forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@requiemisback language

Embry: The real secret to immortality? Not dying. You want to be an immortal? Ok easy. Just don't die. That's it. Refuse to die. There you go.
Embry: But "how" you may ask. Easy. Just don't do it. Refuse to. Say "no thanks."

Embry: If you ever trip and fall in public, get up, laugh to yourself, and say to anyone looking: "Sorry, it's just been so long since I inhabited a body."

Chrins: How do tall people sleep? Wouldn't their feet go right past the blanket?
Embry: Chrins, it's three in the morning.
Chrins: You can't sleep?
Mayou: Is it the blanket?

Mayou: Can you please be serious for five minutes?
Embry: My record is four, but I think I can do it.

@larcenistarsonist group

Caliga: What's it like to be taller than 5'2"? Is it nice? Can you comfortably reach cupboards?
Geobi: We live in constant fear of the short ones, who will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.

Thaddeus: I’ve created a map of all the places the new twelve gods are.
Sparrow: That’s…a map of the whole country.
Thaddeus: I have no idea where they are.

Hyo: Well, I already know I'm going to hell.
Hyo: At this point, it's go big or go home.

Kora: In short; wear comfortable shoes, square your shoulders, and walk like you've been sent to murder Queen Sapphire.
Alexi: What the hell-

Sparrow: Oh, don't worry! I won't bite!
Sparrow: I actually did bite a kid once-

Bane: If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world stays the same.
Rune, from across the room: KILL TWO

[On their wedding night]
Fennec: [crying]
Bane: What’s wrong?!
Fennec: I can’t believe you like me

Thaddeus: Have you ever been told your tenacity can be a bit intimidating?
Sparrow: Yes, every day of my life since primary school.

Thaddeus: I am at a loss for words!
Fennec, narrating: Despite being at a loss for words, Thad yelled at Sparrow for the next ten minutes.

Solizha: We need to talk about your level of maturity.
Hyo, having just shoved Aarion off of the couch: Bold words for someone who's standing in lava.

Thaddeus: Hey, how do you like your coffee?
Sparrow: As dark and bitter as my soul.
Thaddeus: Aight, one glass of milk, coming right up

Sparrow: What is love?
Thaddeus: A neurochemical reaction.
Rune: An emotional minefield
Fennec: ooH, Baby don't hurt me~

Thaddeus: So what are all of your skills?
Bane: I have impenetrable skin.
Rune: I can move without making a noise.
Fennec: I am immune to any level of heat.
Sparrow: I make good life decisions.
Thaddeus: That’s not really-
Fennec: No, trust us. She’s our most important member.

Geobi, teaching Aarion how to drive a car: Okay, you're driving and Caliga and Daedra walk into your path. Quick, what do you hit?
Aarion: OK. Wow. That’s a hard question
Aarion: I’d have to say Caliga.
Geobi:…The brakes, Aarion. You hit the brakes.

Queen Sapphire: Atticus gave me a get better soon card.
Bax: Aww, that’s sweet!
Queen Sapphire: I wasn’t sick. He just thought I could do better.

Alexi: Were you dropped as a child?
Kora: Bold of you to assume I was held.
Atticus: Are you OK?

Thaddeus: Your existence is confusing.
Sparrow: How so?
Thaddeus: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.

@Pizzaz11 group

Jay: What's it like being taller than 5'2"? Is it nice? Can you comfortably reach cupboards?

Infano: We live in constant fear of the short ones, who will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want

Skystar: Were you dropped on the head as a child?

Infano: bold of you to assume I was held.



Skystar: are you OK?

Jay: How do tall people sleep? Wouldn't their feet go right past the blanket?

Infano: Jay, it's three in the morning

Jay: you can't sleep?


Nebula: is it the blanket?

@requiemisback language

Mayou: What’s with the creepy Furby?
Embry: Oh, It’s possessed-
Mayou: …And you kept the possessed Furby because….?
Embry: What can I say, I like their sense of humour.

Mecha, to Embry: What the fuck do you mean "April isn't the 3rd month of the year"

Mecha: [kicks “G” off Graveyard sign]
Mecha: Let’s get this party started

Embry: When someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying 'Haven’t decided yet' is typically a good response.

Embry: Tell me something I don’t know.
Mecha: The past tense of William Shakespeare would be Wouldiwas Shookspeared.
Embry:…what the fuck?

Embry: Bye Mecha! Bye Mayou! Bye Chrins! Bye Lairan! Bye Mecha!
Mayou: You said ‘bye Mecha’ twice.
Embry: I like Mecha.

