forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@kiley_arrants Premium Supporter

Kenna: I'm having a midlife crisis!
Dimitri: You're 15.
Gaia: For the last time, we are NOT going to challenge people to duel at our wedding just because we proposed to each other with swords-
Tanith: I'm immune to mean and hurtful words because Gaia says nice things to me everyday and her love protects me.
Will: I'm immune to mean and hurtful words because Keres says mean things to me everyday, so I'm prepared.
Keres: I only feel one emotion and it's anger.
Will: Last night you drunk texted me a thousand heart emojis.
Keres: Out of anger.
Sorin, smooshing Anahid's face between two pieces of bread, idiot sandwich style: What are you?
Anahid: A snack.
Sorin: No.
Keres: Hey, Will, since you know so many languages, which one do you think in?
Acyn, not looking up from his book: Bold of you to assume he thinks.
Nakoa: Good morning, Kenna! I made you eggs, bacon, and cinnamon rolls and hot coffee.
Kenna: Let me at 'em.
Kenna: WOAH! [immediately gets back in bed] nice try, Nakoa. You almost got me up on a Monday that time.
Julian: You can't make everyone like you. You're not Eira.
Kenna: Not everyone likes Eira.
Julian: Who doesn't?
Kenna: Well-
Julian: Names. Now. Give me their names.
Will: Why are people so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I would be excited just to have a bunk bed.
Keres: I'm gonna tell him.
Acyn and Kenna: Don't you dare.
Will: Acyn, isn't it true that when you die in your sleep you don't know about it until the next morning?
Acyn: Are you fucking serious?
Adeline: You're too late fools! You'll never stop me now.
Will: That's where you're wrong, evil-doer! We will stop you using the powers of:
Acyn: Friendship!
Gaia: Harmony!
Verena: Incredible violence.
Will: And love!
Acyn: Why can't you go to the store?
Caspian: They said guns aren't allowed in there.
Acyn: Why were you carrying guns around in plain sight?
Caspian, kissing his biceps: Can't hide these bad boys. Sorry, babe.
Acyn: Just go buy the milk, I swear to god-
Kenna: I think I'm getting better at this. I didn't even stab him.
Nakoa: And we are so proud of you. No-stabbing Wednesdays. New tradition.
Will, pushing on a pull door: It's not opening!
Kenna, filming him: You just need to push harder!
Acyn: What ??
Caspian: My condolences.
Acyn: What??! What did you do next?
Will: I came here to tell you guys!
Caspian: [reaching for popcorn]
Acyn: … So, she's over there waiting for you?
Will: Yeah!
Caspian: [grabs more popcorn]
Will: [runs back out the door]
Acyn: There it is.
Sorin: What is Will to you?
Acyn: Will… he's the reason I wake up in the morning.
Sorin: Awe, how sweet.
Acyn: haha yeah
[earlier that morning]
Will, kicking open Acyn's bedroom door while Dimitri is screaming downstairs: ACYN! ACYN! ACYN WAKE UP! WAKE UP! THE KITCHEN IS ON FIRE AGAIN!
Verena: So, what was your life like under the sea?
Nadia: [war flashback]
Nadia: …Nothing important.
Dimitri: I'm going to laminate you.
Kenna: Do it slut.
Caspian: This is the strangest possible exchange I have ever seen.
Kenna: Imprison me in plastic you coward.
Kenna: Dude-
Nakoa: I just had my tongue in your mouth five minutes ago. Don't you dare call me 'dude'.
Ares: You were happy once, you know.
Kenna: I was never happy. I was just less pissed off.
Will: I can't seem to do anything right now.
Eira: Mhmm. I never thought I'd have to say this, but there is only space in this family for one unstable sibling, and I have held that title for a very long time, so you are going to have to get it together.
Kenna: I've learned some valuable lessons from this.
Dimitri: I'm guessing they are all horrible distortions of the lessons you should have taken away.
Kenna: Death isn't real and I'm god.
Verena: You three are being sent out on a mission. Make sure it's successful, you guys haven't had the best winning streak this last month, so come up with a new strategy.
Dimitri: We could stay sober?
Kenna: No, we tried that once.
Will: And it SUCKED.

@Mojack group

Anyone: do you have anything important to add? What was the most difficult thing y-
Ark: if I eated soap. i dont eat it bc i did. No i didn’t. ❤️

Qhiotz: you’re blocking the view
Ommjir: I am the view.

