forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@HighPockets group

Oliver: In short; wear comfortable shoes, square your shoulders, and walk like you've been sent to murder Duchess Marlott.

Robin: Oh, don't worry! I won't bite!
Robin: Actually wait, that's not true. I bit a child once.

@requiemisback language

Juniper: In short; wear comfortable shoes, square your shoulders, and walk like you've been sent to murder God himself.

Juniper: Oh, don't worry! I won't bite!
Juniper: Actually wait, that's not true. I bit a child once.

Delilah: I'm watching a sports
Delilah: The sports did good
Juniper: Did the ball go?
Delilah: Fuck dude, it sure did-
Juniper: :o

@LiteralCyborg group

Reese: I want to be a caterpillar.
Ethan: …Explain??
Reese: Eat a lot, sleep for a while, wake up beautiful.
Sage: You know those things have a lifespan of like, two days, right?
Reese: That's another highlight.
Ethan: rEESE nO-
Sage: If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world stays the same.
Minnie, w/ her mouth full of cheetos from across the room: KILL TWO
Minnie: How you holdin' up, Ethan?
Ethan: I am a festive pinata and God is a thirteen-year-old boy with a stick whose parents just announced their divorce.
Minnie: …
Minnie: Same tbh-
Minnie: They may be idiots but-
Random citizen: My life is in the hands of an idiot??
Minnie: Nonononono- fOUr idiots.
Minnie: Oh! I have a Brita filter!
Sage: No, WE have a Brita filter- dO NOT PEE IN OUR BRITA FILTER, MINNIE
Reese: We need to talk about your immaturity.
Minnie, having just shoved Ethan off of the couch: Bold words for someone who's standing in lava
Ethan: Hey, how do you like your coffee?
Reese: As dark and bitter as my soul.
Ethan: Aight, one glass of milk, coming right up

@requiemisback language

Luca: We need to talk about your immaturity.
Juniper, having just shoved Mariette off of the couch: Bold words for someone who's standing in lava

Luca: Your dad said I have four days to live
Mariette: You're sick??
Luca: No he just doesn't like me

Luca: I told Juniper that his ears turn red when he lies and now I can tell when he's lying.
Mariette: How?
Luca: I'll show you
Luca: Juniper, do you love us?
Juniper, covering his ears with his hands: No


Ram: Hey
Finch: Hey?
Ram: I can't sleep :/
Finch: I can. Goodnight.

Ram: L is for the way you look at me
Finch: O is for the only one I see
SB: V is very very extraordinary
Gill: Egg

Gill: What's your favourite kind of soup?
Finch: Ummmm chicken and vegetable…
Gill: A fine choice
Finch: Why thank you
Finch: What an odd first question though aha
Gill: You can tell a lot about somebody by their favourite soup
Finch: What can you tell about me?
Gill: You like chicken and vegetable soup

Gill: Once in fifth grade this kid called me a Homo and I thought it meant homeless and I was so confused I said "Jeremy, you've been to my house"

Gill: God nerfed me by making me allergic to Garlic and Sunlight
Ram: So, a vampire?
Gill: I can confirm that I am not a vampire as I have blood
Finch: Is it your blood?
Gill: It is blood, yes

@Tidermelon group

Oro: L is for the way you look at me
Feather: O is for the only one I see
Redwhisker: V is very very extraordinary
Otter: Egg

Rino: Once in fifth grade this kid called me a Homo and I thought it meant homeless and I was so confused I said "Avrax, you've been to my house.”

Salem: We need to talk about your immaturity.
Acacia, having just shoved Jasper off of the couch: Bold words for someone who's standing in lava.

@Starfast group

Dallas: I bring a "we should all just quit" vibe to the workplace that my bosses don't really like.

Milo: I learned some very valuable lessons from this.
Garzlan: i’m guessing they’re all horrible distortions of the lessons you actually should’ve taken away.
Milo: death isn’t real, and i’m basically god.
Garzlan: there it is.

