forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@larcenistarsonist group

Thaddeus: Sparrow…
Sparrow: Oh no, 'Sparrow' in b-flat.
Sparrow: You're disappointed.

Bane: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Rune: You were flirting with Fennec.
Bane: So what? He's my partner.
Rune: You asked him if he was single.
Rune: And then you cried when he said she wasn’t.

Sparrow: Am I in trouble?
Thaddeus: Take a guess.
Sparrow: No?
Thaddeus: Take another guess.

Bane: So what’s for dinner?
Thaddeus, staring at the food he just burnt: Regret.

Fennec: I turned out perfectly fine!
Rune: this morning you thought a ghost made your toast

@threesacult group

Cyrus: I turned out perfectly fine!
Magnus: This morning you thought a ghost made your toast.
Cyrus: I didn't put the bread in! You didn't put the bread in!

Tetra: Poli…
Poli: Oh no, 'Poli' in b-flat.
Poli: You're disappointed.

@Starfast group

Dallas: Why did you become an artist?
Andor: I've always hated making money and being taken seriously.

Gerard: Nobody can get the truth out of me because even I don’t know what it is. I keep myself on a constant state of utter confusion.

Milo: I wanted to apologize.
Ravina: Good.
Milo: Let me finish. I wanted to, and then I realized, I’m not sorry.

Milo: Well, remember when you told me not to burn down the village?
Garzlan: You burned down the village?!
Milo: No, I had the fire put out almost immediately. This is a success story.

Ara: "Don't lie to people" is all very good until you remember how funny it is to give the wrong birthday to astrologists and have them go "that explains so much about you."

Ara: Andor, please take your hat off.
Andor: *removes hat to reveal another hat*
Andor: I can do this fourteen more times.

Holly: So what’s for dinner?
Jackie, staring at the food she just burnt: Regret.

Kit: You're 'the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans', what does that mean?
Crispin: It means you’re the second worst thing to happen to those orphans.
Kit: Yeah, but what’s the first worst thing?
[Awkward pause]
Crispin: Sound, they… they weren’t always orphans.

Savona: Okay, help me please!
Calidor: Got two words for you.
Savona: I bet they won't be helpful.
Calidor: Your problem.
Savona: I was right

Milo: My life isn’t as glamorous as my wanted poster makes it look like.

Ara: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestion box.
Dallas: But – that’s just a trash can.
Ara: It sure is!

Crispin: Come on, you only live once.
Gerard: That's honestly such a relief. I don't think I could do this bullshit twice.
Crispin: You and me both.

@HighPockets group

Marisol: Why did you become an artist?
Harper: I've always hated making money and being taken seriously.

Victor: Nobody can get the truth out of me because even I don’t know what it is. I keep myself on a constant state of utter confusion.

Gabriel: Well, remember when you told me not to burn down the village?
Cordelia: You burned down the village?!
Gabriel: No, I had the fire put out almost immediately. This is a success story.

Jackson: "Don't lie to people" is all very good until you remember how funny it is to give the wrong birthday to astrologists and have them go "that explains so much about you."

Lysander: You're 'the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans', what does that mean?
Carrie: It means you’re the second worst thing to happen to those orphans.
Lysander: Yeah, but what’s the first worst thing?
Awkward pause
Carrie: They… they weren’t always orphans, Dumont.

Nich: My life isn’t as glamorous as my wanted poster makes it look like.

@HighPockets group

Percy: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something.
Douglas: You don't have bad luck, Olivier. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.

Oscar: You love me, right Nathaniel?
Nathaniel: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.

Joan: Nich.
Nich: Oh no, 'Nich' in b-flat.
Nich: You're disappointed.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Tommy: You're 'the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans', what does that mean?
Nick: It means i was second worst thing to happen to those orphans.
Tommy: but what’s the first worst thing?
Awkward pause
Nick: Tommy, they…they weren’t always orphans.


@threesacult group

Cyrus: Why did you want to become an artist before?
Anthony: I've always hated making money and being taken seriously.

Quill: Nobody can get the truth out of me because even I don’t know what it is. I keep myself in a constant state of utter confusion.