Ahers: It’s the police! Open up!
Eaos, from the other side of the door: Sometimes I get sad…

Aarin: I wasn’t hurt that badly. The doctor said all of my bleeding is internal, and that’s where the blood is supposed to be.
Hexstrastromnali: 😐

Maik, in a fight with Hexstrastromnali: The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math.

Aarin: Hey, Hexstrastromnali, what does ‘y/n’ mean?
Hexstrastromnali: Your name.
Aarin, going back to reading: Aarin stared into Aarin’s eyes-


i have not worked on my story in forever and i forget things but here's a few because i want to contribute

ash: "your highness" is gender neutral. so you know, if you're ever confused about my pronouns, that'll work
ash: alternatively, "your majesty," "my liege," and "supreme overlord"
ash: please note that "your grace" is also acceptable

lia: do you think i could fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?
kam: you're a hazard to society
ash: and a coward. do twenty

kam: i'm BYEsexual as in goodbye i'm not interested

kam: i'm not interested in being polite or heterosexual

@HighPockets group

Victor: Henry and I slept together
Alice: And?
Victor:…I thought you’d be more shocked
Alice: Oh, sorry.
Alice, in a "surprised" voice: AND?!

Oleander: I’m inviting you to Lavinia and I's wedding!
Calla: Your wedding?
Lavinia: Our wedding?

Casey: Beck? You’re still awake?
Beck: It’s not that late.
Casey: It’s 2 AM! What time do you usually go to bed?
Beck: 5 AM.
Casey: You wake up at 7 AM!
Beck 5 AM.

@HighPockets group

Oberon: For the last time, we are not going to challenge people to duel at our wedding.
Titania: Then what's the point of us getting married?!

Kate: I only feel one emotion and it's anger.
Bee: Last night you drunk texted me a thousand heart emojis.
Kate: Out of anger.

Nathaniel: Why are people so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I would be excited just to have a bunk bed.
Douglas: I'm gonna tell him.
Oscar: Don't you dare-

Joan: I think I'm getting better at this. I didn't even stab him.
Nell: And we are so proud of you!
Nich: No-Stabbing Wednesdays. New tradition.

Della: I'm going to laminate you.
Erica: Do it, slut.
Theo: This is the strangest possible exchange I have ever seen.
Erica: Imprison me in plastic you coward.

Nathaniel: Lord Mitchell-
Oscar: I just had my tongue in your mouth five minutes ago. Don't you dare call me 'Lord Mitchell'.

Harper: You were happy once, you know.
Beck: I was never happy. I was just less pissed off.

Robin: I've learned some valuable lessons from this.
Oberon: I'm guessing they are all horrible distortions of the lessons you should have taken away.
Robin: Death isn't real and I'm basically a god.

Marcus: You two are being sent out on a mission. Make sure it's successful, you guys haven't had the best winning streak this last month, so come up with a new strategy.
Jon: Ol could stay sober?
Oliver: No, I tried that once and it sucked.

@HighPockets group

Oberon: Do you have anything important to add? What was the most difficult thing y-
Robin: If I eated soap. i dont eat it bc i did. No i didn’t. <3

Percy: I wasn’t hurt that badly. The doctor said all of my bleeding is internal, and that’s where the blood is supposed to be.
Alessandra: :[

@ccb group

jules: do you take constructive criticism?
jesse: (already crying) sure what’s up

august: my shwarma fell apart
silas: oh no
silas: are you solution oriented about it or in the feelings stage?

page: self care is drinking 4 monsters and having a therapy session with god on your*bathroom floor at 4:27 am

darcy: (doing makeup) some people say ‘don’t make the wings too big’
darcy: i like to make my wings big enough that one day, hopefully, i’ll be able to fly away from all my problems.

darcy: my idea of flirting is being as sarcastic as possible and seeing if they can handle me

silas: here’s a concept. me, eating strawberries and peaches on a hillside where i am far from everything i know

page: i’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.
silas: i’ve witnessed the dumb stuff.
darcy: i’ve recorded the dumb stuff.
jesse: i’ve joined you in the dumb stuff.

