forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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Lysander: it’s dark in here
Sara: don’t worry dude i got this
Sara: [stomps her feet]
Sara: [skechers light up]

Vieryri, going over Lindsay’s resume: okay, so right here, it states that you’re creative.
Lindsay: yes
Vieryri: okay… may i know what you create?
Lindsay: problems.

Sara: treat spiders the way you want to be treated.
Lysander: killed without hesitation.
Sara: no.

Ryan: bad things keep happening to me, like i have bad luck or something.
Lindsay: Ry, you don't have bad luck. the reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.

Lindsay: Roth… why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Lysander: your text told me to satanize the house before you returned.
Lindsay: i wrote sanitize, Roth.

@HighPockets group

Eliot: I'm rescuing you.
Tabitha, tied to a chair: Cool, do you have a plan?
Eliot: If I stop for long enough to think about what I'm actually doing I'm going to have a panic attack.
Tabitha: I'm taking command of this rescue.
Eliot: Please.

Samuel: You can’t just throw money at all your problems.
Darius: Throws a wad of cash at Samuel
Nich, from the sidelines: So are you gonna keep that or…

@HighPockets group

Victor: I didn't think you'd help.
Geneva: I still might not.

Tabitha: Don’t worry, I have a permit.
Pietyr: This just says “I can do whatever the hell I want”.


SB: Daddy?
Gill: Do I look like-

Finch: Don’t worry, I have a permit.
The Director: This just says “I can do whatever the hell I want”.

Finch: It’s dark in here
Gill: Don’t worry dude, I got this
Gill: [stomps his feet]
Gill: [skechers light up]

The Director, going over Gill’s resume: Okay, so right here, it states that you’re creative
Gill: Yes
The Director: Okay. May I know what you create?
Gill: Problems

Finch: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated
Gill: Killed without hesitation
Finch: No-

Finch: Gill… Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Gill: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned.
Gill: …
Finch: I wrote sanitize, Gill.

@larcenistarsonist group

Sparrow: I didn't think you'd help.
Thaddeus: I still might not.

Fennec: Don’t worry, I have a permit.
Bane: This just says “I can do whatever the hell I want”.

@Starfast group

Gerard: List of things that I'm handling well.
Gerard: 1.

Garzlan: What is your biggest weakness?
Calidor: I can be uncooperative.
Garzlan: Okay, can you give me an example?
Calidor No.

Ara: This is such a bad idea.
Andor: Then why are you coming along?
Ara: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.

Milo: i can explain.
Ravina: can you?
Milo: if you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.

@threesacult group

Jack: You think you want me to shut up? I have to listen to myself even when I’m not talking.

Dally: Did it hurt whe-
Anthony: Yes.
Dally: I didn’t even fini-
Anthony: Everything hurts.

Vio: Nothing in life is free.
Poli: Oh, stop being so cynical.
Poli: Everything’s free if you’re fast enough.

Elias: Why do you guys like the rain so much?
Quill: I like splashing in the puddles! :)
Perry: I’m trying to get hit by lightning.

The Sandman: You have no idea what I’m capable of!
Jack: Oh, I’m terrified. Should I go get a step stool so you can look me in the eyes while you threaten me?

Azazel: I’ve saved your life twice now!
Quill: Yeah, because you put it in danger twice!

Ellis: Anyone else terrified right now?
Zephyr: Not really. I’ve already lived longer than I expected to.

Perry: I’m too young to die, but too old to eat off the kid’s menu.
Perry: What kind of bullshit age am I?

Zephyr: Wait, you’re not coming with me?
Tetra: I’m not your mom, Zee.
Tetra, handing them a lunchbox: Now here’s your sandwiches, I’m picking you up at five

Anthony: Don’t limit yourself to only panicking at the disco. Panic everywhere.

Azazel: …So I might’ve broken one of Emmett’s inventions. How long do you think I have left to live?
Quill: Ten.
Azazel: Ten what?
Quill: Nine.


Varian: You think you want me to shut up? I have to listen to myself even when I’m not talking.

Aris: Did it hurt whe-
Ren: Yes.
Aris: I didn’t even fini-
Ren: Everything hurts.

Leaoni: Nothing in life is free.
Hastur: Oh, stop being so cynical.
Hastur: Everything’s free if you’re fast enough.

Varian: Why do you guys like the rain so much?
Pipes: I like splashing in the puddles! :D
Sally: I’m trying to get hit by lightning.

Hastur: I’ve saved your life twice now.
Alune: Yeah, because you put in danger twice!

Trace: Anyone else terrified right now?
Varian: Not really. I’ve already lived longer than I expected to.

Trace: Don’t limit yourself to only panicking at the disco. Panic everywhere.