Crispin: What's it like to be taller than 5'2"? Is it nice? Can you comfortably reach cupboards?
Kit: We live in constant fear of the short ones, who——in my experience——will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.

Taven: Did Keyla just tell me she loved me for the first time?
Farli: Yeah.
Taven: And did I do finger guns back?
Farli [sighing]: Yeah, you did.

Taven: I’ve created a map of all the places they could have taken Farli.
Keyla: that’s…a map of the whole continent.
Taven: I have no idea where they could have taken him.

Ravina: I think we have a problem
Milo: Is it about the fire?
Ravina: What fire?
Milo: Nothing

Dallas: English is a difficult language. it can be understood through tough thorough thought though.
Ara: I am begging you to stop.

Andor: Hey
Ara: Hey?
Andor: I can't sleep :/
Ara: I can. Goodnight.

Crispin: Oh, don't worry! I won't bite!
Crispin: I actually did bite a kid once-

Gerard: If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world stays the same.
Crispin from across the room: KILL TWO

Ara: In short; wear comfortable shoes, square your shoulders, and walk like you've been sent to murder God himself.

Ravina: Okay, on the count of 3, let's both apologize.
Milo: 1… 2… 3.
Ravina: See, now I'm just disappointed in both of us.

@squiddicus language

Ivy: How could you do this to me? I trusted you!
Bella, starting to panic: What have I done?
Ivy: You betrayed me!
Bella: But how?
Ivy: Yesterday, there were three cookies left, and now there are none. And you are the only one who knows where I hide them. How can I ever trust you again?
Bella: You do know that you woke up at 3am because you were hungry and ate all of them
Ivy: Oh
Ivy: Yeah, I remember…
Ivy: So… what is Liv up to these days-

Alice: Is anyone else scared?
Ivy: Not really, I’ve already lived longer than I was expecting.

Liv: We don't want any trouble.
Ivy: I do.

V: My powers have doubled since the last time we’ve met.
Ivy: Two times zero is still zero, loser.

Ivy: Ugh, I hardly slept last night.
Bella: When you can’t sleep, it means someone is thinking about you.
Ivy: Who would be thinking about me at 3AM?
Liv, at 3AM: I swear I’m going to kill Ivy she’s used my six-hours-worth-of-homework as ammunition against Bella

Florence: So what are all of your skills?
Ivy: I can fight anyone. Plus I can strangle people with home-made poison ivy
Bella: I can shoot fire out of my literal hands
Liv: I make good life decisions.
Florence: That’s not really-
Ivy: No, trust us. She’s our most important member.

Ivy: I’m 50% murder, 70% skills, and 80% fashion.
Liv: That’s 200%.
Ivy: That’s right. I’m twice the woman you’ll ever be.

Liv, teaching Ivy how to drive a tank: Okay, you're driving and Jordan and I walk into your path. Quick, what do you hit?
Ivy: OK. Wow. That’s a hard question
Ivy: I’d have to say Jordan.
Liv:…The brakes, Ivy. You hit the brakes.

Jordan: Ivy gave me a get better soon card.
Liv: Aw, that’s sweet!
Jordan: I wasn’t sick. She just thought I could do better.

Ivy: Were you dropped as a child?
Alice: Bold of you to assume I was held.
Ivy: Are you OK?

Liv: Your existence is confusing.
Ivy: How so?
Liv: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.

[On their wedding night]
Jordan: crying
Ivy: What’s wrong?!
Jordan: I can’t believe you like me

Jordan: Have you ever been told your tenacity can be a bit intimidating?
Liv: Yes, every day of my life since primary school.

Liv: I am at a loss for words!
Ivy, Narrating: Despite being at a loss for words, Liv yelled at me for the next ten minutes.

@HighPockets group

Jackson: I bring a "we should all just quit" vibe to the workplace that my bosses don't really like.

Shel: What's it like to be taller than 5'2"? Is it nice? Can you comfortably reach cupboards?
Kay: We live in constant fear of the short ones, who will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.