page: talk to him, that’s what friends do!
darcy: nope, i’m gonna wait till i’m on my deathbed, get in the last word, and then die immediately.
page: that’s your plan for dealing with this?
darcy: that’s my plan for dealing with everything. i have 77 arguments i’m gonna win that way.
page: that seems like a bad plan.
darcy: now I have 78.

callie: i’ve always wondered how tall people like you actually manage to sleep at night when the blanket can’t cover you fully from your shoulders to your toes.
august: callie, it’s 3 in the morning.
callie: so you can’t sleep
callie: is it because of the blanket?

keisha: i’m about to say it.
floor 7: (murmuring) say it! say it!
keisha: i don’t care that you tore your acl.

page: yes.
jules: “yes, sir.”
page: no need to call me sir, professor.

teddy: we're going out in public. i expect you to be on your best behavior.
phaedra (to lachlan and darcy): yes, kids. listen to your father.
teddy: i was talking to you.

keisha: you look stressed
august: yeah it’s the stress

jesse: guess what number i’m thinking of
august: 420
jesse: no, that’s really immature of you. someone else guess, and please take this seriously.
page: 69?
jesse: yeah it was 69

elizabeth: it’s bad for you to eat after 9 pm
katie (eating lucky charms at 3 am): oh man, good thing time is an illusion

darcy: i only feel one emotion and it's anger.
page: last night you drunk texted me a thousand heart emojis.
darcy: out of anger.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Jax: I dare you to kiss the cutest person in this room!
Sanji: Azami?
Azami: …yeah…?
Sanji: Can you move, please? I can't see Zoro.

Chopper: It’s bad for you to eat after 9 pm!
Azami and Luffy, ransacking the fridge at 3 am: Oh man, good thing time is an illusion.

Tori: I’ve always wondered how tall people like you actually manage to sleep at night when the blanket can’t cover you fully from your shoulders to your toes.
Sabo: Tori, it’s 3 in the morning.
Tori: So you can’t sleep
Tori: Is it because of the blanket?
Tori is legit 3 inches shorter

Deleted user

Bruiser: I'm having a midlife crisis!
Viere: You're 15.

Belsan: For the last time, we are NOT going to challenge people to duel at our wedding just because we proposed to each other with swords-

Rush: I'm immune to mean and hurtful words because Belsan says nice things to me everyday and his love protects me.
Kelli: I'm immune to mean and hurtful words because Viere says mean things to me everyday, so I'm prepared.

Madhead: I only feel one emotion and it's anger.
Nova: Last night you drunk texted me a thousand heart emojis.
Madhead: Out of anger.

Ronald, smooshing Howl's face between two pieces of bread, idiot sandwich style: What are you?
Howl: A snack.
Ronald: No.

Ronald: Hey, Belsan, since you know so many languages, which one do you think in?
Madhead, not looking up from sharpening his blade: Bold of you to assume he thinks.

Kelpora: You can't make everyone like you. You're not Aid.
Monah: Not everyone likes Aid.
Kelpora: Who doesn't?
Monah: Well-
Kelpora: Names. Now. Give me their names.

Belsan: Why are people so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I would be excited just to have a bunk bed.
Ronald: …
Howl: …
Nova: …
Ronald: I'm gonna tell him.
Howl and Nova: Don't you dare.

Kelpora: Aid, isn't it true that when you die in your sleep you don't know about it until the next morning?
Aid: …
Aid: Are you serious?

BBEG: You're too late fools! You'll never stop me now.
Nova: That's where you're wrong, evil-doer! We will stop you using the powers of–
Howl: Friendship!
Belsan: Harmony!
Madhead: Incredible violence.
Nova: And love!

Madhead: I think I'm getting better at this. I didn't even stab him.
Howl: And we are so proud of you. No-Stabbing Wednesdays. New tradition.

Bruiser, pushing on a pull door: It's not opening!
Viere, filming her: You just need to push harder!

Belsan: What is Kelli to you?
Aid: Kelli… she's the reason I wake up in the morning.
Belsan: Awe, how sweet.
Aid: Hahah, yeah…
[earlier that morning]
Kelli, kicking open Aid's bedroom door while Monah is screaming downstairs: AID! AID! AID WAKE UP! WAKE UP! THE KITCHEN IS ON FIRE AGAIN!

Monah: I'm going to laminate you.
Viere: Do it slut.
Kelli: This is the strangest possible exchange I have ever seen.
Viere: Imprison me in plastic you coward.

