forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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Sprinkles257 group

Here are some incorrect quotes with two of my OC's, Stephen and Chelsea. Just for context, they're a happily married couple. Stephen is a kind, perfectionistic, and scatterbrained scientist, and Chelsea is a confident, charismatic writer who bakes as a hobby!

Chelsea: What is your biggest weakness?
Stephen: I can be uncooperative.
Chelsea: Okay, can you give me an example?
Stephen: No.

Chelsea: Three words. Say them and I'm yours.
Stephen: Three words.

Chelsea: Is something burning?
Stephen: Just my love for you.
Chelsea: Stephen, the toaster is on fire.

Chelsea, pointing: May I sit there?
Stephen: That's my lap.
Chelsea: That doesn't answer my question, Stephen.

Stephen: Change is inedible.
Chelsea: Don't you mean inevitable?
Stephen, spitting out coins: No, I did not.

Chelsea: What do you call a fish with no eyes?
Stephen, not looking up: Myxine cicifrons.
Chelsea: fsh

Stephen: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Chelsea: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Stephen: Absolutely not.

That's all for now! Thank you for reading!! :D

@HighPockets group

Ayla: What is your biggest weakness?
Carrie: I can be uncooperative.
Ayla: Okay, can you give me an example?
Carrie: No.

Hank: Is something burning?
Clive: Just my love for you.
Hank: Clive, the toaster is on fire-

Jackson: What do you call a fish with no eyes?
Victor, not looking up: Myxine cicifrons.
Jackson: fsh

@larcenistarsonist group

Sparrow: What is your biggest weakness?
Rune: I can be uncooperative.
Sparrow: Okay, can you give me an example?
Rune: No.

Bane: Is something burning?
Fennec: Just my love for you.
Bane: Fen, the toaster is on fire.

Kora, pointing: May I sit there?
Rune: That's my lap.
Kora: That doesn't answer my question, Rune.

Alexi: Change is inedible.
Atticus: Don't you mean inevitable?
Alexi, spitting out coins: No, I did not.

Sparrow: What do you call a fish with no eyes?
Thaddeus, not looking up: Myxine cicifrons.
Sparrow: fsh

@requiemisback language

juniper: [sobbing]

mariette: if someone asks if you “notice anything new” tell them “i do, your beauty surprises me every day”. then continue thinking about velociraptors

umi: that seems like the kinda thing a responsible parent wouldn't want you doing… good thing I'm an granddad!

@Starfast group

Taven: No, trust me. I have the leg strength of a killer whale.
Farli: Whales don't have legs, you idiot.

Kit: didn’t anyone teach you to say “please” and “thank you”?
Crispin: please, shut the fuck up
Crispin: …thank you

Ara: Anyone d-
Dallas: Depressed?
Holly: Drained?
Andor: Dumb?
Brian: Disliked?
Ara: -done with their work… what is wrong with you people …

Andor: What do you call a fish with no eyes?
Ara, not looking up: Myxine cicifrons.
Andor: fsh

Ravina: if someone gave you two hundred dollars because “you’re ugly” would you take it?
Milo: i’m not gonna turn down two hundred dollars because someone else has bad eyesight.
Keyla: what if you were a millionaire?
Milo: irrelevant

@requiemisback language

delilah: what do you call a fish with no eyes?
may, not looking up: myxine circifrons.
delilah: fsh

luca, texting: wou will machete through this!
luca: *make it
luca: do not machete your way through this
delilah: too late

juniper: on a scale from 1 to australia, how dangerous is this plan?
mariette: throwing an apple at may.
juniper: jeez, we are NOT doing something that dangerous.

@requiemisback language

juniper: i love heritage!! fuck, i meant skeletal structure-

killian: i eat leather for protein

juniper: i will respond to like, literally any name at this point
may: hows your day scuzzbucket

luca, to killian and juniper: i think you both have ptsd
killian: yeah i have ptsd: proficient talent for sucking d*ck
luca: i think we also need to talk about the fact that you use humor as a coping mechanism, killian.
killian: i don’t think you understand how funny what i just said was

juniper: when you fall in love, your fears change.
luca: you're afraid that something will happen to killian?
juniper: no no. you don't understand. i am afraid of killian.

@HighPockets group

Grady, to Clive and Hank: I think you both have PTSD.
Clive: Yeah, I have PTSD: proficient talent for sucking dick.
Grady: I think we also need to talk about the fact that you use humor as a coping mechanism, Carlyle.
Clive: I don’t think you understand how funny what I just said was.
Hank, in the background: Facepalms

@Mojack group

KR-15: Bones, we tried things your way,

Bones: No, we didn’t.

KR-15: I did it in my head and it didn't work.