Lucas: I’ve created a map of all the places they could have taken Ophelia.
Giana: That’s…a map of the whole country.
Lucas: I have no idea where they could have taken him.

@requiemisback language

Embry: I bring a "we should all just quit" vibe to the workplace that my bosses don't really like.

Chrins: What's it like to be taller than 5'2? Is it nice? Can you comfortably reach cupboards?
Embry, who is 8'11: We live in constant fear of the short ones, who will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.

Embry: Well, I already know I'm going to hell
Embry: At this point it's go big or go home

Embry, to Chrins: Damn boy, are you the terms and conditions because I don't give a fuck what you have to say

Chrins: At least my dad thinks I'm cool
Lairan: No I don't

Mayou: I know we don't always see eye to eye on things-
Embry: That's because you're too short.


Amari: Out of curiosity, what number am I on your speed dial?
Leaoni: 7.
Amari: Who’s 6?
Leaoni: Chinese take-out.

Varian: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal', like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I haven't died once. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.

Pipes: What is love?
Alune: A neurochemical reaction.
Leaoni: An emotional minefield
Varian: ooH, Baby don't hurt me~

Takeo: I would stab you right now but my therapist said no.

Aris: I actually have a black belt
Ren: In what? Karate?
Aris: No, from Gucci

Leaoni about Varian: He's like the equivalent of that one racoon who just hangs out inside a gas station on top of the slurpee machine so persistently that he's given a name badge and an employee cubby in the break room.

Seb: I bring a "we should all just quit" vibe to the workplace that my boss doesn't really like.

Trace: What's it like to be taller than 5'2"? Is it nice? Can you comfortably reach cupboards?
Aris: We live in constant fear of the short ones, who will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.

Takeo: I’ve created a map of all the places they could have taken Alune.
Ren: That’s…a map of the whole country.
Takeo: I have no idea where they could have taken him.

Varian: Well, I already know I'm going to hell.
Varian: At this point, it's go big or go home.

Kara: In short; wear comfortable shoes, square your shoulders, and walk like you've been sent to murder Captain America.
Leaoni: What the fu-

Hastur: Oh, don't worry! I won't bite!
Hastur: I actually did bite a kid once-

@HighPockets group

Jackson: Out of curiosity, what number am I on your speed dial?
Geneva: 7.
Jackson: Who’s 6?
Geneva: Chinese take-out.

Kay: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal', like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I haven't died once. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.

Titania, about Robin: They're like the equivalent of that one raccoon who just hangs out inside a gas station on top of the slurpee machine so persistently that they're given a name badge and an employee cubby in the break room.

Beck: I bring a "we should all just quit" vibe to the classroom that my teachers don't really like.

Oleander: Well, I already know I'm going to hell.
Oleander: At this point, it's go big or go home.

Tabitha: In short; wear comfortable shoes, square your shoulders, and walk like you've been sent to murder Ms. Dollon.
Imogen: What the hell-

@HighPockets group

(Hi! Please don't use characters that aren't OCs in this thread; there's entire blogs dedicated to incorrect Marvel quotes that you could submit that to, but this thread is not that.)

@HighPockets group

Jon: We don't want any trouble.
Oliver: I do.

Oleander: My powers have doubled since the last time we’ve met.
The Erl King: Two times zero is still zero.

Victor: Have you ever been told your tenacity can be a bit intimidating?
Geneva: Yeah, every day of my life since elementary school.