Dally: My life isn’t as glamorous as my wanted poster makes it look like.

Quill: Takes a free sample twice
Quill: I love robbery and fraud.

@Pickles group

Hunter: You're 'the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans', what does that mean?
Parsley: It means I was second worst thing to happen to those orphans.
Hunter: but what’s the first worst thing?
Awkward pause
Parsley: Hunter, they…they weren’t always orphans.


Sulaiman: He was 'the second-worst thing to ever happen to that orphan.' What does that mean?
Aqua: It means Galahad was the second-worst thing to happen to me.
Sulaiman: But what was the first worst thing?
Awkward pause
Aqua: Sulaiman, I… I wasn't always an orphan.

@larcenistarsonist group

Thaddeus: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Sparrow: 'Prettiest Smile'
Bane: 'Nicest Personality'
Fennec: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'
Rune: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'

Thaddeus: Bye Sparrow! Bye Bane! Bye Rune! Bye Fennec! Bye Sparrow!
Fennec: You said ‘bye Sparrow’ twice.
Thaddeus: I like Sparrow.

Fennec: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff.
Bane: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
Rune: I recorded the dumb stuff.
Sparrow: I joined in on the dumb stuff.

Sparrow: Anyone d-
Thaddeus: Depressed?
Rune: Drained?
Bane: Dumb?
Fennec: Disliked?
Sparrow: -done with their work… what is wrong with you people…

Sparrow, trying to convince Thaddeus to join the group: You know… I thought it'd be good to have someone come along who's really… strong!
Fennec: And old!
Bane: And grumpy!
Rune: And oblivious to reality.

Thaddeus: Favorite horror movie?
Sparrow: It
Bane: Saw
Rune: Annabelle
Fennec: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics

Bane: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
Sparrow: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
Bane: Three of us saw it, Sparrow. How do you explain that?
Sparrow: [points at Thaddeus] Sleep deprivation. [points at Rune] Paranoia. [points at Fennec] Delusional personality disorder.

Thaddeus: Are we really going to let Sparrow keep Bane?
Rune: We kept Fennec.

Fennec: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one!
Sparrow: Tubular AF!
Bane: Mood to the max!
Rune, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it.
Thaddeus, just as annoyed: If she breathes, she’s a square.

Thaddeus: What does 'take out' mean?
Sparrow: Food.
Bane: Dating.
Rune: Murder.
Fennec: It can mean all three if you're dedicated enough.

Thaddeus: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?
Sparrow: Rude.
Fennec: That’s fair.
Rune: Not again.
Bane: Are you going to want this back?

Thaddeus: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Bane will and will not eat.
Sparrow: Grass? Yes!
Thaddeus: Moss? Yes.
Sparrow: Leaves? Ohh, yes!
Thaddeus: Shoelaces? Strange but true.
Sparrow: Worms? Sometimes!
Thaddeus: Rocks? Usually nah.
Sparrow: Twigs? Usually!
Thaddeus: Fennec's cooking? Inconclusive.
Rune: How did you… test this?
Thaddeus: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it.
Rune: … I don’t know how to feel about this.

Thaddeus: Nothing in life is free.
Sparrow: Love is free!
Bane: Adventure is free.
Fennec: Knowledge is free.
Rune: Everything is free if you're fast enough.


Varian, trying to convince Graham to help them: You know… I thought it'd be good to have someone come along who's really… strong!
Leaoni: And old!
Kara: And grumpy!
Alune: And oblivious to reality.

Trace: Are we really going to let Varian keep Pipes?
Leaoni: We kept Aris.

Takeo: Nobody can get the truth out of me because even I don’t know what it is. I keep myself in a constant state of utter confusion.

Varian: My life isn’t as glamorous as my wanted poster makes it look.

Kara: Takes a free sample twice
Kara: I love robbery and fraud.

Hastur: Well, remember when you told me not to burn down the village?
Alune: You burned down the village?!
Hastur: No, I had the fire put out almost immediately. This is a success story.

Frost: "Don't lie to people" is all very good until you remember how funny it is to give the wrong birthday to astrologists and have them go "that explains so much about you."

