forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@HighPockets group

Quinn: Lyra, did Talia pay you to kill the Hawk?
Lyra, sprawled out on the couch in the arena lounge, sipping a Monster out of a martini glass: Yeah, she gave me 56 bucks
Quinn: Why would she pay you to do something she could do herself?
Talia, on top of the pool table: I'm lazy.

@HighPockets group

Miette: Crushes are the worst.
Oscar: Yeah. Whenever I'm near someone I have a crush on, I start acting stupid.
Miette: You're always acting stupid around Nathaniel.
Oscar: Yeah, don't think too hard about that one.

Erik: You often use wit to deflect serious trauma.
Oscar: Thank you.
Erik: I didn't say that was a good thing.
Oscar: What I'm hearing is that you think I'm clever.

Anne: Ginny told me instead of being sad I should, "go get it girl". So I'm going to go get it, girl.
Marian: Get what?
Anne: Unclear. I'll just get everything to be safe.

Andromeda: Do you want a couple extra minutes before the decision?
Beatrice: No, we die like men.
Marian: Ugh, why is it always "like men"?
Beatrice: We die like men, unprepared and useless.

Asher: If you hurt Fern, I'll kill you.
Huxley: If I hurt Fern, I'll kill myself.
Asher: Not if I kill you first.
Adalia: Pleasure to watch you two interact, as always.

Aristotle: You won't stab me. I've got a witness.
Lord Arnol: Turn around, Douglas.
Douglas: Turns around
Aristotle: ..Douglas?

Anne: My wife needs to be graceful, sophisticated, and coordinated.
Ginny: Hey Anne-
Ginny: Crashes into a table, falls and drags everything off the table with her
Anne: I want that one.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

[Dear Lucien, I never really liked you and I forget you existed]

Lucien: Well, fuck you too

[Dear Janice, Hi]

Janice: He knows me so well.

[Dear Colton, your hair looks like it was dyed with toothpaste]

Colton: Fine, I fucking change my style then

[Dear Mia, I actually forget you existed, too.]

Mia: (cries)

[Dear Hasuko, I think I remember you.]

Hasuko: I guess I did really misunderstanded him

[Dear Mary and Will, You both need jesus]

Marionette and William: (silence sounds)

[Dear Stephe, No matter what I said or did, I'll always be yours
Ps. Sorry for cursing everyone, haunting you and starting armogeddon]

Stephe: (Crying)

btw this was inspired by UntilDawnCreeps' Anohana in 30 seconds

@Starfast group

Ara: Andor is trying to convince me that Jackie is actually short for Jack In The Box and I don't think he realizes how close I am to completely losing it.

Milo: Raise your hand if you like me
Keyla: What do I do if I don't like you?
Milo Then raise yOUR STANDARDS

Dallas: People who say ‘go big or go home’ seriously underestimate my willingness to go home. It’s literally my only goal for most of the day.

Milo: Live fast, die young, and leave behind a pretty corpse. That's what I always say!
Garzlan: You should say something else.

Brian: Walks into the kitchen
Holly: *wearing mismatching gloves and goggles, welding a sandwich together*
Brian: Okay, why don't we skip the "what" and go straight to "why?"

Kit: Ok, everyone, look alive.
Kit: Gerard, that's good enough.

Gerard: Honestly I’d love to relax but it’s just not realistic.

Holly: The year is 2023, Marie Kondo holds Jeff Bezos by the skin on the back of his neck-
Jackie: This is the future we, as a society, need.

@knightinadream group

Seokju: Am I in trouble?
Kimin: Have a guess.
Seokju: No?
Kimin: Have another guess.

[Hyungwon going out at night]
Hyungwon, to everyone: No alcohol, no parties.
Hyungwon, to Minwoo: No summoning spirits.

Sebastian: [hits Adrian and runs]
Adrian: [stays still]
Sebastian: You're not gonna chase me?
Adrian: The only man I'll ever chase is the ice cream man.
Adrian: And Kimin, of course.

Matthew: I have a lot of jokes about unemployed people.
Matthew: But none of them work.
Moon Company:
Haeil: Jack, put down the knife.

Basil: Why is "pretty boy" considered an insult? Call me a pretty boy. Call me a pretty boy right now. I want to be the prettiest boy you've ever seen.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Brook: I have a lot of jokes about unemployed people.
Brook: But none of them work.
The Straw Hats:
Azami: Zoro, put down your swords.

[Nami going out at night]
Nami, to everyone: No alcohol, no parties.
Nami, to Brook: No summoning spirits.

Cavendish: Raise your hand if you like me
Bartolomeo: What do I do if I don't like you?
Cavendish: Then raise yOUR STANDARDS

Law: You often use humor to deflect serious trauma.
Azami: Thank you.
Law: I didn't say that was a good thing.
Azami: What I'm hearing is that you think I'm funny.

@_Gro0vy_ group

Owen: Hey, kid! Wanna become member of the resistance and overthrow a government facility”
Tori: Uh… I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.
Owenswerving past a black unmarked van : That’s the spirit!

Lark, angrily: You wanna fight??? You wanna catch these hands???
Owen: [holds Lark’s little fists]
Lark: Okay, I'm calm now.

Owen:Lark, can you turn the lights on?
Lark: I don't have to, you're the only light that I need in my life.
Owen: That's very sweet and all, but I can't see.

Spencer: I think Lark messed up our Picnic.
Tori : awwe look at this! [holds up a post-it note that says "I love you so much!"]
Spencer: Oh, that explains this then.
Spencer: [holds up a post-it note that says "Please be good. For the love of God, be good, dont do anything stupid"]

Tori: Lays across a table trying to be seductive
Tori, winking at Spencer: Hey-
The table: Breaks


(Who made that, I have to find it)

(the original was not monotone, i changed that to fit the character better, but it's by @fidelmtz_ . 10/10 video, have watched at least 5 times)

@knightinadream group

Kidnapper: We have your sons.
Tony: I don't have children.
Kidnapper: Then who is this kid talking to a chicken and a guy who keeps singing WAP?
Tony: Oh my Lord, they have Fen and Jason.

Jack: I am seeing someone.
Seokju: As in dating or hallucinations?
Adrian, holding the ouija board: Stop it Jack. Seokju's busying. Let's continue playing.

Phillip: Breathe if you think I'm cute.

Sebastian, burritoed in 3 comforters: I am the blanket taco. The beginning and end of comfort. I am the couch potato, the king of sleepy and the superhero of watching cartoons all day.
Matthew: You've been wrapped like that for 8 hours, you sure you're okay?
Sebastian: …I'm stuck and really have to pee.

Fen: Fuck.
Tony: Where did he hear that?!
Ezra: Yeah, where did the fuck did he heart that?
Tony: Alright, I see what's going on here.

Maeng: Sorry, but I can't do what you say this time.
Hyungwon: What do you mean "this time"? You've never done anything I said not even once since I've known you.