Thrillseeker: Fuck capitalism. It’s a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn’t fair. You shouldn’t need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.

Thrillseeker: playing monopoly Sorry, if you wanted to win, you should have tried not being poor.

Bones: You need to show them that you’re stronger than you actually are.

Thrillseeker: gasp is that what you do?

Bones: Oh, no. My strength isn’t an illusion. I could demolish them if given the chance.

Radisa: Who knew getting in trouble would be so hard?

Echo: I’ve gotta give you credit, Thrillseeker. I don’t know how you do it.

Thrillseeker: Years of practice.

@requiemisback language

delilah: hey guys, i had a dream that i was in a clown enrichment center buying clown shoes.
juniper: are you sure it was a dream?

delilah; what a week, huh?
luca: del, it's wednesday.
delilah: we sure had quite a year.
luca: what are you talking about, it's may.

juniper: i could strangle you.
may: you can't reach high enough.
juniper: you've sunken so low that i can.

mariette: gen z culture is having two tabs of very serious articles on your phone, then the rest are fanfics you are either reading or writing
mariette: ma’am those are my emotional support unread fanfics tabs

@spacebluelily language

mariette: gen z culture is having two tabs of very serious articles on your phone, then the rest are fanfics you are either reading or writing
mariette: ma’am those are my emotional support unread fanfics tabs

that's a big mood

@HighPockets group

Grady: Niklos, we tried things your way,
Niklos: No, we didn’t.
Grady: I did it in my head and it didn't work.

Beck, normally: Fuck capitalism. It’s a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn’t fair. You shouldn’t need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Beck, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win, you should have tried not being poor.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Judge: I order you to pay $10,000
Jay: What! Why??
Judge: It's a fine.
Jay, sadly: no itsa not…
Shane: You're deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are!
Memphis, sobbing: IT'S NOT A JOKE, I'M A FUCKING SNACK.
Craig: [staring deadpan into the camera with a microphone in hand] And here you can see the endangered Eric Doe in their natural habitat.
Eric: [falls down the stairs, spilling his cereal everywhere]
Craig: Natural selection is coming for this specimen.
Jack: Why do I have to be the mom of the group?
Markus: because I’m baby and Dennis is an Aries
Dennis: what’s nostalgia mean?
Markus: Ah, it’s when you miss something that’s really old.
Eric: I’m back!
Memphis: We missed you!
Dennis, whispering: nostalgia.
Eric: Why are any of us here, really?
Zoo security guard: Well, I'm asking you, specifically.
Eric, after discussing slang with Craig: I have decided that I am, in fact, a snack. People are just not hungry.
Memphis, under his breath: I'm fucking starving-
Memphis: Dude! What are you doing in my room, it's 1 in the morning?!
Markus, frantically: I need you to teach me how to use emojis-
Shane: To be honest, I think of you all as fr… f…
Jay: Almost there!
Shane: F… fffff… frien…
Colton: Take your time.
Colton: I'm very proud of you, kid
Craig: try changing your words
Colton: oh wig you did THAT
Jay: omg Colton thank u sm!!
Jack: [sees a ladybug]
Jack: [tips hat] ma'am
Memphis: [Carves 'M + S' into a tree]
Shane: What a dork.
Shane: [Adds '4 eva']
Dennis: Hey, if I ask you a boy question, do you promise not to be weird?
Craig: I promise.
Dennis: So there’s this guy, Sleepy-
Craig, firmly: You can do better.
Memphis: happy father's day to the man who called the cops on me when he didn't find me in my room sleeping in the middle of the night and thought I snuck out of the house.
Memphis: I was downstairs in the kitchen eating cereal and also 20. cheers, Eric.

@requiemisback language

juniper: you have got to stop breaking into my house.
killian: i wouldn’t have to, if you’d just give me a key.

may: …are you fucking kidding me?

delilah: glass is just sand that vibrated too quickly, change my mind

luca: this is your chance to be the bigger person.
killian: i don't want to be the bigger person.
killian: being the small and petty person is way more fun.

@HighPockets group

Geneva: You have got to stop breaking into my apartment.
Jackson: I wouldn’t have to if you’d just give me a key.

Grady: This is your chance to be the bigger person.
Niklos: I don't want to be the bigger person.
Niklos: Being the small and petty person is way more fun.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Kostya: Best reason to date a dancer, go
Tess: Trained knees
Kostya: Oh I'm definitely taking advantage of that in the near future
Kit: So I'm just a sex toy to you?
Kostya: With favorable settings, yes

@Williamnot group

Jarrod: if someone gave you two hundred dollars because “you’re ugly” would you take it?
Felix: i’m not gonna turn down two hundred dollars because someone else has bad eyesight.
Jarrod: what if you were a millionaire?
Felix: irrelevant

[comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread]
Melissa: imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Jarrod: it would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Austin: if you want information it is
Felix: why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?