Alune: Varian…
Varian: Oh no, 'Varian' in b-flat.
Varian: You're disappointed.

Leaoni: So what’s for dinner?
Kara, staring at the food she just burnt: Regret.

Hastur: You're 'the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans', what does that mean?
Leaoni: It means you’re the second worst thing to happen to those orphans.
Hastur: Yeah, but what’s the first worst thing?
[Awkward pause]
Leaoni: They… they weren’t always orphans, Hastur.

@HighPockets group

Nell: Bye Therese! Bye Nich! Bye Joan! Bye Samuel! Bye Therese!
Nich: You said ‘bye Therese’ twice.
Nell: I like Therese.

Henry: Anyone else d-
Geneva: Depressed?
Victor: Drained?
Jackson: Disliked?
Henry: -done with their work? What is wrong with you people?

Jon, to Oliver: You know… I thought it'd be good to have someone come along who's really… strong!
Ansel: And old!
Kira: And grumpy!
Darius: And oblivious to reality.

Jackson: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
Henry: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
Jackson: Three of us saw it. How do you explain that?
Henry, pointing at Geneva: Sleep deprivation.
Henry, pointing at Victor: Paranoia.
Henry, pointing at Beck: Schizophrenia.

Titania: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Robin will and will not eat.
Aspen: Grass? Yes!
Titania: Moss? Yes.
Aspen: Leaves? Ohh, yes!
Titania: Shoelaces? Strange but true.
Aspen: Worms? Sometimes!
Titania: Rocks? Usually nah.
Aspen: Twigs? Usually!
Titania: Aspen's cooking? Inconclusive.
Oberon: How did you… test this?
Aspen: You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it.
Oberon: I don’t know how to feel about this…
Oberon: Wait, is that where all my shoelaces went?

@Tidermelon group

Flufferson, to Silverstein, trying to convince him to join them on an expedition: You know… I thought it'd be good to have someone come along who's really… strong!
Applecore: And old!
Dire: And grumpy!
Permafrost: And oblivious to reality.


Lynn: Can people make mistakes?
Varian: Yes.
Lynn: And it's okay?
Varian: Of course.
Lynn: So if you made a mistake -
Varian, already sobbing: I made a mistake?!
Lynn: If! If you made a mistake -

Trace: I may love you. But I will not jump in front of shit for you. No grenades, no bullets, no weapons of any kind. The simple reason is I can't jump and I'm not fast. Imagine how awkward it would be if I flopped onto your dead body one beat late in front of the murderer.
Trace: He'd laugh at us.

Zatian: Say one nice thing to each other or die in thirty seconds.
Leaoni: Thirty seconds….alright. Twenty-nine more seconds until I die, I'm so excited.

Madam Margo: Marcello, you know I love my family but that's no reason why I should have to acknowledge them in broad daylight.

Graham: This weekend's safety brief! Don't add to the population, don't subtract from the population. Don't end up in the hospital, newspaper, or jail. If you end up in jail, establish dominance quickly. Have a good weekend.

@HighPockets group

Alice: I may love you guys, but I won't jump in front of shit for you. No grenades, no bullets, no weapons of any kind. The simple reason is I can't jump and I'm not fast. Imagine how awkward it would be if I flopped onto your dead body one beat late in front of the murderer.
Alice: He'd laugh at us.

Rhoda: Quinn, you know I love my family, but that's no reason why I should have to acknowledge you in broad daylight.

Marcus: This weekend's safety brief! Don't add to the population, don't subtract from the population. Don't end up in the hospital, newspaper, or jail. If you end up in jail, establish dominance quickly. Have a good weekend.

@Tidermelon group

Dark: This weekend's safety briefing! Don't add to the population, don't subtract from the population. Don't end up in the hospital, newspaper, or jail. If you end up in jail, establish dominance quickly. Have a good weekend.

@threesacult group

Vio: Zee, you know I love my family, but that's no reason why I should have to acknowledge you in broad daylight.

Cyrus: This weekend's safety brief! Don't add to the population, don't subtract from the population. Don't end up in the hospital, newspaper, or jail. If you end up in jail, establish dominance quickly. Have a good weekend.