@LiteralCyborg group

Minnie: Tell me about yourself!
Reese: I get jealous of my phone when it dies.
Minnie: rEESE NO-
Ethan: I think I did a bad thing…
Reese: Does it affect me?
Ethan: No, but-
Reese: Then suffer in silence.
Ethan, rolling down car window: What seems to be the problem officer?
Rando cop: Get the F/CK out of my car-
Reese: So what did you do when Sage asked you out for the first time?
Minnie: I panicked and dabbed
Sage: What's going on with him?
Minnie, trying not to laugh: It's nothing really-
Minnie: We did it… we won!
(Villain of the week slowly stands back up)
Sage: (Starts to point)
Minnie: NO. We won. I am NOT turning around and looking at it. WE. WON.
Sage: I really hope you two have a good explanation for this-
Minnie: We actually have three.
Ethan: Pick your favorite.
Reese: You guys know that stuff can kill you, right?
Ethan: (Lighting a cigarette) That's the whole point.
Sage: (Pouring her 5th shot) We're trying to speed up the process.
Minnie: (Nodding vigorously with a mouthful of raw cookie dough)
Sage: Minnie has no self-preservation skills left. Her need to win has decimated them.
Ethan: I'm not so sure about tha-
Sage: No no, watch.
Sage: Hey Mina! Race you to the bottom of the stairs!
Minnie: (Throws herself out the window)
Captain Halo: What are your superpowers, Mina?
Minnie: Uh, exploding things, summoning sparks, enhanced strength and healing, fireproof skin, yo mama jokes-
Cap: Yo mama jokes?
Minnie: Well, I'm an orphan, so they can't say anything back.
Cap: Kid-

@requiemisback language

Mecha: LOOK at these hands!
Embry: I’m looking at ‘em.
Embry: They’re kinda small.

Embry, to Chrins: Sometimes I look at you and wonder, "How can someone be so perfect?"
Embry: And then you open your mouth and that illusion is gone.

Mecha: Talk dirty to me.
Mayou: The dishes
Mayou: You still haven't cleaned them, I have asked you to several times.

Mecha: How the hell do I talk to people
Chrins: Stand in front of them and press A

Mayou: I really hope you two have a good explanation for this-
Chrins: We actually have three.
Embry: Pick your favorite.


Lynn: Tell me about yourself!
Graham: I get jealous of my phone when it dies.
Lynn: Gray nO-

Seb: Four months.
Trace: What's up with him?"
Leaoni, trying not to laugh: It's nothing really -

Varian: We did it… we won!
(Monster of the week slowly stands back up)
Kara: (Starts to point)
Varian: No. We won. I'm not turning around to look at it. We. Won.

Leaoni: How the hell do I talk to people.
Trace: Stand in front of them and press A.

Kara: What’s with the creepy Furby?
Varian: Oh, It’s possessed-
Kara: …And you kept the possessed Furby because….?
Varian: What can I say, I like their sense of humour.

Hastur: If you ever trip and fall in public, get up, laugh to yourself, and say to anyone looking: "Sorry, it's just been so long since I inhabited a body."

@requiemisback language

Mayou: It's dark in here, does anyone have a flashlight?
Mecha: Yeah, just gimme two secs
Mecha: [cracks Embry's back like a glowstick]
Embry: [starts glowing]
Mayou, terrified:

@Tidermelon group

Rino: It's dark in here, does anyone have a flashlight?
Lime: Yeah, just gimme two secs
Lime: cracks Monyi’s back like a glowstick
Monyi: starts glowing
Rino, terrified:

@requiemisback language

Embry: Did you tell anyone we’re dating?
Mecha: I have no self control and told everyone we’re dating
Embry: There’s no need to be sarcastic right now
Mecha: No, seriously, I have no self control and told everyone we’re dating

Embry: Where’s Mayou?
Chrins: She went to go fight everyone who has ever insulted me
Embry: Ok, who's first?
Chrins: Herself. She’s been yelling at a mirror for the past 2 hours

Embry, in the middle of an argument: Bite me I dare you right now. Bite me bitch
Mecha, slamming their hand on the table: Don’t bring your fucking kinks into this

@Tidermelon group

Vincent: Where’s Acacia?
Jasper: She went to go fight everyone who has ever insulted me.
Vincent: Sounds fun, who's first?
Jasper: Herself. She’s been yelling into a mirror for the past 2 hours.

@larcenistarsonist group

Sparrow: Tell me about yourself!
Thaddeus: I get jealous of my phone when it dies.
Sparrow: Thad. nO-

Fennec: Four months.
Sparrow: What's up with him?"
Rune, trying not to laugh: It's nothing really -

Sparrow: We did it… we won!
(Monster of the week slowly stands back up)
Fennec: (Starts to point)
Sparrow: No. We won. I'm not turning around to look at it. We. Won.