Austin: all in all, a 100% successful trip.
Melissa: Austin, we lost Felix.
Austin: all in all, a 100% successful trip.

Melissa: What is your biggest weakness?
Austin: I can be uncooperative.
Melissa: Okay, can you give me an example?
Austin: No.

Jarrod: Three words. Say them and I'm yours.
Felix: Three words.

Jarrod: Is something burning?
Felix: Just my love for you.
Jarrod: Felix, the toaster is on fire.

Emily: Change is inedible.
Melissa: Don't you mean inevitable?
Emily, spitting out coins: No, I did not.

Felix: What do you call a fish with no eyes?
Jarrod, not looking up: Myxine cicifrons.
Felix: fsh

Felix: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Jarrod: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Felix: Absolutely not.

@Williamnot group

Austin: if someone asks if you “notice anything new” tell them “i do, your beauty surprises me every day”. then continue thinking about your pointless existance

Felix to Emily: that seems like the kinda thing a responsible parent wouldn't want you doing… good thing I'm not related to you!

Felix: No, trust me. I have the leg strength of a killer whale.
Jarrod: Whales don't have legs.

Felix: didn’t anyone teach you to say “please” and “thank you”?
Austin: please, shut the fuck up
Austin: Thank you.

Jarrod: Anyone d-
Austin: Depressed?
Felix: Drained?
Emily: Dumb?
Melissa: Disliked?
Jarrod: -done with their work… what is wrong with you people …

Melissa, texting: wou will machete through this!
Melissa: make it
Melissa: do not machete your way through this
Austin: [
sends picture of himself holding a monster head*]
Austin: too late

Melissa: on a scale from 1 to australia, how dangerous is this plan?
Jarrod: Accidentally knocking Emily down in front of Austin
Felix: No even I'm doing something that dangerous.

Melissa: I think Austin might have PTSD
Felix: Yeah, proficient talent for sucking dick.
Melissa: You're really not helping Felix.
Austin: I don’t think you understand how funny that was.

Felix: Jarrod, we tried things your way,
Jarrod: No, we didn’t.
Felix: I did in my head and it didn't work.

Austin: Fuck capitalism. It’s a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn’t fair. You shouldn’t need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Austin, playing monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win, you should have tried not being poor.

Felix: You need to show them that you’re stronger than you actually are.
Emily: Is that what you do?
Felix: Oh, no. My strength isn’t an illusion. I could demolish them if given the chance.

Melissa: Who knew getting in trouble would be so hard?
Jarrod: I’ve gotta give you credit, Jarrod. I don’t know how you do it.
Felix: Years of practice.

Felix: I had a dream that i was in a clown enrichment center buying clown shoes.
Austin: are you sure it was a dream?

Austin; what a week, huh?
Melissa: Austin, it's wednesday.
Austin: we sure had quite a year.
Melissa: It's may.

Felix: I could strangle you right now.
Jarrod: You can't reach high enough.
Felix: You've sunken so low that i can.

Judge: I order you to pay $10,000
Felix: What! Why??
Judge: It's a fine.
Felix: no itsa not…

Jarrod: You're deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are!

Melissa: [staring into the camera with a microphone in hand] And here you can see the endangered Austin Dunn in their natural habitat.
Austin: [falls down the stairs, spilling his cereal everywhere]
Melissa: Natural selection is coming for this specimen.

Jarrod: Why do I always have to be the mom of the group?
Felix: because I’m baby and Austin is an Aries
Austin: I'm not an aries
Felix: because I'm baby and Austin is an asshole

Austin: Why are any of us here, really?
Zoo security guard: I'm asking about you, specifically.

Felix: To be honest, I think of you all as fr… f…
Melissa: Almost there!
Felix: F… fffff… frien…
Jarrod: Take your time.

Emily: [sees a ladybug]
Emily: [tips hat] ma'am

Jarrod: [Carves 'J + F' into a tree]
Felix: What a dork.
Felix: [Adds '4 eva']

Austin: you have got to stop breaking into my house.
Melissa: i wouldn’t have to, if you’d just give me a key.

Melissa: …are you fucking kidding me?

Austin: glass is just sand that vibed too hard, change my mind

Jarrod: this is your chance to be the bigger person.
Felix i don't want to be the bigger person.
Felix: being the small and petty person is way more fun.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Lockwood Time!!!

Isla: [coughs violently]
Zack: Don't die!
Isla: Don't tell me what the fuck to do
Will: Now that I've explained this math problem for the third time, do you understand the question?
Beth, voice cracking: y-yes
Will: ,,,
Will: Are you lying to me?
Beth, on the verge of tears: Yes.
Rose: Why are you ignoring Angelica?
Collin: Im playing hard to get.
Rose: Don't do that. You're already hard to want.