@LiteralCyborg group

Sage: The Terra Legion does not condone violence! Or at least not murder… and usually not violence…
Ethan: The Terra Legion condones sending a message~
Reese, upon discovering Minnie in their room: How did you even get in here??
Ethan: Oh, don't worry. I let her in.
Ethan: Now for some witty back-and-forth banter! You go first!
Minnie: (incoherent violent screaming)
Minnie: It'll be fun! We'll make it a girls day!
Minnie: Come oooooonn!
Sage: I can't believe I have to say this.
Sage: I don't have time to overthrow the government with you tomorrow.
Minnie: Oh, but when ETHAN asks-
Sage: Look, that was different!
Sage: What the hell does the letter m stand for in "smexy"?
Ethan: M stands for slope
Sage: Thanks
Ethan: What if mike was short for micycle?
Reese: Y'know, sometimes I wish the 2012 apocalypse really happened-

@requiemisback language

Chrins: Now for some witty back-and-forth banter! You go first!
Embry: [incoherent violent screaming]

Embry: What the hell does the letter m stand for in "smexy"?
Mayou: M stands for slope
Embry: Thanks

Chrins: What if mike was short for micycle?
Embry: Y'know, sometimes is wish the 2012 apocalypse really happened-

@John-Mulaney-Killed-Princess-Diana group

Adri: What's it like to be taller than 5'2"? Is it nice? Can you comfortably reach cupboards?
Aviian: We live in constant fear of the short ones, who will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.

Baden: I’ve created a map of all the places they could have taken Adri.
Seraina: That’s…a map of the whole country.
Baden: I have no idea where they could have taken him.

Baden: Well, I already know I'm going to hell.
Baden: At this point, it's go big or go home.

Lennox: In short; wear comfortable shoes, square your shoulders, and walk like you've been sent to murder
Captain America.
Audrey: What the fu-

Seraina: Oh, don't worry! I won't bite!
Seraina: I actually did bite a kid once-

Adri: If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world stays the same.
Lennox from across the room: KILL TWO

[On their wedding night]
Aviian: crying
Seraina: What’s wrong?!
Aviian: I can’t believe you like me

Audrey: Have you ever been told your tenacity can be a bit intimidating?
Lennox: Yes, every day of my life since primary school.

Seraina: I am at a loss for words!
Aviian, narrating: Despite being at a loss for words, Eyena yelled at me for the next ten minutes.

Seraina: We need to talk about your immaturity.
Aviian, having just shoved Adri off of the couch: Bold words for someone who's standing in lava

Baden: Hey, how do you like your coffee?
Adri: As dark and bitter as my soul.
Baden: Aight, one glass of milk, coming right up

Adri: What is love?
Baden: A neurochemical reaction.
Seraina: An emotional minefield
Aviian: ooH, Baby don't hurt me~

Aviian: How could you do this to me? I trusted you!
Seraina, starting to panic: What have I done?
Aviian: You betrayed me!
Seraina: But how?
Aviian: Yesterday, there were three cookies left, and now there are none. And you are the only one who knows where I hide them. How can I ever trust you again?
Seraina: You do know that you woke up at 3 am because you were hungry and ate all of them
Aviian: Oh
Aviian: Yeah, I remember…
Aviian: So… what is Audrey up to these days-

Lennox: So what are all of your skills?
Baden: I can travel through time.
Adri: I can read other people's thoughts and sometimes even appear in their heads.
Aviian: I ignore the laws of the alternate dimensions.
Audrey: I make good life decisions.
Lennox: That’s not really-
Baden: No, trust us. She’s our most important member.

Aviian, teaching Seraina how to drive a car: Okay, you're driving and Baden and I walk into your path. Quick, what do you hit?
Seraina: OK. Wow. That’s a hard question
Seraina: I’d have to say Baden.
Aviian:…The brakes, Eyena. You hit the brakes.

Aviian: Baden gave me a get better soon card.
Adri: Aww, that’s sweet!
Aviian: I wasn’t sick. He just thought I could do better.

Seraina: Were you dropped as a child?
Adri: Bold of you to assume I was held.
Baden: Are you OK?

Seraina: Your existence is confusing.
Aviian: How so?
Seraina: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.

@HighPockets group

Kay: Now for some witty back-and-forth banter! You go first!
Kels: Incoherent violent screaming

Jackson: What the hell does the letter m stand for in "smexy"?
Victor: M stands for slope.
Jackson: Thanks.

Casey: What if Mike was short for Micycle?
Beck: Y'know, sometimes I wish the 2012 apocalypse really happened.