@HighPockets group

Oliver: Nothing in life is free.
Jon: Oh, stop being so cynical.
Nich: Everything’s free if you’re fast enough.

Marisol: Why do you guys like the rain so much?
Harper: I like splashing in the puddles! :)
Beck: I’m trying to get hit by lightning.

Therese: You have no idea what I’m capable of!
Nich: Oh, I’m terrified. Should I go get a step stool so you can look me in the eyes while you threaten me?

Robin: I’ve saved your life twice now!
Oberon: Yes, because you put in danger twice!


Baby Foxxer: Daddy?
Phoenix (his actual dad): Do I look like-

Arson: Don’t worry, I have a permit.
Wasp: This just says “I can do whatever the hell I want”.

Mela: It’s dark in here
Thyver: Don’t worry dude, I got this
Thyver: [stomps his feet]
Thyver: [skechers light up]

Herb, going over Foxxer’s resume: Okay, so right here, it states that you’re creative
Foxxer: Yes
Herb: Okay. May I know what you create?
Foxxer: Problems

Mela: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated
Foxxer: Killed without hesitation
Mela: No-

Thyver: Foxxer… Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Foxxer: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned
Foxxer: …
Thyver: I wrote sanitize, Foxxer

Thyver: Story time!
Thyver: Everyone in this room was entirely straight
Quartz, Adi, Blue, Kio, Foxxer, Fleet, Spring, Corvid, Muse, and Zi:
Thyver: april fools
Foxxer: Fake news!

@trainwreck404 group

Frog: I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s a lot.

Shiloh: I am the nicest, sweetest, most rage-filled person I know

Dick: I love sleepovers.
Juniper: This isn’t a sleepover. You’re in the hospital.
Dick: Then why do I have this nightgown?
Juniper: That’s a hospital gown.
Dick: Truth or dare?
Juniper: …dare.

Frog: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Juniper: Wasn’t Dick with you?
Dick: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.


Ren: Aris…I owe you an apology.
Ren :
Aris: Okay…?
Ren: No, that was it.

Future Varian: Hey, I’m you from the future!
Varian: Yeah, obviously bitch.
Future Varian: I don’t - i don’t remember ever acting like that -

Kara, opening a Capri Sun: I guess I’ll just drink my sorrows away…

Varian: This was a terrible idea, why didn’t anyone stop me?
Alune: Because you didn’t tell me. Why didn’t you tell me?
Varian: If I told you, you would’ve stopped me!

Takeo: I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s a lot.

Trace: I am the nicest, sweetest, most rage-filled person I know.

@HighPockets group

Jackson: This was a terrible idea, why didn’t anyone stop me?
Morgan: Because you didn’t tell me. Why didn’t you tell me?
Jackson: If I told you, you would’ve stopped me!

Jackson: I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s a lot.

Titania: I am the nicest, sweetest, most rage-filled person I know.

@HighPockets group

Kristi: Hey, did you know a group of fish is called a family?
Matthew: Yeah, and a group of lions is called a pride.
Kate: A group of crows is called a murder.
Morgan: And a group of people is called a migraine.

Kristi: Have you considered calming down?
Kate: It's on my schedule, but I don't think I can fit it in until Tuesday.

@threesacult group

Cyrus: Physically, yes, I can fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.

Quill: So apparently, the “bad vibes” I’ve been feeling are actually severe psychological distress.

Anthony: Can I be frank with you guys?
Quill: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Magnus: Can I still be Magnus?
Cyrus: Shhh. Let Frank speak.

Dally, setting down a card: Ace of spades!
Cyrus, pulling out an Uno card: Sorry, Maggie, you’ve gotta draw four cards.
Quill, pulling out a Pokémon card: Uh, I’m gonna heal my Jolteon for 20 HP.
Magnus, holding Monopoly cash, desperately: Can someone please explain the rules to me?

Quill: Cy, I'm sad.
Cyrus, holding out her arms for a hug: It’s gonna be okay.
Quill: Perry, I'm sad.
Perry, nodding: mood.

Dally: Punch me in the face.
Anthony: Punch you in the face?
Dally: Yes, punch me in the face. Didn't you hear me?
Anthony: I always hear punch me in the face when you're speaking, but it's usually subtext.

Quill: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Jack: Certainly. I'm as sure as I am honest.
Quill: So we’re lost as fuck, then.

Cyrus: I told Maggie their ears flush when they lie.
Anthony: Why?
Cyrus: Look.
Cyrus: Hey, Maggie! Do you love us?
Magnus, covering his ears: No!

Vio: You gave Drinn a knife?!
Poli, shrugging: He said he felt unsafe.
Vio: Well, now I feel unsafe!
Poli: …Do you also want a knife?