(Side story gang)

Chase: Levi…what are you doing?
Levi, led on the kitchen floor with bugles on all his fingers, sobbing. Do you ever just get sad?
Chase:…It's 3am.

Esmeralda: if someone asks if you “notice anything new” tell them “I do, your beauty surprises me every day”. then continue thinking about your pointless existence

Claudia: No, trust me. I have the leg strength of a killer whale.
Alice: Whales don't have legs.

Levi, texting: you will machete through this!
Levi: make it
Levi: do not machete your way through this
Alice: [sends a picture of herself holding a monster head*]
Alice: too late

Esmeralda: I think Levi might have PTSD
Chase: Yeah, proficient talent for sucking dick.
Esmeralda: You're really not helping Chase.
Levi: I don’t think you understand how funny that was.

Alice: Chase, we tried things your way,
Chase: No, we didn’t.
Alice: I did in my head and it didn't work.

Esmeralda: Who knew getting in trouble would be so hard?
Alice: I’ve gotta give you credit, Claude. I don’t know how you do it.
Claudia: Years of practice.

Esmeralda; what a week, huh?
Levi: Es, it's Wednesday.
Esmeralda: We sure had quite a year.
Levi: It's May.

Judge: I order you to pay $10,000
Chase: What! Why??
Judge: It's a fine.
Chase: no itsa not…

Levi: You're deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are!
Chase, sobbing: It's not a joke, I'm a legit fucking snack.

Levi: Why are any of us here, really?
Zoo security guard: I'm asking about you, specifically.

Levi: [sees a ladybug]
Levi: [tips hat] ma'am

Esmeralda: you have got to stop breaking into my house.
Alice: I wouldn’t have to if you’d just give me a key.

@HighPockets group

Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread
Geneva: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Victor: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Geneva: If you want information it is.
Martha: Why would you stab a person when you can have toast?

Victor: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Henry: I want you to have a decent sleep schedule.
Victor: Absolutely not.

@HighPockets group

Beck: If someone asks if you “notice anything new”, tell them “I do, your beauty surprises me every day”. Then continue thinking about your pointless existence.

Jackson: No, trust me. I have the leg strength of a killer whale.
Victor: Whales don't have legs.

Lydia, texting: You will machete through this!
Lydia: *Make it
Lydia: Do not machete your way through this!
Tereza: Too late.

Oona: I think Hank might have PTSD
Clive: Yeah, proficient talent for sucking dick.
Oona: You're really not helping, Clive.
Clive: I don’t think you understand how funny that was.

Victor: What a week, huh?
Henry: Vic, it's Wednesday.
Victor: We sure had quite a year.
Henry: It's May.

Hank: You're deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are!
Clive, sobbing: It's not a joke, I'm a legit snack.

Beck: Why are any of us here, really?
Zoo security guard: I'm asking about you, specifically.

Robin: Sees a ladybug
Robin: Tips hat
Robin: Ma'am


Marie: I think Richard might have PTSD
Henry: yeah, Proficient Talent for Sucking Dick
Marie: You're really not helping, Henry.
Henry: I don't think you understand how funny that was

Henry: If someone asks if you “notice anything new”, tell them “I do, your beauty surprises me every day”. Then continue thinking about your pointless existence.

Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread
Henry: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Marie: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Richard: If you want information it is.
Catherine: Why would you stab a person when you can have toast?

@HighPockets group

Jackson: Geneva offered me her drink because I said I was thirsty.
Jackson: I did not expect to take a sip of vodka at 6:30 in the morning-

@Starfast group

Milo (To Savona and Calidor): So, how did you two meet?
Cal: Well, we're siblings so we met at home.

Andor: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Andor: Haha, I don't really. Just having a little fun.

Ara: Andor offered me his drink because I said I was thirsty.
Ara: I did not expect to take a sip of vodka at 6:30 in the morning-

Gerard: What a week, huh?
Adelia: Gerard, it's Wednesday.
Gerard: We sure had quite a year.
Adelia: It's May.

Ara: Now that I've explained this math problem for the third time, do you understand the question?
Dallas, voice cracking: y-yes
Ara ,,,
Ara Are you lying to me?
Dallas, on the verge of tears: Yes.

Crispin: [coughs violently]
Kit: Don't die!
Crispin: Don't tell me what the fuck to do

Andor: happy father's day to the man who called the cops on me when he didn't find me in my room sleeping in the middle of the night and thought I snuck out of the house.
Andor: I was downstairs in the kitchen eating cereal and also 20. cheers.

Crispin: i could strangle you.
Kit: you can't reach high enough.
Crispin: you've sunken so low that i can.