Daedra: How the hell do I talk to people.
Aarion: Stand in front of them and press A.

Solizha: What’s with the creepy Furby?
Caliga: Oh, It’s possessed-
Solizha: …And you kept the possessed Furby because….?
Caliga: What can I say, I like their sense of humour.

Caliga: If you ever trip and fall in public, get up, laugh to yourself, and say to anyone looking: "Sorry, it's just been so long since I inhabited a body."

Geobi: It's dark in here, does anyone have a flashlight?
Hyo: Yeah, just gimme two secs
Hyo: [cracks Aarion's back like a glowstick]
Aarion: [starts glowing]
Geobi, terrified:

Thaddeus: I really hope you two have a good explanation for this-
Sparrow: We actually have three.
Fennec: Pick your favorite.

Sparrow: You guys know that stuff can kill you, right?
Thaddeus: (Lighting a cigarette) That's the whole point.
Rune: (Pouring her 5th shot) We're trying to speed up the process.
Bane: (Nodding vigorously with a mouthful of raw cookie dough)

Daedra: Hyo has no self-preservation skills left. Their need to win has decimated them.
Geobi: I'm not so sure about tha-
Daedra: No no, watch.
Daedra: Hey Hyo! Race you to the bottom of the stairs!
Hyo: (Throws theirself out the window)

Thaddeus: What are your superpowers, Rune?
Rune: Moving without making a noise, hand to hand combat, generic ninja skills, swordfighting, yo mama jokes-
Thaddeus: Yo mama jokes?
Rune: Well, I'm an orphan, so they can't say anything back.
Thaddeus: Kid-

@Tidermelon group

Red: We did it… we won!
(Villain of the week slowly starts to stand back up)
Windy: [Starts to point]
Red: No. We won. I'm not turning around to look at it. We. Won.

Soul: If you ever trip and fall in public, get up, laugh to yourself, and say to anyone looking, "Sorry, it's just been so long since I inhabited a body."

Scissors: Four months.
Lyra: What's up with him?
Scissors: FOUR MONTHS.
Rocket, trying not to laugh: It's nothing, really-

Sound: What’s with the creepy Furby?
Ice: Oh, it’s possessed.
Sound: … And you kept the possessed Furby because…?
Ice: What can I say, I like his sense of humor.

Soul: Now for some witty back-and-forth banter! You go first!
Spirit: incoherent violent screaming


Alune: There’s only one thing worse than dying.
Alune: [Rips off paper to reveal ‘Varian dying’.]
Varian, nodding: Me.
Alune: No-

Trace: What does coffee taste like?
Leaoni: Unfortunately not as good as it smells.
Trace:[nods] Ah, like shampoo.

Frost: We get along, right Leaoni?
Leaoni: I'd sell you to satan for a corn chip.

@requiemisback language

Embry: We did it… we won!
[Traitor of the week slowly stands back up]
Viktor: [Starts to point]
Embry: No. We won. I'm not turning around to look at it. We. Won.

Mayou: Just be yourself.
Viktor: Really? Mayou, I have one day to win over Mecha’s parents.
Viktor: How long did it take for you guys to like me?
Chrins: Couple of weeks.
Liam: Six months.
Embry: Jury’s still out.
Viktor: See Mayou? ‘Just be yourself,’ what kind of garbage advice is that?!

Embry: Croissants: dropped
Chrins: Road: works ahead
Mecha: BBQ sauce: on my titties
Liam: Shavacado: fre
Viktor: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead
Mayou: …I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you

Mecha: Babe, it’s time to get up
Embry: I’m not sleeping. I’m dead. Leave flowers and get out

Chrins: We get along, right Embry?
Embry: I'd sell you to satan for a corn chip.

@Starfast group

Dallas: Thoughts on the Gaboon viper?
Andor: Mostly just ‘OUUGHOHOHOHOOOOO’ if we’re being totally honest here

Ara: Hannibal is a case study in nominative determinism
Andor: Wait a second, I gotta google something.
Andor: Yeah, ok this is funny.

Milo: We get along, right Ravina?
Ravina: I'd sell you to satan for a corn chip.

Adelia: Babe, it’s time to get up
Gerard: I’m not sleeping. I’m dead. Leave flowers and get out

Andor: Croissants: dropped
Dallas: Road: works ahead
Jackie: BBQ sauce: on my titties
Brian: Shavacado: fre
Holly: Miss Keisha: fuckin dead
Ara: …I didn’t understand a single word of that and I hate every single one of you

@HighPockets group

Victor: Hannibal is a case study in nominative determinism
Jackson: Wait a second, I gotta google something.
Jackson: Yeah, okay, this is funny.