Connak: You were happy once, you know.
Nova: I was never happy. I was just less pissed off.

Belsan: I can't seem to do anything right now.
Howl: Mhmm. I never thought I'd have to say this, but there is only space in this family for one unstable sibling, and I have held that title for a very long time, so you are going to have to get it together.

Madhead: I've learned some valuable lessons from this.
Ronald: I'm guessing they are all horrible distortions of the lessons you should have taken away.
Madhead: Death isn't real and I'm god.

Aid: You three are being sent out on a mission. Make sure it's successful, you guys haven't had the best winning streak this last month, so come up with a new strategy.
Kelli: We could stay sober?
Monah: No, we tried that once.
Viere: And it SUCKED.

@HighPockets group

Cora: I dropped my ice cream cone.
Beck: Oh no, are you solution oriented about it or in the feelings stage?

Cordelia: Self care is drinking four mugs of coffee and having a therapy session with Mab on your bathroom floor at 4:27 am

Margot, doing makeup: Some people say "don’t make the wings too big"
Margot: I like to make my wings big enough that one day, hopefully, I’ll be able to fly away from all my problems.

Kat: My idea of flirting is being as sarcastic as possible and seeing if they can handle me

Ophelia: Here’s a concept. Me, eating strawberries and peaches on a hillside where I am far from everything I know.

Kate: I’m about to say it.
Her classmates: Say it! Say it!
Kate, to Peter:* I don’t care that you tore your ACL.

Casey: You look stressed
Beck: Yeah, it’s the stress

Harper: It’s bad for you to eat after 9 pm
Beck, eating Lucky Charms at 3 am: Thank God that time's an illusion

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Shachi: You can't make everyone like you, Captain. You're not Jax.
Bepo: Not everyone likes Jax.
Law: Who doesn't?
Bepo: Well-
Law: Names. Now. Give me their names.

Azami: You look stressed
Law: Yeah, it’s the stress


Richard: I've learned some valuable lessons from this.
Marie: I'm guessing they are all horrible distortions of the lessons you should have taken away.
Richard: Death isn't real and I'm god.

Marie, smooshing Henry's face between two pieces of bread, idiot sandwich style: What are you?
Henry: A snack.
Marie: No.

Richard: Why are people so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I would be excited just to have a bunk bed.
Henry: I'm gonna tell him.
Marie and Cosette: Don't you dare.

Cosette: What ??
Marie: My condolences.
Cosette: What??! What did you do next?
Richard: I came here to tell you guys!
Marie: [reaching for popcorn]
Cosette: … So, he's over there waiting for you?
Richard: Yeah!
Marie: [grabs more popcorn]
Richard: [runs back out the door]
Cosette: There it is.

@Starfast group

Ara: It's "dog eat dog world."
Andor: Okay.
Ara: Well, the other day you said "it's a doggy dog world."
Andor: But that makes no sense! Why would you want to live in a world where dogs eat other dogs?!
Andor: Doggy dog world is a happy place full of little puppies!

Holly, smooshing Jackie's face between two pieces of bread, idiot sandwich style: What are you?
Jackie: A snack.
Holly: No.

Kit: You look stressed
Gerard: Yeah, it’s the stress

Milo: I've learned some valuable lessons from this.
Keyla: I'm guessing they are all horrible distortions of the lessons you should have taken away.
Milo: Death isn't real and I'm god.

Brian: I can't seem to do anything right now.
Holly: Mhmm. I never thought I'd have to say this, but there is only space in this family for one unstable sibling, and I have held that title for a very long time, so you are going to have to get it together.

Brian, pushing on a pull door: It's not opening!
Holly, filming him: You just need to push harder!

Victor: You're too late fools! You'll never stop me now.
Kit: That's where you're wrong, evil-doer! We will stop you using the powers of–
Caleb: Friendship!
Eva: Harmony!
Crispin: Incredible violence.
Kit: And love!

Andor: Ara, isn't it true that when you die in your sleep you don't know about it until the next morning?
Ara: …
Ara: Are you serious?

Dallas: Hey, Andor, since you know so many languages, which one do you think in?
Ara, not looking up from sharpening his blade: Bold of you to assume he thinks.

Gerard: I'm having a midlife crisis!
Crispin: You're 18.