Quill: We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Azzi will and will not eat.
Cyrus: Grass? Yes!
Quill: Moss? Yes.
Cyrus: Leaves? Ohh, yes!
Quill: Shoelaces? Strange, but true.
Cyrus: Worms? Sometimes!
Quill: Rocks? Usually nah.
Cyrus: Twigs? Usually!
Quill: Cy's cooking? Inconclusive.
Magnus: How did you… test this?
Cyrus: You just hand xem stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if xe eats it, xe eats it.
Magnus: I don’t know how to feel about this…
Magnus: Wait, is that where all my shoelaces went?

Zee: Why isn’t the statue smirking at me?
Tetra: It isn’t smirking at anyone, they’re all just imagining it.
Zee: Three of us saw it. How do you explain that?
Tetra, pointing at Vio: Sleep deprivation.
Tetra, pointing at Poli: Paranoia.
Tetra, pointing at Drinn: Schizophrenia.

@HighPockets group

Erik: This weekend's safety brief! Don't add to the population, don't subtract from the population. Don't end up in the hospital, newspaper, or jail. If you end up in jail, establish dominance quickly. Have a good weekend.

@Pizzaz11 group

Infano: My mom was horrible

Jay: oh shit, mine too

Skystar:…you guys have moms?

Patient: No way! You faked those results!!!!!!!!1!1!!!!

Claire: ah yes, I spent years and thousands of dollars in collage just to one day mess with you, how silly of me

Sky: So yeah I have a ghost that's always possessing me but sometimes lets me in control-

Layla:..ohhhhh so you WEREN'T having a mental breakdown everytime you put on a mask and ran around with a baseball bat, gotcha!

Lane: You're so stupid, I'm not gay, that guy is just really attractive


@Tidermelon group

Ice: So, yeah, I have a vengeful spirit that's always possessing me, but it sometimes lets me have control—
Greystone: … Ohhhhh, so you WEREN'T having a mental breakdown everytime you put on a mask and ran around with a baseball bat, gotcha!

Kira: So, yeah, I have a parasite that's always possessing me, but he sometimes lets me have control—
Ampharos: … Ohhhhh, so you WEREN'T having a mental breakdown everytime you put on a mask and ran around with a baseball bat, gotcha!


Gale: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Ali: 'Prettiest Smile'
Wilkes: 'Nicest Personality'
Alphie: 'Most likely to succeed'
Nikita: '…least likely to succeed'

Ali: My mom was horrible
Gale: Oh shit, mine too
Wilkes and Nikita in harmony :…you guys have moms?

Ali: I may love you guys, but I won't jump in front of shit for you. The simple reason being I'm not very fast. Imagine how awkward it would be if I flopped onto your dead body one beat late in front of the murderer.
Ali: He'd laugh at us

@LiteralCyborg group

Ethan: Okay, on the count of 3, let's both apologize.
Ethan: 1… 2… 3.
Ethan: See, now I'm just disappointed in both of us.
Minnie: In short; wear comfortable shoes, square your shoulders, and walk like you've been sent to murder Captain America.
Sage: Why in the name of aLL F/CKS-
Ethan: Oh, don't worry! I won't bite!
Ethan: I actually did bite a kid once-
Ethan: I can and will sleep anywhere so long as it isn't a bed.
Sage: For f/cks sake Ethan, get out of the dishwasher!
Minnie: No no, move over, I'm gettin' in with ya.
Minnie: I'm goin to the zoo for some dippin dots, y'all want any-
Reese: I have four moods; "f/ck this", "f/ck that", "f/ck me", and "f/ck you".
Sage: I have an additional four; "f/ck yeah", "f/ck no", "f/ck my life", and "f/ck everything".
Ethan: Don't forget the inevitable "f/ck it"!
Minnie: F / c k
Ethan: I'm watching a sports
Ethan: The sports did good
Minnie: Did the ball go?
Ethan: F/ck dude, it sure did-
Reese: I am currently opposed to having children as I not only object to being born, but I refuse to force life upon another.