Dally: How’s the cutest person here?
Anthony: I don’t know, how are y-
Jack, from across the room: I’m doing great, thanks!

Quil, watching Perry stare out the window: Perry’s so cool. I wonder what they’re thinking.
Perry, internally: Wednesday. Wed-nes-day. Whens-day? Wednesday??

Cyrus: Hey, do you like Anthony?
Dally: …No.
Cyrus: Then why do you draw “A + D” in little hearts everywhere?
Dally, panicking: It stands for, uh…anger and destruction.

Server: Welcome to Applebee’s, what can I get you?
Magnus: Uh, I’ll have the apple.
Server: Oh, we don’t actually serve apples.
Magnus, gulping: Th-then I guess I’ll have the bees.

The Sandman: What would you like to drink? Water, milk, tea, spiders-
Quill: Spiders?
The Sandman: Spiders it is, then!
Quill: Wait, no-

@Starfast group

Andor: I zoned out in high school once, and never zoned back in.

Taven: I'm really bad when it comes to noticing if people like me. Someone could smack the back of my head and I still wouldn't notice that they were into me.
Keyla: *smacks the back of his head*
Taven: Ow! What was that for?
Farli: You idiot! He just said that wouldn't work!

Garzlan: Are you still angry at him?
Ravina: Does this voodoo doll look enough like Milo to you?

Andor: What would you like to drink? Water, milk, tea, spiders-
Dallas: Spiders?
Andor: Spiders it is, then!
Dallas: Wait, no-

Taven, watching Milo stare out the window: Milo's so cool. I wonder what he's thinking.
Milo, internally: Wednesday. Wed-nes-day. Whens-day? Wednesday??

Ravina: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Milo: Certainly. I'm as sure as I am honest.
Ravina: So we’re lost as fuck, then.

Ara: Can I be frank with you guys?
Andor: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Dallas: Can I still be Dallas?
Andor: Shhh. Let Frank speak.

Eva: Nothing in life is free.
Caleb: Oh, stop being so cynical.
Crispin: Everything’s free if you’re fast enough.

Adelia: Why do you guys like the rain so much?
Caleb: I like splashing in the puddles! :)
Gerard: I’m trying to get hit by lightning :)

Keyla: Anyone else terrified right now?
Milo: Not really. I’ve already lived longer than I expected to.

@HighPockets group

Jackson: I zoned out in high school once, and never zoned back in.

Robin: What would you like to drink? Water, milk, tea, spiders-
Oberon: Spiders?
Robin: Spiders it is, then!
Oberon: Wait, no-

Percy: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Lord Arnol: Certainly. I'm as sure as I am honest.
Percy: So we’re lost then.


Graham: Are you on drugs?
Varian: You and I both know that this job does not pay enough for me to have a drug problem.

Desmond: Can I be frank with you guys?
Trace, severely sleep-deprived: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Kara: Can I still be Kara?
Leaoni: Shhh. Let Frank speak.

Varian: Punch me in the face.
Alune: Punch you in the face?
Varian: Yes, punch me in the face. Didn't you hear me?
Alune: I always hear punch me in the face when you're speaking, but it's usually subtext.

Leaoni: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Frost: Certainly. I'm as sure as I am honest.
Leaoni: So we’re lost as fuck, then.

Hastur: What would you like to drink? Water, milk, tea, spiders-
Varian: Spiders?
Hastur: Spiders it is, then!
Varian: Wait, no-

Takeo: I zoned out in high school once, and never zoned back in.

Kallai: Are you still angry at him?
Zatian: Does this voodoo doll look enough like Frost to you?

@HighPockets group

Robin: Physically, yes, I can fight a bird. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.

Oscar: So apparently, the “bad vibes” I’ve been feeling are actually severe psychological distress.

Geneva, setting down a card: Ace of spades.
Jackson, pulling out an Uno card: Sorry, Gen, you’ve gotta draw four cards.
Henry, pulling out a Pokémon card: Uh, I’m gonna heal my Jolteon for 20 HP.
Victor, holding Monopoly cash, desperately: Can someone please explain the rules to me?

Victor: Henry, I'm sad.
Henry, holding out his arms for a hug: It’s gonna be okay.
Max: I'm sad.
Alice, nodding: Mood.

Oscar: How’s the most attractive person here doing?
Nathaniel: I don’t know, how are y-
Percy, from across the room: I’m doing great, thanks!

Server: Welcome to Applebee’s, what can I get you?
Oberon: I’ll have the apple.
Server: Oh, we don’t actually serve apples.
Oberon, hesitantly: Th-then I guess I’ll have the bees.
Robin: That's the spirit!