Andor: guess what number i’m thinking of
Dallas: 420
Andor: no, that’s really immature of you. someone else guess, and please take this seriously.
Dallas: 69?
Andor: yeah it was 69

Jackie: I'm immune to mean and hurtful words because Holly says nice things to me everyday and her love protects me.
Brian: I'm immune to mean and hurtful words because Holly says mean things to me everyday, so I'm prepared.


Jason: It's "dog eat dog world."
Sara: Okay.
Jason: Well, the other day you said "it's a doggy dog world."
Jason: But that makes no sense! Why would you want to live in a world where dogs eat other dogs?!
Rick: Doggy dog world is a happy place full of little puppies!

Rick, smooshing Jason’s face between two pieces of bread, idiot sandwich style: What are you?
Jason: A snack.
Rick: No.

Sara: You look stressed
Jason: Yeah, it’s the stress

Jason: I've learned some valuable lessons from this.
Sara: I'm guessing they are all horrible distortions of the lessons you should have taken away.
Jason: Death isn't real and I'm god.

Jason: I can't seem to do anything right now.
Sara: Mhmm. I never thought I'd have to say this, but there is only space in this friendship for one unstable friend, and I have held that title for a very long time, so you are going to have to get it together.

Sara, pushing on a pull door: It's not opening!
Rick, filming her: You just need to push harder!

Video game villain, in cutscene: You're too late fools! You'll never stop me now.
Character on screen: That's where you're wrong, evil-doer! We will stop you using the powers of–
Character on screen: Friendship!
The gang in VC
Jason: Harmony!
Rick: Incredible violence.
Sara: And love!

Jason: Sara, isn't it true that when you die in your sleep you don't know about it until the next morning?
Rick: Are you serious?

Rick: Hey, Jason, since you know so many languages, which one do you think in?
Sara, not looking up from sharpening her pencil: Bold of you to assume he thinks.

Jason: I'm having a end of life crisis!
Sara: You're 17.

Jason: guess what number i’m thinking of
Rick: 420
Jason: no, that’s really immature of you. someone else guess, and please take this seriously.
Sara: 69?
Jason: yeah it was 69

@HighPockets group

Oleander: I've learned some valuable lessons from this.
Wisteria: I'm guessing they are all horrible distortions of the lessons you should have taken away.
Oleander: Death isn't real and I'm practically a god.

Eleanor: I can't seem to do anything right now.
Cordelia: Mmmhmm. I never thought I'd have to say this, but there is only space in this family for one unstable sibling, and I have held that title for a very long time, so you are going to have to get it together.

The Erl King: You're too late fools! You'll never stop me now.
Oleander: That's where you're wrong, evil-doer! We will stop you using the powers of–
Poplar: Friendship!
Alys: Harmony!
Titania: Incredible violence.
Aspen: And love!

Erica: Guess what number I'm thinking of
Della: 420
Erica: No, that’s really immature of you. Someone else guess, and please take this seriously.
Teagan: 69?
Erica: Yeah it was 69

@HighPockets group

Nathaniel: Honey bun?
Oscar: Yes?
Nathaniel, blushing: I meant, would you like one?
Oscar: Oh. Yeah, sure. Sugar?
Nathaniel: Yes?
Oscar, also blushing: I was just asking if you wanted sugar in your coffee.
Nathaniel, flustered: Oh! Yeah. Sure.
Both: Completely flustered
Percy, from a distance: Even I’m getting embarrassed from watching them.
Beatrice: I think I know what you mean.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

(Fire Blanket 12- / -.- .. .-.. .-.. / – . / .. .—-. – / –. — .. -. –. / -. — .– …. . .-. . / .. -. / .-.. .. ..-. . .-.-.- / - …. .. … / .. … / .- / -.-. .-. -.– / ..-. — .-. / …. . .-.. .–. .-.-.-)