@Pickles group

Emily: Okay yeah I'm gonna make myself sick eating strawberry frosting by the spoonful but it's fucking good and I'm gonna do it and have no regrets
Mara: I support this

@requiemisback language

Luca: Shake it
Delilah: [shimmies]
Luca: I meant the bottle

May: What's your name, dumbass?!
Juniper: Who are you calling a dumbass?!
May: That is what I want to know.

Luca: Just don’t touch anything.
Delilah: Okay!
Delilah, after Luca leaves: I’m gonna touch everything.

May: I’m not saying I hate you, what I’m saying is that you are literally the Monday of my life.

Mariette, in an apron: Ah, May, you’re home.
Luca, in a matching apron: We missed you.
Delilah, wiping down the counter: Dinner’s about ready. Come sit down.
May: We are going to get kicked out of IKEA again. I can tell.

Mariette: Yes, hello 911 I’m being forced into adulthood and I don’t like it please send help

Delilah: Look! I made a spoon hat!
Luca: That explains why I have to eat my soup with a fork.

Delilah: [signs a legal document with a glitter pen]

Juniper: I'm 10 times funnier than you
May: 10 times 0 is still 0 though
Juniper: Jokes on you, I can't do math

Juniper: I learned some very valuable lessons from this.
Luca: I’m guessing they’re all horrible distortions of the lessons you actually should’ve taken away.
Juniper: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically god.
Luca: There it is.

@LiteralCyborg group

Ethan: What's the first thing you notice about a guy when he walks towards you?
Reese: The audacity
(Playing twister)
Ethan: Okay Minnie, right hand red.
Minnie: (Ends up underneath Sage)
Sage: Okay, you're doing this on purpose aren't you?
Ethan: Oh I stopped spinning like 7 turns ago, I'm honestly surprised that you two didn't notice.
Sage: Are you holding my hand?
Minnie: That was an accident.
Sage: …You're still holding my hand Mina-
Minnie: It's still an accident.
Ethan: Five girls that will ruin your life;
Ethan: 1. Minnie
Ethan: Minnie, if you're hearing this, give me back my goddamn thin mints
Reese: This is so dumb.
Minnie: The higher I am, the better I can see!
Reese: You can- you can fly-
Minnie: HUSH NOW REESE. I am s e a r c h i n g.
Minnie & Sage: Guys… we're dating.
Ethan: Alright, pay up Reese.
Reese (Mumbling): Goddamnit-
Ethan: Ugh, you guys aren't thinking straight!
Minnie: …But I'm not-
Ethan: You know that's not what I meant.
Sage: Neither am I-
Ethan: Oh. My. God.
Reese: You're not even-

@HighPockets group

Peter: What's the first thing you notice about a guy when he walks towards you?
Kate: The audacity

Playing twister
Aristotle: Okay, Percy, right hand red.
Percy: Ends up underneath Alessandra
Alessandra: Okay, you're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Aristotle: Oh, I stopped spinning like 7 turns ago. I'm honestly surprised that you two didn't notice.

Kels: Are you holding my hand?
Tereza: That was an accident.
Kels:…you are still holding my hand.
Tereza: It's still an accident!

Casey: Five girls that will ruin your life:
Casey: 1. Harper.
Casey: Harper, if you're hearing this, give me back my Thin Mints-

Beatrice: Ugh, you guys aren't thinking straight!
Oscar: …But I'm not-
Beatrice: You know that's not what I meant.
Nathaniel: Neither am I-
Beatrice: Oh. My. Gods.
Marian: You're not even-

@HighPockets group

Oleander: We did it! We won!
The Erl King slowly starts to stand back up
Iam: Starts to point
Oleander: No. We won. I'm not turning around to look at him. We. Won.

The Erl King: If you ever trip and fall in public, get up, laugh to yourself, and say to anyone looking, "Sorry, it's just been so long since I inhabited a body."

Titania: What’s with the creepy Furby?
Robin: Oh, it’s possessed.
Oberon: And you kept the possessed Furby because…?
Robin: What can I say? I like his sense of humor.

@HighPockets group

Tabitha: Thoughts on the Kreeli viper?
Kay: Mostly just ‘OUUGHOHOHOHOOOOO’ if we’re being totally honest here.

Beck: You know, Hannibal is a case study in nominative determinism
Casey: Wait a second, I gotta google something.
Casey: Yeah, okay, this is funny. Good job.

Kay: We get along, right Tabitha?
Tabitha: I'd sell you to the Director for a corn chip.

@Tidermelon group

May: What's the first thing you notice about a guy when he walks towards you?
Zinnia: The audacity.

Steven: Just don’t touch anything.
Zinnia: Okay!
Zinnia, after Steven leaves: Aster, I’m gonna touch everything.