Name one way to be nice to people.
Marie: Don't stab them.
Richard: Setting the bar a little low but I'll allow it.

*Richard and Henry in a hot tub*
Marie, hiding in a bush: Two bros chilling in a hot tub five feet apart 'cause they're not gay–
Richard and Henry: *start making out*
Marie: …

Cosette: It's so cold.
Marie: Here, have my jacket.

Richard: Yeah, it is really cold out here.
Henry: Well damn Richard, I can't control the weather.

Richard: My father always tells me "you have to pick your battles." Well, I'm full of rage and I'm picking all of them.

Marie: The real treasure was the memories we made along the way.
Henry: I almost died.
Marie: That was my fondest memory.

Richard, very unconvincingly: I love emotions. I have them all the time.

@threesacult group

Karma, flirting: I love a man in a suit ;))
Jack: Oh, I love a man in a suit too. So cool!
Karma: …

Quill: So, what's Elias’ type?
Perry: Long hair, smart, oblivious, and tall.
Quill: Huh, sounds kind of like me! Too bad we're just friends.
Perry: Did I mention oblivious?
Quill: Yeah, why?
Perry: Just making sure.


Galahad: Ha ha ha ha! You're a fool if you think you can beat me with your measly Bending, half-breed! I'm the most powerful caster in the world!
Aqua: You fool. My magic was merely to distract you! He's the one you should be worried about!
Galahad: What? Who–ooohhh…
Yama, towering over Galahad: Hi.
Galahad: Jesus Christ, what do you even feed this thing?
Aqua: Whatever the fuck he asks for and plenty of it. I once watched this individual rip the testicles off a wyvern and use them as nunchucks to beat it to death. It was quite the spectacle!
Galahad: Well, I've seen the error of my ways. I think we can all just let this go. What do you say, Big Guy? Friends?
Yama: My safeword is "more."
Galahad: Hoo-oh my God.