Alfie to Robin: ok now give me sad—sadder!
Alfie: Imagine us separating after graduation!
Alfie: Hey why are you smiling
Craig: Memphis and Eric have been in the kitchen for a while now…
Jay: do you think they’re…
Jay: making out?
[in the kitchen]
Eric, helping Memphis make a bottle rocket out of mentos and coke: this is gonna be so sick.
Lance: What are we doing?
Kira: Just existing I guess
Lance: No I meant for volleyball practice tomorrow
Kira: Oh, we start at 8
Kevin: i’m different now. Like, before I thought I was gay, but then I saw you
Oliver: Bit fuckin rude-
Kevin: before I thought I was gay, now I know that I’m gay.
Thomas: So what do you want for dinner tonight?
Zackeri: your dick
Zackeri: your pick*
Zackeri: haha sorry autocorrect
Thomas: This is a verbal conversation
Ren having writers block: Lou make me cry!
Lucy: ….what?? no??? WHAT
Ren, deadpanned: do it.
Lucy: uh- um.. sometimes Zackeri doesn’t think he’s good enough-
Ren: I couldn’t tell him not to blame himself. I didn’t want to, not to him. Not when he was our Captain all the way down to his core, foibles and all
Lucy: write that shit down
[At Sato's Police Station]

Sato: Um, why are you here?
Daniel & Alec: Do you know where the nearest jail is?
Sato: …Why?
Daniel: we need shelter
Alec: free shelter
Sato: They won’t take you in if you haven’t done a crime, let alone just for you to have shelter.
Daniel & Alec:
Daniel: 'Cuse us, we’ll be right back.
Eliott: [fails test]
Eloitt: I'm livin' like Larry.
Felix: How… how is this living like Larry???
Eliott: My extreme sport is disappointing my family.
Phoenix: ???
Suka: You can kick me in the stomach and I'd still say thank you.
Asbjorn: [fucking around]
David: Stop. [sprays Asbjorm]
Kevin: Hey! I told you to stop spraying him with water!
David: This isn't water, it's lighter fluid
David: [lights match]
Phoenix: [sneezes]
Kit: shut up
Kit: i meant bless you, sorry
Kit: no, shut up was better.
Robin, walking in on Zackeri holding a crying Kichiro: What happened??
Zackeri: The sounds that the printer makes scares him

@HighPockets group

Peter to Kate: Okay, now give me sad—sadder!
Peter: Imagine us separating after graduation!
Peter: Hey, why are you smiling-

Luci: Matthew and Kate have been in the kitchen for a while now…
Bee: Do you think they’re…
Bee: Making out?
In the kitchen
Matthew, helping Kate make a bottle rocket out of Mentos and Coke: This is going to be so sick-

Nathaniel: I’m different now. Like, before I thought I was gay, but then I saw you
Oscar: Well, that's a bit rude-
Nathaniel: Before I thought I was gay, now I know that I’m gay.

Amira: Um, why are you here?
Nich, Joan, and Nell: Do you know where the nearest jail is?
Amira: …Why?
Nell: We need shelter
Joan: Free shelter
Amira: They won’t take you in if you haven’t done a crime, let alone just for you to have shelter.
Nich: Excuse us, we’ll be right back-

@sock group

Ren: As Lady Macbeth once said, "Don't be a pussy, it's just murder,"
Zephyr: Don't let anyone ruin your day.
Chan: Yeah, ruin it yourself!
Ren: Bad news, the printer messed up the invitations. It was supposed to say 'Zephyr's Birthday'
Chan: What does it say?
Ren: 'Zephyr's Bi'
Elyas: I mean, that could still work
Doctor: What's your blood type?
Zephyr: Don't worry, I'm not picky, I can drink any kind.
Doctor: What?
Zephyr: What?
Chan: I'll do whoever it takes to get to the top!
Elyas: Don't you mean 'whatever it takes?'
Chan: Yeah sure I'll do that too.
Elyas: Is Chan ever normal?
Ren: Nope
Elyas: Not even when he's asleep?
Ren: No, he's the craziest in bed.
Elyas, choking: I'm sorry, WHAT?
Ren: He sleep fights, crazy right?
Chan: Okay, so when someone says something cool, just say lit.
Zephyr: Got it.
Ren: Hey, I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time… I think I'm in love with you.
Zephyr, panicking: Lit
Elyas: Aw, we're out of snacks.
Chan, aggressively pointing at himself: I'M LITERALLY STANDING RIGHT HERE
Chan: I like my girls how I like my coffee
Chan: [sips bubble tea]
Chan: I have a plan!
Elyas: Oh no, we're not listening to another one of your 'brilliant' plans.
Ren: It's fine, I have the hospital on speed dial. Chan, continue.